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㈠ 推薦一些有助於學英語的軟體,電影黃或者英語原著書


㈡ 找幾本封面比較好看的書 最好是英文詩集之類的 不要言情小說


㈢ 推薦一些提高英語閱讀水平的原版著作,適用於考研的

1. 《Pride and Prejudice》

2. 《A Tale of Two Cities》
盡管擺脫不了古典小說的大段說教,也無法避免英倫式的親密又略顯疏離的對話,沒有現代小說繁雜的敘事手法,小說仍舊靠單純講故事取勝。 恩怨情仇,故事很簡單。也是原著閱讀的上佳之選。

3. 《The Catcher in the Rye》

4. 《Jane Eyre》

5. 《Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone》

6. 《Peter Pan》 豆瓣評分:9

7. 《Sherlock Holmes》

8. 《Steve Jobs》
由著名傳記作家Walter Isaacson操刀的《喬布斯傳》,作為當代的暢銷書,其在遣詞造句方面非常注重表意的流暢與生動,而不同於很多其它晦澀的名人傳記作品。

9. 《The Great Gatsby》

㈣ 求一篇英語小說或電影的讀/觀後感

Gone With the Wind」 is quite famous. The story happens ring Civil War. Scarlet, the daughter of a farmer was beautiful and attractive. Before the war, her life was placid. But when the war broke out, her life changed totally. Her husband died because of disease, and she became a widow. However, she was different from other women. She couldn』t bear wearing dark clothes and staying at home all the time. Just at that time, Captain Butler came into her life. They were very similar, both treacherous and avaricious, so they soon became friends. Scarlet had to be feed the whole family, and this made her marble. Later on, Scarlet had her own factory, and was graally disliked by many people because of her arrogance.
Captain Butler was very wealthy and charming as well. He loved Scarlet, and before long, they got married.
On the other hand, Scarlet had been loving a man called Ashley for a long time, but Ashley had a wife, Melanie, who was respected by everyone, except Scarlet. Even after she got married with Butler, she still wanted Ashley.
《亂世佳人》的英文觀後感!很不錯的,要中文的話,可下一個靈格斯軟體翻譯一下就行了。Some time later, Scarlet and Captain Butler had a daughter. This made Butler become a kind father. But their daughter died. From then on, Scarlet and Butler quarreled much oftener than before. Otherwise, when Scarlet met Ashley on his birthday at the factory, people saw them hugging, and this made Butler fly into a rage.
Melanie fell sick and she was about to die. Scarlet talked with her beside her bed, and she suddenly realized that Melanie was her only female friend, and she loved her very much. She also realized she didn』t really love Ashley. But everything was too late. When she came back home, Captain Butler was leaving. Her tears couldn』t do any help, and she could only watch him leave.
This story figured a lady who was fortitudinous. But the society made her play hard, and her personality distorted. She only cared for money, and she didn』t care about other people』s feeling. When she finally regretted, Butler』s patience had been deplenished
In addition, Scarlet had a tag, 「 Tomorrow is another day.」 This showed that she was optimistic. When Butler left her, she also said, 「Tomorrow is another day.」 This sentence gave her courage, and made her feel much better. Maybe we should learn this point from her. No matter how difficult our life is, just face it optimistically, and tomorrow would be another day.

㈤ 好看的英文電影有哪些能不能推薦幾部





㈥ 什麼軟體可以看英文小說


㈦ 好看又可以學英語的美國電影大片


  1. 《阿甘正傳》



    Life is like a box of chocolate, you do not know where the next one out of what that smell is.人生如果不去堅持不去奮斗永遠都不會知道接下來會發生什麼事情。沒有人生來就是傻的,每個人都有自己獨特的秉性和天賦。每個人也都有自己的行事方式和人生。重要的是有阿甘一樣的堅韌不拔的精神。才能「傻人有傻福」。 歪膩君覺得好電影永遠不過時,更何況是如此勵志如此感人的影片,看多幾遍既可以激發人生的鬥志還可順道學多幾句英語口語。

  2. 《電子情書》




㈧ 高質量英文有聲小說有哪些推薦

能體現朗讀者功底的只有 fiction 文學類作品了,尤其是古典名著,那個 audiobook 真的是叫藝術品,咬詞,吐字,語氣,模擬,對文字內涵的詮釋,無一不神靈活現,至於 non fiction,往往只能看這個作者吐字是不是清晰音色是不是好聽了,對朗讀功底的要求其實並不高,嘿嘿,就好像我們聽中文,您是愛聽單田芳老師的《隋唐英雄傳》呢還是愛聽什麼經濟學入門指南的講座?
如果真的喜歡社科類作品,我推薦從理工科和商科大牛的自傳讀起,一般來說,自傳都是口述體,用詞往往偏容易,且所用語言偏實用,往往是描述性和敘述性語言,屬於學了之後就可以立刻上手用的單詞和用法,一本好的自傳或回憶錄往往也是帶你走入某個學科的極好契機,我推薦費曼的兩本自傳:Surely you are joking, Mr Feyman 和 What do you care about other people thinking,語言文字極為生動風趣,絕無流水賬之感,推薦。
一般來說,一本好的 audiobook,應當具備兩個標准:1,書寫得好;2,朗讀者讀得好。
比如說 Earthsea 地海傳說,書寫得極好,但朗讀者讀的像性交的喘氣,毫無美感可言,後來請了大牛 Rob Ingis 錄了一版,但 Rob 大氣磅礴的聲線明顯只適合指環王,不適合地海這種空靈作品,所以效果也詮釋的差強人意,我是真心希望 Emlia Fox 能來錄制一版,不過估計出版方應該不會想到請她來吧——地海我總是覺得只能是夜鶯一般的女孩子來朗讀
最可惜的是我個人認為最好看的都市傳說小說《德累斯頓檔案》,書寫的很屌,碉堡了,但是朗讀者很糟糕,在讀書的時候,錄音設備把他舔嘴唇的聲音都錄進去了,所以整本書聽著就很 creepy,就好像吃飯吧唧嘴那種惡心感,沒辦法看。
另外要提到的是 Roald Dahl 的作品,當然這個不是說達爾先生的書不好或者朗讀不好,事實上達爾的書往往配的是最好的朗讀者,角色演繹都是神靈活現的,但達爾的書戲劇感強烈,所以朗讀者往往做了較大的語氣和語速處理,書一般讀的飛快且語氣跌宕起伏,語言文字算是入門,但語速語氣往往是高階,絕不適合入門,更不適合小朋友了,除非是對達爾別具特色的童話超級喜愛的。
從這 5 點角度上,我只能說我最感興趣的:
1,最完全入門符合條件的,應該是 I Capture the Castle,雖然書到最後瑪麗蘇加狗血,但朗讀者是 Emilia Fox,堪稱夜鶯嗓音,不過 Emilia 讀的是刪節版。
2,同樣是 Emilia Fox 的作品,Never Let Me Go,她真正詮釋了憂傷這個詞,但書的主題問題,這書不太適合反復聽,老是令人黯然淚下,太虐心了。
3,Joyce Lin 的月夜仙蹤,講的是中國村莊的神話故事,書寫得極優美,中國元素非常濃厚,文筆卻非常簡單,當年 New Berry 的大獎得主,audiobook 非常好,這本書很適合童心未泯的人。
6,科幻的 I Robot,Scott Brick 朗讀版本公認最好,此公是新晉的美國有聲書大師,目前已讀完 600 多本書,我知道唯一比他多的是 Simon Vance,800 多本,就連美音有聲書的天下第一高手 Frank Muller 也只能以 300 多本甘拜下風。Scott 的寬廣聲線很適合科幻,今年出的那本著名科幻雲圖也是由他朗讀,而說到 I, Robot,書本身就寫得很簡單,朗讀得更是緩慢,入門不二之選。
9,Stephen Fry 的哈利波特,Fry 比 Jim Dale 那個版本容易的多,語音沉靜動聽,是男生學習 RP 的不二之選,BBC 腔調很濃厚,有點類似慢速的 BBC 的語速那個意思,但戲劇化不夠強烈,似乎不能很好的演繹出哈利波特的雄奇世界,有興趣可以嘗試 Jim Dale 那一版,但老 Jim 讀的太 JB 快了。
10,Neil Gaiman 的所有圖書,所有——Neil 的書多由他自己朗讀,想像力奇趣的童話,不管是墳場之書還是卡羅蘭,此公真正做到了用最簡單的單詞和最淺顯的句子寫最絢麗的童話,我至今還是記得,在所有作家中,只有 Neil 是唯一一個讓我從頭到尾不查字典就能讀下去的書,朗讀得也相當不錯。
11,女生可以選擇 Nicholas Sparks 這個人的書,書籍淺顯易懂,浪漫異常,且主題不偏不倚,一般女生都愛他,建議他的書都盲聽,聽完書本之後選擇最喜歡的一本反復閱讀背單詞和聽。
12, Demonata 魔域大冒險,書寫得很淺顯,audiobook 很贊。
13,Bridge to Terabithia 仙境之橋,紐伯瑞金獎得主。
14,Ella Enchanted 魔法灰姑娘
進階版:audiobook 朗讀者全介紹
http://audible.com 這個網站一定要經常上,雖然是賣東西的,但是世界上所有的有聲書基本都有,Narrator 也都有,而且都有試聽,這個是有聲書基地,所以有聲書迷要經常上,你可以試聽,可以找到自己喜歡的朗讀者其它書籍,可以看到別的書迷的打分來決定。
為了寫這個帖子,我做了不少 Google 和維基的工作,只要喜歡有聲書,差不多都可以算作是個比較傻瓜的入門指南。
個人把 Audiobook 和其朗讀者分成三類:
一般聽有聲書,最怕的往往就是聽到 narrated by the author 了……因為一般作家的聲音既不好聽,朗讀技巧也較差,完全不能讓人體會到朗讀和音色之美。
最爛的,就是我個人熱愛的 Bill Bryson 了……他親自朗讀的幾本游記,無一例外統統是糟粕,書寫的極棒,文筆超好,朗讀的跟白開水一樣,而且此公是美國人,在英國過了大半輩子,之後又回到美國,那個口音是鄉土的不能再鄉土了。相反,William Roberts 讀的他的書,卻往往充滿神韻,把紙張背後那個天真諧趣一臉賤笑的小老頭的形象詮釋的神靈活現,聽他一張口,你就能感覺到 Bill 就應該長這個樣子,所以你們可以理解我手賤點開 Bill 本人親自朗讀的音頻,那種天雷滾滾的幻滅感覺吧……
有幾個作家讀的還算是不錯,比如史蒂芬金大爺親自讀的自傳 On Writing,本書被李笑來老師隆重推薦為寫作 style 必讀之作,有聲書效果出奇的好,一開口那一句 literally bullshit 就把金這位有些孤傲的偉大作家形象表現出來了。
還有就是 Malcolm Gladwell 這位老兄的有聲書了(寫 Outlier 那個,這本暢銷書應該是人盡皆知了),他的五六本書都是自己朗讀,不過讀的質量,只能算無功無過吧,能聽得下去而已。
另一位需要 mention 下的作家是尼爾蓋曼 Neil Gaiman,星塵電影應該不少人看過,不過這位作家很奇怪,可能是出版社經費問題,幾乎所有的書都是他自己朗讀的,讀的還相當不錯,當然跟書本身的質量也有關系——他都是鄰家好叔叔講故事,而且是好聽的故事,充滿幻想的故事,這樣的故事誰不愛聽呢?
當然,蓋曼分量最重,獲獎最多,地位最高,上了史上最偉大幻想小說 25 強榜單的作品——《美國眾神》的朗讀者就不是他本人了,雖然書是英國作家寫的,不過故事卻發生在美國,而且主角也是老美,所以美國有聲書界的一位重量級大佬操刀朗讀了這套經典巨著,此人聲音在我個人的榜單中乃是排名前三甲的,更是和宇宙無敵最強朗讀者 Frank Muller 大爺平起平坐,我們稍後再說……
另外就是 EB White 的夏洛特的網,精靈鼠小弟,吹小號的天鵝,都是 EB White 朗讀,此公被稱為 20 世紀美國散文巨擘,可惜的是他一生都是短篇居多,出的幾本書都是當年在紐約客上面當年發表的一些散文集子,而最出名的書,還不是上面這三本經典童話,而應該是 The Element of Style 這本小書,他的三本童話,都是由這位好叔叔自己朗讀,不知道為什麼這么多年沒有出版社想過找專業的朗讀者詮釋下,但是讀的還不錯,可以聽得下去,but again,還是書本身的故事性佔了重頭戲罷了。
最後要提到的一本書,是個人最愛的 Earthsea,地海傳說,宮崎駿的電影都看過吧,不過 audiobook 真心被糟蹋了,就是作者 Ursula Leguin 自己讀的,讀得很弱……和她搭檔的那位男性朗讀者(處於憤恨,我就不說他名字了),讀書像性交的喘氣,毫無美感,尤其是考慮到,地海這套書中,隨處可見優美的句子……後期出來的 Rob Ingis 的那一版,雖然 Rob 朗讀的全套《魔戒》被人稱為 此人的聲音令龐大復雜的中土世界走進現實,但他對地海的詮釋效果並不讓人特別滿意。
不過撇開普通話,一說到英文,那多了去了,很多演員都讀過有聲書,雖然他們並不是專業的 narrator。
演員類 aiobook 第一爛,朱麗葉羅伯茨
書都是分章節和分地點的嘛,結果這廝讀的毫無轉折和停頓,且語調沒有任何起伏,你聽了之後都很難 follow 上去,經常走神。她的嗓音純粹是暴殄天物……糟蹋了一本好書。
這本垃圾的 audiobook 應該算是爛書榜排名第一位的。

㈨ 有哪些英文名著的書名翻譯的比較出彩

《反潮流:觀念史論文集》,原著的作者是英國史學家伯林,譯者是馮克利,被稱為翻譯大家, 書中有個句子是這樣翻的「 盡管他們對父親即使沒有心懷敬意,也一向很有感情 」。還有很多這樣讓人甚至沒法通讀的句子。

㈩ 急!!!求傲慢於偏見小說英文讀後感 和 迪士尼動畫電影青蛙公主的英文影評 都要英文的!謝謝大家的幫忙

Jane Austen's novel Pride and Prejudice is a lighthearted tale of love and marriage in eighteenth-century England. It centers on the elder sisters of the Bennet family, Jane and Elizabeth. Their personalities, misunderstandings and the roles of pride and prejudice play a lavishing story. This story is told from third point of view.

From my perspective Jane Austen wanted to convey love wins over prejudice and to not just take in the saying of first impression but to look in the person's character deeper.

"Pride and Prejudice" the book, middle school at the time of contact before. At that time, only just seen the man's feelings of disputes between the heroine, the ups and downs of mood, people immersed in one of a few years after the re-read, do not have a flavor.
Bennet family has five daughters were not married, and Mrs. Bennet is a full vanity neurotic woman, each married daughter is her only major event in this life but never bother to discipline her daughter's behavior, and Mr. Bennet is a family of the old gentleman, but let his wife and daughter's inappropriate behavior, would rather hide in a library to find calm. Jane Bennet is the Bennet family's eldest daughter, looks beautiful, gentle temperament, quiet;白班納Elizabeth Bennet house special are two daughters, lively and generous personality, intelligence and beauty and all; three daughters Mary does not look good if the other sisters, so in character and knowledge on hard, but also caused her arrogant attitude; ranked fourth Katie flashy personality, and Mody Lydia Mei Zhong hottest dance, often impolite behavior and do not know; Mody daughter love vanity, pleasure-oriented, dancing and fighting with the officers to make fun are the sole purpose of her life. One day they moved to the nearby home of a wealthy single man, Charles Bingley, he is a gentle personality, a man is not sincere拘泥section of wealthy young people, at a banquet Bingley has戀上the Bennet family daughter Jane, and Jane Bennet mutual love; and Bingley's friend Fitzwilliam Darcy formal solemn personality, poor language often gives the impression of arrogance arrogant, likes to go to work knowing it is satisfied Special home two daughter Elizabeth, but because a Bennet family itself is not appropriate to make love by these two obstacles, one beginning Elizabeth arrogant Darcy on the bias, this is mainly to describe their relationship between the process of change.
Background of the time the book will proce a number of different notions of love: "I dare say Mr. Bingley instrumentation dignified, very gentlemanly, and agreeable, there is no artificial air拘泥Xi. Darcy immediately aroused the audience's attention, because he is massive,眉清目秀, noble manners, and he admitted less than five minutes, we all have legends have him 10,000 pounds a year income. gentlemen were praised his talent Table 1, female pin him say pretty much more than Mr. Bingley. "There is a wealth to measure a person's. Darcy and Elizabeth at the age of convergence are conservative, there is also nobility and obstacles on the civilian population; in comparison to modern such circumstances it will happen less. In my view in love is beautiful in my opinion well,兩顆心distance will not necessarily because of the near or separate physical change, youth and love, on earth are the things most likely to fade away; a woman in his life Medium can be a man deeply loved, is a kind of happy then? In other words, a woman in the life of a deeply miss the love of her man, is a kind of regret? Pride and prejudice, they belong to the human weaknesses of the two most common. And human nature are too easily distorted by the alienation, accidentally, or as soon as a blind, lose a fair and sensible, and was feeling manipulated, it will go wrong, Elizabeth and Darcy are only a representative only. And origin, property, status, ecation, once coated with the upstream edge, susceptible to arrogance on the problems of poverty, low, vulgar person瞧不上eye; and low status, property, less people, for humanity a kind of self-esteem, are biased against the pride of superiority, and this naturally is another distortion of arrogance. But "Pride and Prejudice" and another "Emma," both to the marriage of its central theme. On the book's figures are concerned, does not mean that marriage between men and women can not control the passion but the two sides with the social contract between the procts. Characters completely integrated into their social reality, in accordance with the rules of society, the story spectrum. Understand because of the marital relationship provides classes to enhance and improve opportunities for economic, financial and social status of marriage for the purpose of determining the relevant conditions. In this paper, the feminist perspective into the society to view Austin's social background, social environment to explore how it affects women in the face of marriage, the sense of anxiety and struggle. Feminists on the society, the physical environment for women to shape the awareness of the determinants of marriage. In fact, marriage, the novel figures are concerned, as a class exchange and economic exchange market. Marry in order to achieve the objective of good female characters put themselves into commercial procts, to demonstrate its appearance and talent, attracting the male gaze. This period the value of women by the society to encourage, to use their femininity to win a marriage partner. However, Austin's female characters in the face of choice of marriage partner of a marriage often unconscious anxiety. Love is a main line, however, marriage and love still have differences, that one of honest men and women missing from the main character too. It is for this reason that makes disturbed heroine.
People are always prejudiced, arrogant Mr. Darcy, insolent look well into Elizabeth's mind, coupled with the cheater Wickham clever use of its own capacity, as well as one of flattery to pay "pleasing" appearance, fascinated Elizabeth kept for their own grievances scrubbing, libelous Darcy. There is no denying that Wickham long a handsome face, the surface is also mounted on a very "gentleman." Elizabeth made fully trust the rhetoric of Wickham, probably at the age of Elizabeth has great relevance, even if she was the most sensible daughter home, after all, young people are for a good or bad, only a superficial look. Are probably the most important Lizzy too care about her image in the eyes of others, she does not want the eyes of others it appears that she is an ignorance and vanity, and there was no ecated woman, she is only a kind of time in not willing to do the fittings of a just a woman, she would like to partner with them in mind on resonance, with regard to the character of the people asking for more than the requirements of wealth, it is to be applauded, after all, are at there is a love of money ecation of the mother grew up. But for such a mother, she felt a sense of inferiority, would in the face of Wickham's lies, the blind trust that the "high" Darcy is a despicable person, so that their sense of inferiority in front of him at the time of the heart to be freed . But fortunately these are not Elizabeth's really blindfolded.
Pride and Prejudice, heroine in the book are male love on the obstacles, but in reality is the people communicate with each other obstacles, but more are in the correct attitude towards themselves, towards things up a stumbling block. Defects in people too much, first of all hearts are on the trap. In order to life into a career, whether it is knowledge, ecation, or love, career, have required their own hearts with all the shallow traps or floating shadow struggle to do, after all kinds of misunderstandings and a lengthy iterative process of cognition, slow slow by the mind to overcome their weaknesses and faults, and towards an open, free and easy, the inevitable result of Freedom.擾擾earth, life is not easy; the vast human sea, couples rarely seen. However, there is not to just love people get married, as long as Integrity, integrity, the pursuit of virtue, do not relax to the heart of hi, not negligence, Money coveting a moment's pleasure, the pursuit of harmony between mind, the corresponding use their intelligence to overcome the disadvantage spiritual, eventually have to do. Get along with people and between people there will always be some small friction, and these frictions, it is often hidden in their inner weaknesses or defects in other people want and be able to more enjoyable life, we must first understand their own shortcomings, and refining its stand him, followed by the others know the heart, and then each other in depth with each other, so that you will find that every single person on society, things are so beautiful, bright, and further inspire you deep inside Department touching, exert their own expertise to help this society, this country, the world service, after all, my door is the head of all things, if the intentions are no longer around to care about people, and not to pay their own hand, then also Who to go to achieve this task? So from now on, we should own the original problems have to be removed and replaced by a new self, new future for the hard right



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