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發布時間:2023-08-26 20:42:26

Ⅰ 小說的英文怎麼說


小說[xiǎo shuō]


novel ; fiction ; story ; longueur ; storybook

網 絡fiction;novel;txt;story



Her novel depicts life in modern London.


She won her overnight fame by her first novel.


This novel has been adapted for radio from the Russian original.



His realistic novel was criticized by some people.


She thought that reading romantic novels was a frivolous way of spending her time.


This novel appeared to have been huddled together.


Freedom is not just a domestic novel or a political novel.


And is there a difference between noir writing and detective or mystery fiction?


Like science fiction or detective novels.

1. Fiction takes up a large slice of the publishing market. 小說在出版市場上佔了很大的份額。

2. With one exce-ption his novels are shallow and lifeless things. 他的小說都是些膚淺沉悶的玩意兒,只有一本除外。

3. The various elements of the novel fail to cohere. 這部小說的各部分之間缺乏連貫性。

4. The scriptwriter helped him to adapt his novel for the screen. 編劇幫助他將其所著小說改編成電影。

5. Naomi's mothering experiences are poignantly described in her fiction. 娜奧米把她當母親的經歷字字辛酸地寫進了小說。

6. D H Lawrence immortalised her in his novel "Women in Love". D.H. 勞倫斯在小說《戀愛中的女人》中把她塑造成了一個不朽的角色。

7. This adaptation perfectly captures the spirit of Kurt Vonnegut's novel. 這次改編非常好地抓住了庫爾特·馮內古特小說的精髓。

8. "Dottie" is by far his best novel to date. 《多蒂》是他迄今為止最好的小說。

9. Men get more bad press in her new novel. 在她的新小說中,男人受到了更多的譴責。

10. This stupendous novel keeps you gripped to the end. 這部精彩的小說會讓你想一口氣讀完。

11. His fourth novel is a murder mystery set in London. 他的第四部小說講述的是一起發生在倫敦的神秘謀殺案。

12. She had begun to be a little bored with novel writing. 她開始對寫小說有些厭倦了。

13. W. Somerset Maugham's novel still packs an emotional punch. 威廉·薩默塞特·毛姆的小說仍具有強烈的情感沖擊力。

14. He reverentially returned the novel to a glass-fronted bookcase. 他畢恭畢敬地把小說放回了正面裝有玻璃的書架。

15. She is currently writing a sequel to Daphne Maurier's "Rebecca" 她現在正在續寫達夫妮·杜穆里埃的小說《蝴蝶夢》。

16. She had conceived the idea of a series of novels. 她萌生出撰寫系列小說的想法。

17. Recently, I g out Barstow's novel and read it again. 最近,我把巴斯托的小說翻出來又讀了一遍。

18. Her editors wanted her to cut out the poetry from her novel. 編輯們想讓她把這首詩從她的小說中刪去。

19. The border between science fact and science fiction gets a bit fuzzy. 科學事實和科幻小說之間的界限變得有點兒模糊了。

20. I have twenty novels and countless magazine stories to my credit. 我著有20部小說,還在雜志上發表了無數篇文章。

Ⅱ 英語翻譯 1.一聽到這個好消息,他們就高興的跳起來. 2.他這些天一直在寫一本小說.

Hearing this good news, they jumped with joy.
He has been writing a novel these days./He is writing a novel these days.

Ⅲ 中譯英 這幾個月來他一直在寫本英語小說

In last few months,he kept on writing the English novel.

Ⅳ 小說的英語單詞是什麼


英 ['nɒvl] 美 ['nɑːvl]

n. 小說

adj. 新奇的

例句:I like reading novels in my spare time.


短語:best-selling novel 暢銷小說




英 [njuː] 美 [nuː]

adj. 新的;嶄新的;新鮮的;不熟悉的

adv. 新近地

例句:They sell new and used furniture.



adj. (形容詞)


Ⅳ 他上個月正在寫一部小說 英文

He was writing a novle last month.


Ⅵ 英文翻譯:那個男孩能自己算出這道數學題目。 你有多喜歡你的校園生活 他正在專注於寫一本新小說

The boy can solve the maths problem by himself.
how do you like your life in the school.
He is focused on writting a new novel.

Ⅶ 他連續幾個月都在寫他的小說用英語翻譯

翻譯為:He wrote his novel for several months in a row

翻譯為:He wrote his novel for several months in a row

翻譯為:He wrote his novel for several months in a row



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