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中文書名 初版時間英文書名(斜杠後是美國版書名)
斯泰爾斯的神秘案件(斯泰爾斯庄園奇案) 1920 (PHJ) The Mysterious Affair at Style
暗藏殺機(年輕冒險家) 1922 T The Secret Adversary
高爾夫球場的疑雲 1923 PH Murder on the Links
褐衣男子 1924 R The Man in the Brown Suit
首相綁架案(短篇) 1924 PH Poirot Investigates
名苑獵凶(煙囪大廈之謎) 1925 B The Secret of Chimneys
羅傑.艾克羅伊德謀殺案(羅傑疑案) 1926 P The Murder of Roger Ackroyd
四大魔頭(四巨頭)(貴州出版社未包括) 1927 PH The Big Four
藍色特快上的秘密 1928 P The Mystery of the Blue Train
七面鍾之謎 1929 B The Seven Dials Myster
犯罪團伙(短篇) 1929 T Partners in Crime
神秘的奎恩先生(短篇) 1930 Q The Mysterious Mr. Quin
寓所迷案 1930 M The Murder at the Vicarage
斯塔福特疑案(神秘的西塔福特) 1931 The Sittaford Mystery / Murder at Hazelmoor
懸崖山莊奇案(海濱古宅疑雲、古屋疑雲) 1932 PHJ Peril at End House
死亡草(短篇) 1932 M The Thirteen Problems / The Tuesday Club Murders
死亡之犬(短篇) 1933 The Hound of Death
人性記錄(埃奇威爾爵士之死、不祥的宴會) 1933 PHJ Lord Edgware Dies / Thirteen at Dinner
東方快車謀殺案 1934 P Murder on the Orient Express / Murder on the Calais Coach
金色的機遇(短篇) 1934 The Listerdale Mystery
驚險的浪漫(短篇) 1934 YLO Parker Pyne Investigates / Mr. Parker Pyne Detective
懸崖上的謀殺 1934 Why Didn't They Ask Evans? / The Boomerang Clue (?)
三幕悲劇 1935 P Three Act Tragedy / Murder in Three Acts
雲中奇案 1935 PJ Death in the Clouds / Death in the Air
ABC謀殺案 1936 PHJ The ABC Murders
牌中牌(底牌) 1936 POBR Cards on the Table
古墓之謎(美索布達米亞謀殺案) 1936 P Murder in Mesopotamia
啞證人(沉默的證人) 1937 PH Dumb Witness / Poirot Loses a Client
尼羅河上的慘案(尼羅河謀殺案) 1937 PR Death on the Nile
幽巷謀殺案(短篇) 1937 P Murder in the Mews / Dead Man's Mirror
死亡約會 1938 P Appointment with Death
波洛聖誕探案記 1938 P Hercule Poirot's Christmas
無人生還(孤島奇案、十個印第安小孩) 1939 And Then There Were None / Ten Little Indians/Niggers
殺人不難 1939 B Murder Is Easy / Easy to Kill
短篇集(與其他短篇集重復,不收錄) 1939 v / The Regatta Mystery and Other Stories
H庄園的一次午餐 1940 P Sad Cypress
牙醫謀殺案 1940 PJ "One, Two, Buckle My Shoe" / The Patriotic Murders; An Overdose of death
陽光下的罪惡(艷陽下的謀殺案) 1941 P Evil Under the Sun
桑蘇西來客(諜海) 1941 T N or M?
藏書室女屍之謎(瑪帕爾小姐、書房女屍) 1942 M The Body in the Library
啤酒謀殺案 1943 P Five Little Pigs / Murder in Retrospect
平靜小鎮的罪惡(魔手) 1943 M The Moving Finger
走向決定性的時刻(零時) 1944 B Towards Zero
死亡終局 1945 Death Comes as the End
死的懷念(萬靈節之死) 1945 R Sparkling Cyanide / Remembered Death
空幻之屋 1946 P The Hollow / Murder After Hours
赫爾克里的豐功偉績(短篇) 1947 P The Labours of Hercules / The Labors of Hercules
遺產風波(漲潮時節) 1948 P Taken at the Flood / There is a Tide
短篇集(與其他短篇集重復,不收錄) 1948 P / Witness for the Prosecution and Other Stories
怪屋(畸形屋) 1949 Crooked House
謀殺啟事 1950 MC A Murder Is Announced
三個瞎老鼠(貴州出版社未包括)(短篇) 1950 v / Three Blind Mice and Other Stories
他們來到巴格達 1951 They Came to Baghdad
短篇集(與其他短篇集重復,不收錄) 1951 P / The Under Dog and Other Stories
清潔女工之死(清潔婦命案) 1952 PO Mrs. McGinty's Dead
庄園迷案(鏡子魔術) 1952 M They Do It with Mirrors / Murder with Mirrors
葬禮之後 1953 P After the Funeral / Funerals Are Fatal
黑麥奇案 1953 M A Pocket Full of Rye
目的地不明 1954 Destination Unknown / So Many Steps to Death
外國學生宿舍謀殺案(國際學舍謀殺案) 1955 PL Hickory Dickory Dock / Hickory Dickory Death
古宅迷蹤(假戲成真) 1956 POL Dead Man's Folly
命案目睹記 1957 MC 4.50 from Paddington / What Mrs. McGillicuddy Saw
奉命謀殺(無妄之災) 1958 Ordeal by Innocence
校園疑雲(鴿群中的貓) 1959 P Cat Among the Pigeons
雪地上的女屍(短篇) 1960 v The Adventure of the Christmas Pudding
白馬酒店 1961 O The Pale Horse
短篇集(與其他短篇集重復,不收錄) 1961 v / Double Sin and Other Stories
遲來的報復(破鏡謀殺案) 1962 MC The Mirror Crack'd from Side to side / The Mirror Crack'd
怪鍾疑案(鍾) 1963 P The Clocks
加勒比海之謎 1964 M A Caribbean Mystery
伯特倫旅館之謎(柏翠門旅館之謎) 1965 M At Bertram's Hotel
公寓女郎(第三個女郎) 1966 POL Third Girl
長夜(此夜綿綿) 1967 Endless Night
煦陽嶺的疑雲(拇指一豎) 1968 T By the Pricking of My Thumbs
萬聖節前夜的謀殺案 1969 PO Hallowe'en Party
天涯過客 1970 Passenger to Frankfurt
復仇女神 1971 M Nemesis
短篇集(與其他短篇集重復,不收錄) 1971 / The Golden Ball and Other Stories
舊罪的陰影(懸崖迷案) 1972 POL Elephants Can Remember
命運之門 1973 T Postern of Fate
蒙面女人(短篇) 1974 P Poirot's Early Cases
帷幕(幕、落幕-白羅的最後一案) 1975 PH Curtain: Poirot's Last Case
神秘的別墅(沉睡的謀殺案、死灰復燃) 1976 M Sleeping Murder
馬普爾小姐探案(短篇) 1979 M Miss Marple's Final Cases
神秘的第三者(短篇) 1992 V Problem at Pollensa Bay
捕鼠器劇本選集 1993 The Mousetrap and Selected Plays
原告的證人劇本選集 1993 Witness for the Prosection and Selected Plays
殘光夜影(短篇) 1997 While the Light Lasts
五彩茶具及其他(短篇集) 1997 The Harlequin Tea Set and Other Stories
情牽敘利亞(游記) 1946 Come Tell Me How You Live
阿加莎.克里斯蒂自傳 1977 An Autobiography
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