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『壹』 我正在構思小說,可是想不出人物的名字(英文名)和小說題目。請大家幫幫忙。謝謝!

女孩:Liah 里亞 liah代表了有愛就有希望,l=love i=is a=a h=hope,love is a hope.
狗狗:Flanders 佛蘭德斯。Flanders是來自比利時的一種經典的珠寶。它因Flanders Cut (佛蘭德斯光輝切工) 的光芒四射而出名;它與比利時王室有著悠久的浪漫情緣;它用心與執著演繹種心花綻放的自信,一種優雅生活的堅持。

『貳』 求一篇英文小說的概要及人物性格分析

the elephone man: the story was written by Vicry in America. it's about a freak who was named Joseph Maric ,he was half elephone and half naked. He had works in a freak show,but he's a innocent monster,and he loved the other nomal human. Although,the nomal human were all hate him ,laughing at him, beating him up,and kicking him down. Unbeliveable,yah had thought he should slaied everybody in this story for revenge,and became a powerful demon. ____________________________ the tale of two Cities the story is about a pair of young twins brothers: their parents had killed by evil man when they were litter boys,and they lost each other,until they fell in love with the same girl. And the one who the girl hated ,get into jail and changed places with his twin brother who will be execute by their evil enemy who had killed their parents and tried to killed them too. At last,the twin who the girl loved married with the girl,and the other twin had killed by their wicked eneymy. the silly story was writed by Charles Dickens,and expressed the sentimen——If a guy fall in love with a silly slut,he have to allow the birch loved anyone else,and bless them like a stupid coward ,and the weak idior guy have to ready to die for their happy ending and their happy honey moon. Yes,of course he's silly,might be the Queen Vidolia pushed them to do this.If they didn't obey,Queen Vidolia will execute them. ________________________________________________ La dame aux Camélias The story was about a Franch whore who named Magorite. Magorite was some rich old guy 's consort . she treated everybody , and traded everybody , for earn the money. but somehow,the silly girl fell in love with a silly young rich guy who named Amen,he loved her,and so did she. he persuaded her to leave Paris and merry with him. she obey,promised and swore. but Amen's evil father didn't allow.So,he gave Magorite lots of money and lots of tears and order her left. Magorite took the money ,obey the evil father-in-law in fututure. so Amen hate her ,and din't not touch her or crush her again when he met her in Paris again. at last,Magorite dead,her money was taken by some evil man. and Amen know the truth at length, he hate his father,and sad forever. ———————————————————————————— The King Arthur In Scotland ,there was a lord's sideslip,he was King Arthur. he had raised a sword which no one could raise,he has 12 brave knights,they lead the army to destroy his enemy's contries. He had a wizard friend——old Merlin . And the lady from lake bless him. Then King Arthur killed his step brother,became a king,and rape his step sister Mogena,he said she was a witch ,and her servents girl were witch too,the son of he and Mogena was one of the 12 knights. And in the 12 knights,there was a handsome guy who named Sir Lancelote,Lancelote had raped Mogena and King Arthur's wife Gevinia. Mogena was raped by the dark knight,when Sir Lancelote kicked her ass. Then,Mogena sent the most beautiful witch of her :Vivian,she had killed wizard Merlin on bed. King Arthur was very angry for his dirty wife,so he tried to killed the slut and Sir Lancelote,Sir Lancelote eloped with the slut,at length,Sir Lancelote killed her and surrendered. King Arthur forgived him,and allowed him joined his army again. _______________________ The fall of the Uther's Heights it's a scary story that was written by the greatest American man Edgar.Ellen.Pot . Well,once upon time,there was a man,he came to visit his best friend Uthe. Uthe's own sister was a strange werid lady,so,their family buried her when she was still alive. The wicked house keeper and the evil doctor was very pleasure to see their mistrss had gone. but lady Uthe didn't like to be treated like that,she crushed her own coffin ,left her grave ,and walked into her house ,at last,she killed her own brother Uthe,and burned down their own house.


『叄』 500詞英文小說故事梗概和人物性格分析,要英文的

a touching story
One day, a poor boy who was trying to pay his way through school by selling goods door to door found that he only had one dime left.He was hungry so he decided to beg for a meal at the next house.
一天,一個貧窮的小男孩為了攢夠學費正挨家挨戶地推銷商品, 飢寒交迫的他摸遍全身,卻只有一角錢。於是他決定向下一戶人家討口飯吃。
However, he lost his nerve when a lovely young woman opened the door.Instead of a meal he asked for a drink of water.She thought he looked hungry so she brought him a large glass of milk.He drank it slowly, and then asked, "How much do I owe you?"
"You don't owe me anything," she replied."Mother has taught me never to accept pay for a kindness."He said, "Then I thank you from the bottom of my heart."As Howard Kelly left that house, he not only felt stronger physically, but it also increased his faith in God and the human race.
He was about to give up and quit before this point.The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved .
Years later the young woman became critically ill. The local doctors were baffled.They finally sent her to the big city, where specialists can be called in to study her rare disease.Dr. Howard Kelly, now famous was called in for the consultation.When he heard the name of the town she came from, a strange light filled his eyes.Immediately, he rose and went down through the hospital hall into her room.
Dressed in his doctor's gown he went in to see her. He recognized her at once.He went back to the consultation room and determined to do his best to save her life.From that day on, he gave special attention to her case.
After a long struggle, the battle was won.Dr. Kelly requested the business office to pass the final bill to him for approval. He looked at it and then wrote something on the side.The bill was sent to her room.She was afraid to open it because she was positive that it would take the rest of her life to pay it off.Finally she looked, and the note on the side of the bill caught her attention. She read these words..."Paid in full with a glass of milk."
Dr. Howard Kelly Tears of joy flooded her eyes as she prayed silently: "Thank You, God. Your love has spread through human hearts and hands."

『肆』 小說人物英文名

East Kai東界王
Elder Kai老界王神
Grand Kai大界王神
Great Saiyaman賽亞蒙面超人
King Kai[或者North Kai]界王(就是教給悟空界王拳的那個)
South Kai南界王
Supreme Kai界王神
West Kai西界王
Android 8 人造人8號
Android 16 16號
Android 17 17號
Android 18 18號
Android 19 19號
Android 20 20號
Captain Ginyu基紐隊長
Dabura 達布拉 (魔界之王)
Bear Thief 開始時要吃老龜的那個莫西干頭的熊?
Boss Rabbit兔子團首領/兔爺
Master Roshi龜仙人
Lanfan 蘭芳選手
King Cold 弗利薩他老爸
Majin Buu (Unmixed evil)很瘦的布歐
Majin Buu/Fat Buu (unmixed)胖布歐
Majin Buu/Mr.buu (good)最後的好布歐
Majin Buu/Big Buu (evil)和超級悟天克斯打的布歐
Advisor Black黑綢軍?(應該是紅鍛帶軍團吧?)
General Blue 藍將軍(會超能力的)
General White 白將軍
Colonel Yellow 黃大左
Violet Taisa紫將軍(女的)
Captain Silver銀將軍
Doctor Gero格羅/可羅博士
Master Sargeant Purple是紫色忍者
Dracula Man 吸血鬼人(那隻吸血蝙蝠)
Mister PoPo波波先生
Little Mummy木乃伊人
King Chapa占卜婆婆?
Dr. Briefs 布里夫博士
Ox King 牛魔王
Sea Turtle 海龜
Kakarot 卡卡羅特
Dragonball, Dragon Ball 龍珠
Saiyan 塞亞人
Shenlong 神龍
Polunga 波倫加
Moori 姆利
Gogeta 悟基塔(融合術合體)
Advisor Black 黑副官
King Chapa 恰巴王
Frieza Bot 機械弗利薩
Bubbles 巴布魯斯 (界王身邊那隻猩猩)
King Yemma 閻魔王
Shou 皮拉夫身邊那隻狗忍者
Polunga 波倫加
Devil Man 惡魔人

『伍』 求兩個小說人物的英文名


『陸』 英文小說小王子選取一個人物進行分析,比如就小王子分析性格特點。用一個四字成語去總結先,下面接著去分

摘要 小王子

『柒』 請大家幫小說人物起名字(英文名)

(希伯來),紅土製造的意思。據說上帝用紅土造人,而亞當是他造出的第一個人。 Adam被形容是高大,黝黑,英俊,肌肉強健的男人,沉穩,聰明。
女2: Annabelle 親切的、美麗的、可愛的
女4:Rose 玫瑰,濃郁馨香之名。
女5:Silverdew 銀露珠,這是寧靜如月配瑩美純潔,也很美。
女6:Barbie 芭比,玲瓏可愛的娃娃之名

『捌』 推薦幾部英美小說(附英文版作品簡介 、人物介紹以及人物關系,在網上幫我找找就行啦)

1 哈克貝利·弗恩歷險記——馬克·吐溫

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain


2 純真年代——華頓

The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton



3 白鯨——梅爾維爾

Moby-Dick by Herman Melville


4 紅字——納撒尼爾·霍桑

The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne



5 最後的莫希幹人——庫柏

The Last of the Mohicans by James Fenimore Cooper



6 小婦人——路易莎·奧爾科特

Little Women by Louisa May Alcott



7 野性的呼喚——傑克·倫敦

The Call of the Wild by Jack London


8 湯姆叔叔的小屋——哈里特·比徹·斯托

Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe

出生於康涅狄格州的斯托夫人,是哈特福德女子學院(Hartford Female Academy)的一名教師,同時,她也是一位積極的廢奴主義者。全書圍繞著一位久經苦難的黑奴湯姆叔叔的故事展開,並描述了他與他身邊人——均為奴隸與奴隸主——的經歷。這部感傷小說深刻地描繪出了奴隸制度殘酷的本質;並認為基督徒的愛可以戰勝由奴役人類同胞所帶來的種種傷害。



『玖』 狄更斯小說《大衛科波菲爾》人物分析(英文版)

The story is told almost entirely from the point of view of the first person narrator, David Copperfield himself, and was the first Dickens novel to do so.

Critically, it is considered a Bilngsroman and would be influential in the genre which included Dickens's own Great Expectations (1861), Thomas Hardy's Jude the Obscure, Samuel Butler's The Way of All Flesh, H. G. Wells's Tono-Bungay, D. H. Lawrence's Sons and Lovers, and James Joyce's Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.

As a bilngsroman, it has one major theme throughout, the disciplining of the hero's emotional and moral life. We learn to go against "the first mistaken impulse of the undisciplined heart", a theme which is repeated throughout all the relationships and characters in the novel.

Characters in the novel generally belong to one of three categories: Those who have disciplined hearts, those who lack disciplined hearts, or those who develop disciplined hearts over time. Characters who fall into the first category include the mature and caring Agnes Wickfield and the selfless and forgiving Mr. Peggotty. The greedy, scheming Uriah Heep and the egotistic and inconsiderate James Steerforth are examples of characters who belong in the second category. Members of the third category include David Copperfield himself, who learns to make wiser choices in his relationships through personal experience, and his aunt Betsy Trotwood, who lacks consideration for others early on, but becomes less inconsiderate over time. Dickens uses characters and events throughout the novel as comparisons and contrasts for each other in terms of wisdom and discipline. A good comparison is Agnes Wickfield and Dora Spenlow: Dora lacks maturity and is unable to handle stressful situations, often breaking out in tears, while Agnes remains calm and collected even when troubled, yielding to her emotions only rarely. Another good comparison is Ham and Mr. Peggotty, and Mrs. Steerforth and Miss Dartle: The latter two become distraught at the loss of Steerforth, allowing it to trouble them their whole lives, while the former two bear the loss of Emily with dignity and reservation. Despite the premise of this work, Dickens does not give David Copperfield a stiff or unnatural feel, making this novel a supreme display of his genius at work.[citation needed]

Analysis of Major Characters

David Copperfield
Although David narrates his story as an alt, he relays the impressions he had from a youthful point of view. We see how David』s perception of the world deepens as he comes of age. We see David』s initial innocence in the contrast between his interpretation of events and our own understanding of them. Although David is ignorant of Steerforth』s treachery, we are aware from the moment we meet Steerforth that he doesn』t deserve the alation David feels toward him. David doesn』t understand why he hates Uriah or why he trusts a boy with a donkey cart who steals his money and leaves him in the road, but we can sense Uriah』s devious nature and the boy』s treacherous intentions. In David』s first-person narration, Dickens conveys the wisdom of the older man implicitly, through the eyes of a child.
David』s complex character allows for contradiction and development over the course of the novel. Though David is trusting and kind, he also has moments of cruelty, like the scene in which he intentionally distresses Mr. Dick by explaining Miss Betsey』s dire situation to him. David also displays great tenderness, as in the moment when he realizes his love for Agnes for the first time. David, especially as a young man in love, can be foolish and romantic. As he grows up, however, he develops a more mature point of view and searches for a lover who will challenge him and help him grow. David fully matures as an alt when he expresses the sentiment that he values Agnes』s calm tranquility over all else in his life.

Uriah Heep
Uriah serves a foil to David and contrasts David』s qualities of innocence and compassion with his own corruption. Though Uriah is raised in a cruel environment similar to David』s, Uriah』s upbringing causes him to become bitter and vengeful rather than honest and hopeful. Dickens』s physical description of Uriah marks Uriah as a demonic character. He refers to Uriah』s movements as snakelike and gives Uriah red hair and red eyes. Uriah and David not only have opposing characteristics but also operate at cross-purposes. For example, whereas Uriah wishes to marry Agnes only in order to hurt David, David』s marriages are both motivated by love. The frequent contrast between Uriah』s and David』s sentiments emphasizes David』s kindness and moral integrity.
While David』s character development is a process of increased self-understanding, Uriah grows in his desire to exercise control over himself and other characters. As Uriah gains more power over Mr. Wickfield, his sense of entitlement grows and he becomes more and more power-hungry. The final scenes of the novel, in which Uriah praises his jail cell because it helps him know what he should do, show Uriah』s need to exert control even when he is a helpless prisoner. But imprisonment does not redeem his evil—if anything, it compounds his flaws. To the end, Uriah plots strategies to increase his control. Because he deploys his strategies to selfish purposes that bring harm to others, he stands out as the novel』s greatest villain.

James Steerforth
Steerforth is a slick, egotistical, wealthy young man whose sense of self-importance overwhelms all his opinions. Steerforth underscores the difference between what we understand as readers and what David sees—and fails to see—in his youthful naïveté. David takes Steerforth』s kindness for granted without analyzing his motives or detecting his plicity. When Steerforth befriends David at Salem House, David doesn』t suspect that Steerforth is simply trying to use David to make friends and gain status. Though Steerforth belittles David from the moment they meet, David is incapable of conceiving that his new friend might be taking advantage of him. Because Steerforth』s plicity is so clear to us, David』s lack of insight into Steerforth』s true intentions emphasizes his youthful innocence. Steerforth likes David only because David worships him, and his final betrayal comes as a surprise to David but not to us.

『拾』 英文小說小王子,選取一個人物出來去分析性格特點

摘要 《小王子》這部童話雖然只是作者在3個月一氣呵成的作品,但卻有著深刻的創作背景,是作者幾年、甚至是幾十年生活和情感的積累,是厚積薄發的產物。它不僅是一部給孩子看的童話,更是哲理與思考的「結晶」,充滿了對人生的感悟。[2]



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