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發布時間:2021-12-16 04:48:10

Ⅰ 歐美青春校園小說有沒有


Ⅱ 推薦幾本外文的小說,要經典的

《愛的教育》義大利 亞米契斯 譯林版 夏丏尊譯
《續愛的教育》義大利 孟德格查 譯林版 夏丏尊譯
《巨人傳》法國 拉伯雷 上海譯文版
《愛彌爾》法國 盧梭 商務版
《懺悔錄》法國 盧梭 人文版
《老實人》法國 伏爾泰 江蘇文藝版
《悲慘世界》 法國 雨果 上海譯文版
《巴黎聖母院》 法國 雨果 上海譯文版
《歐有妮·格朗台》 法國 巴爾扎克 譯林版
《高老頭》 法國 巴爾扎克 譯林版
《紅與黑》 法國 斯丹達爾 人文版
《追憶似水年華》 法國 普魯斯特 譯林版
《包法利夫人》 法國 福樓拜 浙江文藝版
《薩朗波》 法國 福樓拜 譯林版
《羊脂球》 法國 莫泊桑 人文版
《磨坊書簡》 法國 都德 三聯版
《萌芽》 法國 左拉 人文版
《嘉爾曼》 法國 梅里美 譯林版
《高龍巴》 法國 梅里美 譯林版
《基督山伯爵》 法國 大仲馬 上海譯文版
《三個火槍手》 法國 大仲馬 上海譯文版
《茶花女》 法國 小仲馬 譯林版
《約翰·克里斯朵夫》 法國 羅曼·羅蘭 人文版
《苔依絲》 法國 法朗士 灕江版
《凡爾納科幻小說集》 法國 凡爾納
《棄兒湯姆·瓊斯史》 英國 菲爾丁 上海譯文版
《大衛·科波菲爾》 英國 狄更斯 人文版
《孤星血淚》 英國 狄更斯 上海譯文版
《雙城記》 英國 狄更斯 人文版
《名利場》 英國 薩克雷 人文版
《簡·愛》 英國 夏洛蒂·勃朗特 譯林版
《呼嘯山莊》 英國 艾米莉·勃朗特 海南版 梁實秋譯
《阿格尼絲·格雷》 英國 安妮·勃朗特 譯林版
《坎特伯雷故事》 英國 喬叟 上海譯文版
《魯濱遜漂流記》 英國 笛福 人文版
《格列佛游記》 英國 斯威夫特 譯林版
《苔絲》 英國 哈代 人文版
《傲慢與偏見》 英國 奧斯汀
《織工馬南》 英國 喬治·愛略特 上海譯文版
《蝴蝶夢》 英國 達夫妮·杜穆里埃 上海譯文版
《卡歇爾·拜倫的職業》 英國 蕭伯納 人文版
《彼得·潘》 英國 巴里 三聯版
《金銀島》 英國 史蒂文生
《刀鋒》 英國 毛姆 上海譯文版
《英雄艾文荷》 英國 司各特 上海譯文版
《吉卜林動物小說》 英國 吉卜林 上海文藝版
《福爾摩斯探案全集》 英國 柯南·道爾
《魔戒三部曲》 英國 托爾金 譯林版
《少年維特的煩惱》 德國 歌德 上海譯文版
《親和力》 德國 歌德 上海譯文版
《茵夢湖》 德國 施篤姆 譯林版
《凱旋門》 德國 雷馬克 上海譯文版
《特雷庇姑娘》 德國 保爾·海澤 灕江版
《格林童話》 德國 格林兄弟
《鐵皮鼓》 德國 君特·格拉斯 灕江版
《我的世紀》 德國 君特·格拉斯 上海譯文版
《羅馬風雲》 德國 蒙森 灕江版
《群鼠》 德國 豪普特曼 灕江版
《羅亭》 俄國 屠格涅夫 百花洲文藝版
《前夜》 俄國 屠格涅夫 譯林版
《獵人筆記》 俄國 屠格涅夫 人文版
《上尉的女兒》 俄國 普希金 上海譯文版
《葉夫根尼·奧涅金》 俄國 普希金 浙江文藝版
《當代英雄》 俄國 萊蒙托夫 譯林版
《戰爭與和平》 俄國 列夫·托爾斯泰 人文版
《復活》 俄國 列夫·托爾斯泰 人文版
《安娜·卡列尼娜》俄國 列夫·托爾斯泰 浙江文藝版
《罪與罰》 俄國 陀斯妥耶夫斯基 譯林版
《卡拉馬佐夫兄弟》 俄國 陀斯妥耶夫斯基 上海譯文版
《契訶夫小說集》 俄國 契訶夫 上海譯文版
《亞瑪》 俄國 庫普林 安徽文藝版
《總督大人》 俄國 安德列葉夫 安徽文藝版
《死魂靈》 俄國 果戈理 人文版
《狂人日記》 俄國 果戈理
《怎麼辦》 俄國 車爾尼雪夫斯基 人文版
《童年》 前蘇聯 高爾基 人文版
《我的大學》 前蘇聯 高爾基 人文版
《母親》 前蘇聯 高爾基 人文版
《在人間》 前蘇聯 高爾基 人文版
《苦難的歷程》 前蘇聯 阿·托爾斯泰 人文版
《靜靜的頓河》 前蘇聯 肖洛霍夫 人文版
《鋼鐵是怎樣煉成的》 前蘇聯 奧斯特洛夫斯基 人文版
《普通一兵》 前蘇聯 帕·茹爾巴 灕江版
《毀滅》 前蘇聯 法捷耶夫
《愛倫堡小說集》 前蘇聯 愛倫堡
《癌症樓》 前蘇聯 索爾仁尼琴 灕江版
《日瓦戈醫生》 前蘇聯 帕斯捷爾納克 灕江版
《湯姆叔叔的小屋》 美國 斯陀夫人 上海譯文版 以上的作品都是有名的名著,希望你喜歡。滿意的話請你採納,謝謝。

Ⅲ 請問誰能介紹幾本歐美校園青春小說啊






第六本是《101號寵物戀人》,HOHO,這個看的我好想哭阿,是易拉罐寫的,是一場沒有結局的愛情,你應該看看,確實很好的哦!呼呼,我打這么多字兒累了哦,故事簡介我就給你復制一下下咯,我適當修改以下哦! 膽小懦弱的貝路璐聽說有種方法能召喚到愛神,可以幫助她達成愛情心願。於是,暗戀尹洛的她千方百計地弄到一張尹洛……和另一個男孩的合照用來召喚愛神。可是,當她滿心期待地念完咒語後,召喚出來卻是死神!死神逼迫她說要被幹掉的是哪個的時候,她居然昧著良心指向了另一個男孩……
左戈比較帥,內心也有溫柔的一面,但他的境遇有點可憐,最後沒 有和露露在一起,也有點可惜,他們因誤會而彼此錯過!


這個嘛、、先推薦這幾本咯,你先看看吧,這些可是我辛辛苦苦一個字兒一個字兒敲出來的呢,好好看哦,否則對不起我,(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……開玩笑啦,祝你讀書愉快!!!

Ⅳ 求關於校園生活的英文微小說!!

Volunteer Your Time

Faced with the question whether it is worthwhile to spend a year or two voluntee ¬ring in western China, many college students would probably shake their heads, seeing it as a waste of valuable learning time. However, I will give an affirmative answer without hesitation, because this experience can apparently benefit us in many ways.

First, it is a great opportunity for us to apply the knowledge we have acquired at college. Different from temporary part-time jobs, a longer volunteer work experience is truly fulfilling and rewarding. As English majors, we can learn to use and teach the language effectively in real classes; as ecation majors, we can experiment with those textbook theories in helping manage a school or instruct the younger; those who study engineering can take this chance to turn their ideas and skills into running machines, new bridges and broad roads. From this experience, we will better understand our schoolwork and even build up considerable expertise in our chosen fields.

Second, we can gain a great sense of satisfaction by making contributions in an underdeveloped region. Right now, the western China is suffering from both the short ¬age of resources and that of talents in its course of development. If we can step into the needed roles by simply sacrificing a year or two, we will be able to make some differ¬ence to the situation as a whole. Imagine how proud you will be when telling your fami¬ly and friends how you have taught the illiterate to read, and how you have helped to change the look of a backward town. Compared with the great sense of pride you feel, a year's time is just a small price to pay.

Third, can establish a deep friendship with local people. On the one hand, if you truly love and help the people you work with, they naturally love and help you back. Take a senior I know for example, who served two months as a teacher in a dry northwestern town. During the period of water shortage, both his students and their parents voluntarily kept water for him, sometimes despite their own need. Recalling his days there, he said they were not easy but he could not help missing them. Probably many volunteers would feel the same as him. While we are giving care, support and help, we often get back more including a lasting friendship.

Therefore,I will readily sign up to volunteer in the western China despite various challenges I may meet. Think of the differences we can make there and the changes this experience can make to us, why not walk out of the ivory tower and step onto the promising land of our country?

Ⅳ 編校園小說英文 800字

Ah, but also a sunny Monday. I went into the classroom carrying a bag at the thought of their turn on ty as a squad leader, I get very excited, and worry that can give me trouble mischievous ghost. I do not think without worries : Maybe some of them will be good.

But what is difficult ty, it's difficult ......

Noon arrived, my work began. Preparatory bell just played, classroom writing only came a rustle. I think this has been a great success on ty in half. Where can I also know that even greater disaster behind it. first of all, speak several king surreptitiously began whispering, discuss it. graally, they openly and began to speak loudly. there is a little bit of trouble, they were talking about, along with the harsh sounds strange, the first rash helpless, I have to resist the army's offensive noise, had picked up the pointer, wildly pounding the podium, learn soprano teacher said aloud: "you people only when the teacher is not act violently mad; a teacher to you will quickly sit you really, really, really full of plicity I eventually paper tiger, then a high decibel army could not withstand the invasion I continue shouted:!. "you also speak, what you really want to rebel ! what? Some people make a face, continue to speak. Slowly, some senior funny king also enthusiastically involved in their faces make faces, sing sing, read comics comic, clown's clown. I saw some paper King afraid to speak, on the use of paper to be passed around. I really can not stand up to a higher decibel roar shouting Xiao. Several generals can not stand, and quickly withdraw withdraw. I shattered the glass in the infrasound enough, several generals had surrendered, were dropped. I thought Yiba storm subsided, but I know where one after another. In a few brave boys call, hornet's nest again bypassed. Then the scene became out of control. Impartial I could bear, he resorted to the killer ----- remember the name. But no matter how I like, they are always noisy. There are funny king, fight master, under the freak king cheer, voices getting louder and louder, the evil of your mind remember ah ah, anyway, I defy you to hum posture. I helplessly lost ace to several class cadre threw your hands up, shrugged and said: "Then what to do?" Then the teacher came in. He entered the classroom, the classroom became silent, and then look at those who Amy King, and all of a pen sitting straight. Just saw the teacher in the classroom 亂成一鍋粥 like, baleful criticized me. I 啞巴吃黃連 ----- suffering not to say ah! I thought: I be served our class these barons today.

Today, sour, depressed, feeling aggrieved intertwined. I walked in the playground, only gray playground accompany lost me. Suddenly, a tear dripped onto my lips. I feel this is not what that smell is, I do not know what it's like my heart is. I long called on the breath, burst after burst of anguish welled up in my mind.

All in all, today's work ended with my defeat, can only use four words to describe ----- miserable!

Ⅵ 介紹幾本帶點校園的西方玄幻小說!!!!











Ⅶ 那本校園小說中有英文歌timeless

I lie awake at night
See thing in black & white
I've only got U inside my mind
U know U have made me blind
I lie awake & pray
That U will look my way
I have all this longing in my heart
I knew it right from the start
Oh my pretty pretty boy I want U
Like I never ever loved no one before U
Pretty pretty boy of mine
Just tell me U love me too
Oh my pretty pretty boy I need U
Oh my pretty pretty boy I do
Let me inside make me stay right beside U

I used 2 write Ur name
And put it in a frame
And sometime I think I hear U call
Right from my bedroom wall
U stay a little while
And touch me with Ur smile
And what can I say 2 make U mine
To reach out 4 U in time
Oh my pretty pretty boy I want U
Like I never ever loved no one before U
Pretty pretty boy of mine
Just tell me U love me too
Oh my pretty pretty boy I need U
Oh my pretty pretty boy I do
Let me inside make me stay right beside U

Oh pretty boy ! Oh pretty boy !
Say U love me too !
Oh my pretty pretty boy I want U
Like I never ever loved no one before U
Pretty pretty boy of mine
Just tell me U love me too
Oh my pretty pretty boy I need U
Oh my pretty pretty boy I do
Let me inside make me stay right beside U

Ⅷ 求好看的外文小說名著


Ⅸ 現代英語校園青春小說




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