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1. 求一篇superjunior的小說



2. 保姆日記、觀後感

[保姆日記、觀後感]連綿的春雨下了24小時之久,淅淅瀝瀝,彷彿在訴說著什麼,讓我有了生活在南方城市的感覺,保姆日記、觀後感。春雨總是喜人的,沒有秋雨的凄涼,不會下一場氣溫就隨之降很多度。所以春雨自古以來就深受人們喜歡就是這個原因的吧。也許我的名字改成春雨會給我更多幸運吧,但是不可能了,在小學三年級的時候我就無私的把這個名字送給表妹了,恰是那個時候,在語文課本裡面學到"春雨貴如油"。而我也更喜歡自己的名字,不僅僅是因為這是爸爸媽媽給我的,還有一部分的原因是,我喜歡那種冷冷的稀少的感覺。不冷到寒徹心扉,如何懂得溫暖的可貴!離開辦公室的時候,外面又開始下雨了,在車燈里,分明可以看見雨的線條,匆匆忙忙的落地,原來雨不小。等從地鐵出站發現,住所這邊居然地面是乾的。本來每次坐地鐵穿越隧道就總有穿越時空的感覺,今天更是如此:外面下著雨,匆匆鑽進一個門,而乘坐某種現代機器,從另外一個門跨出,卻發現根本沒有雨的痕跡。這種感覺真的彷彿穿越了時空,真的。也許未來,很久遠的未來,人們可以乘坐著某種機器穿越時空,到任何想要去的時間。看了一部電影,《保姆日記》。不寫觀後感,原因是不會寫。沒有人真正了解自己吧,也許旁觀者看得更清晰些。因為不了解,有時候居然會煩自己煩到和那些真的煩自己的人一樣。有時候不知道自己到底要什麼。但也不是全部時間都不了解自己。有時候還會一直"我以為",不尊重客觀事實。由於太頑固的"我以為",往往忽略掉了活生生的事實。總在大部分時間里,認為自己看透了人生的真實面目,人總是依照自己的經驗來看待周圍的一切,但往往周圍的一切並不是因為你怎麼看待而存在,它們存在是且僅是因為它們存在。人們往往高估自己的經驗。我想說的是,就像現在,此時此刻,我把自己關在一個屋子裡,而長安街,以及它的左右兩邊的一切都在那裡,以它們本來的面目存在,並沒有被我看見。而,我如果坐在車里,放著這首《提線木偶》,開始行駛在長安街上,我會因為夜晚、車燈、路燈、霓虹燈、音樂…對長安街有一種別樣的感覺。而這種感覺,只是因為我,因為一些條件才存在的。而長安街它僅是長安街,它一直沒有變。這就是我想表達的。生命也好,人生也罷,它有它原本存在的狀態。只不過,人們用自己的"眼睛"看它,就看出千姿百態,千差萬別…我,也會經常經常,用自己的眼睛看周圍的一切一切。我知道,那一定不是完全的真相完全的正確,所以有時明明知道自己的錯誤,再所以才會煩自己,煩自己明明是知道了明白了看懂了,卻為什麼要不斷地陷入那種自己給自己的錯覺中?還原一切的真實面目,一切才能變得輕鬆起來,不是么?人,活著也是因為本來就是活著,而不是要為了誰誰誰怎麼看怎麼認為怎麼感覺而活著。事實的真相是,本來就是活著,做自己活著該做的事情,就好。以上,可以視為對生活/生命的些許思考,也可以看作是《保姆日記》的觀後感,PS:昨晚夢的一個片段有必要記錄下來,一隻狗狗,在夢里它應該屬於我家,我對狗狗拿著一個大骨頭招手,讓它進院來。它走近,在大門口卧下來,對我搖搖它的爪,好像聽見它說:"不,我還想在這兒坐會兒"。我於是又拿出鎖,對它比劃說要鎖門了。它就乖乖的起來進了院。在周公解夢中查,說要是夢見大狗狗,說明會和朋友融洽相處,希望如此。The spring rain fell across the next 24 hours,Xixilili,as if to tell what,I have to live in the southern city of feeling.The spring is always gratifying,not amiserable autumn,the temperature will not be under alot of time on the ensuing fall.So spring since ancient times by people like this is the reason for it.Maybe my name will give me more spring into your lucky,but can not,in the third grade when Iam the selfless on the name given to acousin,was exactly at that time,the language in which textbooks to learn"If the oil in your spring."I also prefer their own names,not only because it was given to me by parents,and part of the reason for this is that Ilike the kind of sparse coldly feeling.Toru is not cold to cold hearts,know how valuable warm!To leave the office,outside the rain started,the lights on,can clearly see the rain line,rushed the floor,the rain was not small.From asubway station,his home was on the ground here is dry.Every time Itake asubway would have to cross through the tunnel on the total space-time feeling,even more so today:raining outside,rushed into adoor,and the use of amodern machine,taken from adifferent door,they found that there is no rain Signs.Really feeling as if through atime and space,really.Perhaps in the future,the future of the very old,people can take some time and space through the machine,you want to go any time.Seeing amovie,"Nanny Diaries."Feedback was not,why not write.No one really understand it himself,onlooker may be seen more clearly.Due to ignorance,and sometimes would even bother to trouble themselves and those who are really tired of people like themselves.Sometimes do not know to what in the end.However,n ot all the time do not know.Sometimes also been"I thought,"does not respect the fact.Due to too stubborn,"I thought,"the often overlooked reality.The total in most of the time,that they see through the true colors of life,always in accordance with their own experience to look at everything around,but often it is not because everything around you look at how exist,and their presence is only because They exist.People tend to overestimate their own experiences.I want to say is,just now,at this very moment,I locked himself in aroom,and Chang An Avenue,and it\'s all about on both sides of where they would have to face the existence of,and Ido not see.And,if Iam sitting in the car,placed it in the first"Muppets"and began moving in on Chang An Avenue,I will be at night,the lights,street lamps,lights,music on Chang An Avenue..There is asense of Different.This feeling is only because I,for anumber of conditions to exist.Chang An Avenue an dit is only Changan,which has not changed.This is what Iwant to express.Life or loss of life,it has its original state of existence.However,people with their own"eyes"to see it,to see thousands,different..I will always always,with their own eyes to see everything all around.I know,it is not entirely certain of the truth completely correct,so sometimes obviously aware of their error,and then there will be trouble themselves,their trouble was clearly aware of aclear understand,but why should we keep to themselves into the kind of The illusion of its own?To restore the true face of everything,everything can become easy,is not it?,Is alive because it has always been alive,rather than how to look at how Shuishui who think and feel how alive.The truth is that the original is alive,so alive to do their own thing,like.More than can be seen on the life/lives alittle thought,can also be seen as"Nanny Diaries"Feedback,PS:last night\'s dream of afragment of the need to record adog in the dream it should belong to my family,my dog with abone of alarge wave,let it come into the hospital.It approached,lying down in the front door,I shook its claws,as if heard it said:"No,I would also like to sit here at the moment."I locked up again,it has locked the door to Bi Hua.It is to come up into the house.Zhou Dream in the investigation,said that if dream big dog show friends and get along,I hope so.屠闕雨2010.12.25〔保姆日記、觀後感〕隨文贈言:【人生舞台的大幕隨時都可能拉開,關鍵是你願意表演,還是選擇躲避。】

3. 英文保姆日記觀後感








The spring rain fell across the next 24 hours, Xixilili, as if to tell what, I have to live in the southern city of feeling.
The spring is always gratifying, not a miserable autumn, the temperature will not be under a lot of time on the ensuing fall. So spring since ancient times by people like this is the reason for it.
Maybe my name will give me more spring into your lucky, but can not, in the third grade when I am the selfless on the name given to a cousin, was exactly at that time, the language in which textbooks to learn "If the oil in your spring."
I also prefer their own names, not only because it was given to me by parents, and part of the reason for this is that I like the kind of sparse coldly feeling. Toru is not cold to cold hearts, know how valuable warm!

To leave the office, outside the rain started, the lights on, can clearly see the rain line, rushed the floor, the rain was not small. From a subway station, his home was on the ground here is dry.
Every time I take a subway would have to cross through the tunnel on the total space-time feeling, even more so today: raining outside, rushed into a door, and the use of a modern machine, taken from a different door, they found that there is no rain Signs. Really feeling as if through a time and space, really.
Perhaps in the future, the future of the very old, people can take some time and space through the machine, you want to go any time.

Seeing a movie, "Nanny Diaries." Feedback was not, why not write.
No one really understand it himself, onlooker may be seen more clearly. Due to ignorance, and sometimes would even bother to trouble themselves and those who are really tired of people like themselves. Sometimes do not know to what in the end.
However, not all the time do not know.
Sometimes also been "I thought," does not respect the fact. Due to too stubborn, "I thought," the often overlooked reality.
The total in most of the time, that they see through the true colors of life, always in accordance with their own experience to look at everything around, but often it is not because everything around you look at how exist, and their presence is only because They exist. People tend to overestimate their own experiences.
I want to say is, just now, at this very moment, I locked himself in a room, and Chang An Avenue, and it's all about on both sides of where they would have to face the existence of, and I do not see .
And, if I am sitting in the car, placed it in the first "Muppets" and began moving in on Chang An Avenue, I will be at night, the lights, street lamps, lights, music on Chang An Avenue ... ... There is a sense of Different .
This feeling is only because I, for a number of conditions to exist. Chang An Avenue and it is only Changan, which has not changed.
This is what I want to express. Life or loss of life, it has its original state of existence. However, people with their own "eyes" to see it, to see thousands, different ... ...

I will always always, with their own eyes to see everything all around. I know, it is not entirely certain of the truth completely correct, so sometimes obviously aware of their error, and then there will be trouble themselves, their trouble was clearly aware of a clear understand, but why should we keep to themselves into the kind of The illusion of its own?
To restore the true face of everything, everything can become easy, is not it?

, Is alive because it has always been alive, rather than how to look at how Shuishui who think and feel how alive.
The truth is that the original is alive, so alive to do their own thing, like.

More than can be seen on the life / lives a little thought, can also be seen as "Nanny Diaries" Feedback,

PS: last night's dream of a fragment of the need to record a dog in the dream it should belong to my family, my dog with a bone of a large wave, let it come into the hospital. It approached, lying down in the front door, I shook its claws, as if heard it said: "No, I would also like to sit here at the moment." I locked up again, it has locked the door to Bi Hua. It is to come up into the house.
Zhou Dream in the investigation, said that if dream big dog show friends and get along, I hope so.

4. 求一部電影,中譯名《保姆日記》,不是斯嘉麗約翰遜演的那個!!!

英文名:The Royal Tenenbaums

主演:比爾·默里 亞歷克·鮑德溫 丹尼·格洛弗 吉恩·哈克曼 格溫妮絲·帕特洛
類型:劇情 喜劇
預告片:1 2 3 4
地區:美國 對白:英語
顏色:彩色 聲音:DTS Dolby Digital SDDS
時長:109 分鍾
分級:英國:15 西班牙:13 阿根廷:13


5. 保姆日記中紅雨傘象徵著什麼

書也要讀好書才行。我家就有這樣一本好書,它一直不停地激勵著我前進,給我以智慧。這本書就是全球第一暢銷書——《Who Moved My

6. 想知道《保姆日記》裡面那個哈佛小帥哥的演員

克里斯·埃文斯,生於美國馬薩諸塞州波士頓,父親是牙醫,母親是舞蹈演員。埃文斯在波士頓度過了他的童年,初中後埃文斯到了紐約,一邊兼職一邊上表演課,後來高中畢業後經人介紹去試演,參加了一個電視系列劇《Opposite Sex》的演出,擔任一個配角。



像許多明星一樣,克里斯·埃文斯的演藝生涯始於學校劇和社區劇院,但他的迅速躥紅有些與眾不同。1981年6月出生在波士頓的克里斯,11歲時隨家人搬到薩德伯里郊區,就讀於林肯-薩德伯里地區高中時,他的才華得到了戲劇老師的鼓勵。有了學校劇和地區劇院表演經驗的他,前往紐約就讀於李·斯特拉斯伯格戲劇學院。在朋友的建議下,他在一家選角公司實習並與幾位經紀人交上朋友,很快他開始參加影視劇的試鏡。2000年克里斯在CBS的劇集《亡命天涯》(The Fugitive)初次登上熒屏,接著在《處女殺手》(Cherry Falls)、《The Newcomers》和《高校風雲》(Boston Public)等劇集中亮相;2001年他主演了銀幕處女作《少兒不宜》(Not Another Teen Movie),接下來的青春喜劇《超完美奪分》(The Perfect Score),延續了第一部嬉笑打鬧的情節。然後克里斯迎來演藝事業的突破,主演了驚悚片《一線生機》(Cellular),盡管他的表演自然流暢,毫不做作,影片卻既沒有取得票房的成功,也沒有贏得大多數評論家的贊譽;此後20世紀福克斯的《神奇四俠》(Fantastic Four)同樣令人失望,但克里斯無拘無束的表演幾乎搶盡了其他明星的風頭。



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