導航:首頁 > 小說大全 > 2014超級世界波小說


發布時間:2024-11-04 18:45:50

A. 家裡有隻黃色的老鼠!怎麼辦才好

樓主你好 有老鼠就要趕盡殺絕 老鼠的繁殖能力很強 你不殺它 現在是一隻 將來就是一窩 甚至搞個部落出來在一個月前我屋裡就冒出一隻小老鼠(當時還以為是大蟑螂 黑乎乎的一團 跑的太快沒看清) 因為我比較懶 (要不然屋裡也不會冒出老鼠)本著老鼠不犯我 我不犯老鼠 的精神沒管它 後來越來越不對勁 經常玩電腦的時候聽到耗子叫 還有放屁的臭味 當時我就郁悶了 我沒放啊 咋這臭 剛剛睡午覺 感到身上有東西在爬 激的我馬上翻身起來 看到一隻老鼠跳下床不見了 我擦 這還得了 過幾天不把我吃了? 我馬上滿屋子找它老窩 小丫的 窩躲得真好 在我放電腦的桌子的夾層里 必須掀掉一層木板才能看見 (算他倒霉 這隱蔽的窩恐怕除了我也只有貓才能找到)剛剛上床那隻不只去向 只剩三隻小老鼠 剛掀開木板時 就看到一個小腦袋對著我 本人近視 說以就湊過去看 哈 可能是我太丑了 把他嚇跑了 在我屋子裡躲了起來 載掀木板 又掉下一隻 一共掉下三隻小耗子 在我屋子裡亂跳 我一隻一隻揪出來整死 第一隻最慘 也最笨 在開闊地跑來跑去 因為我愛好踢足球 實在忍不住飛去一腳 聲勢之大 連我屋樓下睡覺那傻都被驚醒了 抬起腳(注意是腳不是鞋)就看到到一隻抽象的耗子 直接被我踩成標本了 下一隻比較聰明 躲在床下 我把床板掀開 小毛蟲跑來跑去 不好踩
oooO ↘┏━┓ ↙ Oooo
( 踩)→┃你┃ ←(死 )
\ ( →┃√┃ ← ) /
\_)↗┗━┛ ↖(_/
我就拿把掃把 把它嚇到開闊地 一掃把戳死 我看他還在動 就死勁的戳 結果一不小心把掃把戳斷了 然後它就像那種中毒的人一樣在地上抽風 我看的那叫爽啊 最後一隻 也是第一隻跑出窩的那隻 出來就一直躲在我屋裡的一個塑料袋下 一動不動 以為我不知道 俺知道你最難對付 先殺你兄弟姐妹 小丫的估計嚇傻了 我殺了前兩只 累了跑到樓下買了包煙 抽了兩支 休息了一會 才去滅它 它居然還在 被我掀開袋子 他還是一動不動 裝死? 我擦 當我抬起鞋 准備來個世界波的時候 它彷佛剛從夢中驚醒 一下變身成超級賽亞鼠 飛速消失在我眼前 奶奶個熊 想跑 門都沒有 窗戶也不留! 當即用起了小說中的兵法 叫什麼草木皆兵來著 製造噪音 嘿我真聽到了耗子爬動聲 在桌子里 小丫的 跑回家了 我拍了那木板兩下嚇得它從裡面跳出來正好撞到了牆上有個停頓 我就給了他一掃把 還想跑 再補上一腳 這回真擦了 踩到它尾巴 哈哈 掙扎吧 我不信你還可以像壁虎一樣斷尾逃生 沒事干 就補了一腳 輕輕的 我怕又吵到樓下那人 唉 死的真快 我還以為耗子的生命力很強呢 原來這么差 被我踩成了蝙蝠 就是沒翅膀 哈哈哈 現在正看它的小窩呢 裡面好多絮狀物 小丫的 窩還蠻舒服 還有好多老鼠的黃金 你說他們老爸老媽會不會找我報仇 呦喺 呦喺
養貓多累呀 你那是啥店 貓也喜歡抓東西 還老叫春 多煩啊 不比老鼠好多少 (原來有隻貓被我整的大小便失禁 貓尿味 那是相當相當騷的)
就用粘鼠板吧 老鼠的行動路線確實很規律 放在有耗子屎的地方絕對好用

B. 【英語強人系列】原創小說《阿喬的N次婚戀》-大結局Ⅲ,謝謝指點!

IV contest can be said to be the most critical section, the Bone for the rest of this sect was Aqiao came on the scene, Great complete the outbreak of Chemistry Peng, the leader, after a few minutes, he grabbed a five backboard and 8 pm one-third of them hit the ball. Although the score has not completely opened. However, in section IV, the team members found the essence of the score, the ball in their hands anyway, to ensure Losing the Ball. can score must not have active defensive score. Beginning, Aqiao kept suspended AMADE technology, in order to explain it is to break the enemy's tactical team, it now appears, No, they are, to focus on the team, either. I feel really young Bone, ah generation of leaders, he is very happy. But it is also very tense. Competition also 45 seconds left when the two became tie war again, and this time the team an accident Aqiao mistakes, The penalty kick gave opponents two minutes, when the audience was very calm, and the audience all know that means two hours on what A Qiao quickly called for a suspension, a special deployment, and then the players continue to return to competition venues, of course, which is a rival to vote. When the ball into the hoop and on the moment of Chemistry Peng once again play the role of the top killers, a leap hidden dashed spring, a full 1.3m height from the ground, like a trapeze artist then vacated in Jordan, do a nice fly to the basketball tightly grasped in their own hands, with the air turnabout - to direct his teammates to get the ball. on the team used to interfere with an opponent's energy, WANG Qing Peng has to approach the intermission, the coach of mping skilled to get the ball forward quickly in the past. Qing Peng Yu-see with your eyes the ball fly over, they see each other over the defense team members. Citing one of the first to grasp fly again to get the ball in the right to control their own hands. At this time, there are five seconds away from the competition, and not so much time, luck or level hoped that the repeat vote out. With a beautiful wave in the world, everybody's eyes are always present, the audience shouted seismic sound, watching this last one vote. With "based reporter Xishi [name as transliterated as," the ball into the hoop to secure a two-thirds super-point shot to tie remember forever locked in a 120 : 117. Following this, the audience has changed, not bought, but felt the match was really excellent, Sheiyingsheishu. are no losers, because both of tears, sweat, is not the outcome of market competition. Boiling the audience! The festival experienced a four match wits Finally, in section IV Aqiao team competition to the advantage of a signal victory. Final high school basketball tournament in the national championship, the team members to celebrate the victory, to fling a high Aqiao and Chemistry Peng In their hearts, the only way to show appreciation to the coaches for many years a train. The team members and oranges so happy to see that their boyfriend so successful heart stormy determination so, the cooking is over, and Eqiaodeng mind on marriage. Is a fine morning, the training ground once again sounded a familiar voice : "Now Bao Shu! One, two,…… ! "A Qiao picked up his pointer at the rising sun-leader of the world champion!












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