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⑴ 張愛玲在美國時期寫的第一部作品是什麼

張愛玲在美國時期寫的第一部作品是《Pink Tears》(《金鎖記》)。
1956年2月,張愛玲得到(Edward Marc Dowell Colony)的寫作獎金,在二月間搬去Colony所在的紐英倫州。這個寫作基金會主要是為作家提供一個安靜、舒適的環境。在這里,張愛玲遇見了她的第二個丈夫Fedinand Reyher賴雅先生。賴雅比張愛玲大三十歲(根據1967年賴雅去世,享年76歲,這邊應該是大二十九歲),是一個很有才氣的美國劇作家。1956年8月,張愛玲與賴雅相識半年後結婚。張愛玲開始用英文撰寫長篇小說《Pink Tears》。

⑵ 用英語定語從句寫出我喜歡張愛玲的小說

I love novels by Zhang Ai ling. 其實這樣就很清楚了。
I love novels which were written by Zhang Ai ling.

⑶ 張愛玲作品的英譯

The Story of Golden Lock.
或者 The Golden Cangue


the story of gold key
回答者:JulieAndrews - 魔法學徒 一級 10-29 18:48

Eileen Chang (張愛玲)
1. The story of A Golden Lock
2.Record of a Golden Lock
3.The Golden Cangue

⑷ 求助 尋張愛玲英文小說


⑸ 張愛玲英文寫作水平到底怎樣你知道嗎






⑹ 求一篇關於張愛玲的文章,要中英文對照版的-

「年輕人想著三十年前的月亮該是銅錢大的一個紅黃的濕暈,像朵雲軒信箋上落了一滴淚珠,陳舊而迷糊。老年人回憶中的三十年前的月亮是歡愉的,比眼 前的月亮大、圓、白,然而隔著三十年的辛苦路往回看,再好的月色也不免帶點凄涼。」 關於張愛玲的生平,我幾乎一無所知,只是最近讀著她的雜記。那些七零八碎的只言片語,慢慢地拼湊出一張面目模糊的的容顏,看這個張愛玲也像是隔著三十年的 辛苦路看月色,雖然好,卻不免覺得凄涼。

十歲的張愛玲還是一個瘦小而倔強孩子,隨家人從北方遷徙至南方時間並不太久。那一年,她的母親決定送她去學校讀書,那時,她還沒有如今這個令人肅然起敬的 名字。只是要上學了,一定需要一個名字,於是她的母親隨便將她的英文名字譯為愛玲。這個名字伴隨了張愛玲一生。張愛玲在一篇雜文中談到這個名字的來歷,說 也覺得這個名字俗氣,然而終究不曾換去。


張愛玲有個弟弟,身體不如她好,不能吃很多東西,總是很饞。她小時候還不像長大後對家人那麼冷漠,對他的弟弟是有些喜歡的,覺得他可愛的時候會在他的腮上 吻一下。長大後,張愛玲住校,有次回家,看到父親在打弟弟,有點心疼,也想報仇,可是看到弟弟的漠然忍受的表情,又覺得悲哀了。張愛玲的父親有個姨太太, 比她父親歲數大,對張愛玲很好,捨得用全新的布匹給張愛玲做衣服。於是姨太太問:「我好還是你母親好?」張愛玲說:「你好。」因為說了實話的緣故,張愛玲 總覺的心裡有點疙瘩。


曾經有半年,張愛玲都在生病,重痢疾,沒有醫生,沒有葯,在一個閣樓上被軟禁著。終於有一天,乘著門衛不注意的時候偷跑去母親那裡。從此再沒回去父親那 邊。母親告訴張愛玲自己手頭的錢有限,如果要嫁人,便用錢去買衣裳,打扮漂亮;若是要讀書,就沒錢買衣裳。最終,張愛玲還是去讀書了。後來,張愛玲的弟弟 從家跑出來避難,母親卻無法為他支付學費了。


張愛玲以後的經歷是我以前隱約在別的地方看過的,並不確切。與胡蘭成相戀,同居,最終卻以胡蘭成結成新歡而告終。除此之外,我並不曾聽說過任何關於張愛玲 的戀愛故事。走上海、去香港、赴美國,張愛玲最終孤獨離開這個世界,屍體在數天後才被人發現。那個最後走進她公寓的人看到,整個房間除了床,幾乎沒有其它 傢具。

30 years ago, the moonlight - Zhang Ailing
"Young people think of the moon 30 years ago, the coins is a big red halo of wetlands, such as Cloud Xuan letterhead on a tear drop beads, old and confused. Memories of the elderly 30 years ago the moon was The joy over the moon in front of big, round, white, but separated by 30 years of hard road back, no matter how good the moonlight can not avoid a bit bleak. "Zhang Ailing on the life, I almost know nothing about Only recently read her journal. Fragmentary and those few words, and slowly pieced together a face of the faceless, Zhang Ailing also like to see this across the 30 years of hard look at the way the moonlight, though, can not help but feel sad.

Zhang Ailing 10-year-old is still a little stubborn and children, with family migration from the north to the south is not the time for too long. That year, her mother decided to take her to school, then she is not now the name of respect. Just want to go to school, need a certain name, then her mother would be her name translated into English Ai-ling. Accompanied by the name of Zhang Ailing's life. Zhang Ailing in an essay about the origins of the name, also said that the name tacky, but in the end not to go for.

Zhang Ailing hours will write a good essay. Mature than other children. See other kids talk about school knowledge of alts, alts do not care what's tired, Zhang Ailing understand it, is no longer with the Since then, talk about their families.

Zhang Ai-ling has a younger brother, as her health is good, can not eat a lot of things, always greedy. She also does not grow up as a child of the family so indifferent to his younger brother is a bit like the feel cute when he would kiss his Saishang. When they grow up, live Zhang Ailing, there are times to go home to see his father in his younger brother play, a bit distressed, but also want to take revenge, but to see his brother put up with the expression of indifference, but also feel the sorrow. Zhang Ai-ling's father had a concubine, and her father's age, Zhang Ailing for good, willing to use new cloth to make clothes Zhang Ailing. As a result concubine: "I am a good mother or you?" Ai-ling said: "Hello." Because the truth has been said that the reason that Zhang Ailing's heart, I felt a little swelling on the skin.

But few of years, Zhang Ailing's parents divorced. Mother went to France, went back, came and went, the eyes of Zhang Ailing's mother is a bit romantic, a bit mysterious. In the meantime, his father continued the string. Xu Xian's new wife does not like Ai-ling, the father often beat her hands.

There was half a year, Zhang Ailing in the illness, severe diarrhea, no doctors, no medicine, in an attic of house arrest. Finally one day, riding on guard not pay attention to when, where his mother to escape. Since then, his father never go back there. Zhang Ai-ling, told his mother the money on hand is limited, if married, they used the money to buy clothes, pretty dress; to study if there is no money to buy clothes. In the end, Zhang Ailing, or to study. Later, Zhang Ailing's younger brother home from the shelter came out, his mother could not pay the tuition fees.

Zhang Ailing have a aunt, with his father at odds with her mother but good. Zhang Ailing like her, each novel has to ask her to look like. Also like to speak with her. Zhang Ailing There are two good friends, Yan Ying, Meng tapir, are foreigners, often in about a chat, shopping. She did not like the Binxin men, but like the Su Qing. There is very like A Dream of Red Mansions.

Zhang Ailing's experience is that after I had vaguely seen elsewhere, not exactly. Hu Lancheng and love, cohabitation, but it was finally formed a new Hulan Cheng Huan ended. In addition, I do not heard about any of the love story of Zhang Ailing. Shanghai go to Hong Kong to the United States, Zhang Ailing finally left alone in the world, a few days later the body was found. Finally, she walked into the apartment to see the whole room in addition to bed and almost no other furniture.

⑺ 急求張愛玲小說《花凋》英文版


⑻ 求一篇關於張愛玲的文章,要中英文對照版的。

Eileen Chang's life in brief

Eileen Chang, or Zhang Ailing, (Sept. 30, 1920 - Sept. 8, 1995) is a famous Chinese writer. She also used the pseudonym Liang Jing. Chang first made her literary name known in the 1940s "island" Shanghai , when it was occupied by invading Japanese forces. Her work is known for its unique feminine elegance and classic beauty. Her amazing grasp of people's psychology and her particular attitude towards life were seldom seen at the time. Her works frequently deal with the tensions in love between men and women.


Born in Shanghai to a renowned family, Eileen Chang's paternal grandfather Zhang Peilun was son-in-law to Li Hongzhang, an influential Qing court official. Chang was named Zhang Ying at birth. Her family moved to Tianjin in 1922, where she started school at the age of four.

When Chang was five, her birth mother left for Britain after her father took a concubine and became an opium addict. Although she returned four years later, following her father's promise to quit the drug and split with the concubine, a divorce could not be averted. Chang's unhappy childhood in a broken family probably gave her later works their pessimistic overtone.

The family moved back to Shanghai in 1928. Two years later, Chang was renamed Eileen (her Chinese first name, Ailing, was actually a transliteration of Eileen) in preparation for her entry into the Saint Maria Girls' School.

During her secondary ecation, Chang was already deemed a literary genius, and her writings were published in the school magazine. In 1939, she was accepted into the University of Hong Kong to study literature. She also received a scholarship to study in the University of London, though the opportunity had to be given up when Hong Kong fell to the Japanese in 1941.

Chang then returned to Shanghai. She fed herself with what she did best -- writing. It was ring this period when some of her most acclaimed works, including Qing Cheng Zhi Lian and Jin Suo Ji , were penned.

Eileen Chang's life in brief

Chang met her first husband Hu Lancheng in 1943 and married in the following year. She loved him dearly, despite the fact that he was already married as well as having been labeled a traitor to the Japanese. When Japan was defeated in 1945, Hu escaped to Wenzhou, where he fell in love with yet another woman. When Chang traced him to his refuge, she realized she could not salvage their marriage. They finally divorced in 1947.

In 1952, Chang migrated to Hong Kong, where she worked as a translator for the American News Agency for three years. She then left for the United States in the fall of 1955, never to return to the mainland again.

In New York, Chang met her second husband, the American scriptwriter Ferdinand Reyer, whom she married in August 1956. Reyer was paralyzed after he suffered from strokes in 1961, while Chang was on a trip to Taiwan , and he eventually died in 1967. After Lai's death, Chang held short-term jobs at Radcliffe College and UC Berkeley.

Chang relocated to Los Angeles in 1973. Two years later, she completed an English translation of The Biography of Hai Shang Hua (Hai Shang Hua Lie Zhuan ), a celebrated Qing novel written in the Wu dialect.

Chang was discovered dead in her apartment on Sept. 8, 1995. According to a will, she was to be cremated without a funeral. Her ashes were scattered in the Pacific Ocean.

Chang's main works :

Tao Hua Yun (The Wayward Husband )
Liu Yue Xin Niang (The June Bride )
Xiao Er Nu (Father takes a Bride )
Yi Qu Nan Wang
Qing Cheng Zhi Lian (Love in a Fallen City )
Yuan Nu
Hong Meigui Yu Bai Meigui (The Red Rose and the White Rose )
Ban Sheng Yuan (Yuan of Half a Life, also known as Eighteen Springs )
Jin Suo Ji (Record of a Golden Lock )

Author: Jeff


張愛玲,或張愛玲, (一九二零年9月30日-1 995年9月八號)是一家著名的中國作家。她還使用了化名梁姬嗯。第一張她的名字稱為文學在20世紀40年代的「島嶼」上海,當時被日本侵略勢力。她的作品以其獨特的女性的優雅與經典之美。她的驚人的把握人的心理,尤其是她的生活態度是很少見到的時候。她的作品經常處理的緊張局勢愛男子和婦女之間。





在她的中學教育,長已經被視為文學天才,她的作品刊登在校刊。 1939年,她被接納進入香港大學學習文學。她還獲得了獎學金,研究的倫敦大學,雖然機會要放棄當香港下跌,日本在1941年。





在紐約,常遇見她第二任丈夫,美國編劇費迪南德Reyer ,她結婚, 1956年8月。 Reyer癱瘓後,他因在1961年中風,而常是在訪問台灣,他最終在1967年去世。在賴昌星的死亡,常舉行的短期就業機會在拉德克利夫學院和加州大學伯克利分校。

常遷移到洛杉磯於1973年。兩年後,她完成了一個英文翻譯傳海華(海華哩遏傳) ,清代著名小說中的吳方言。

常被發現死在她的公寓在9月8日, 1995年。據會,她被火化未經葬禮。她的骨灰則散布在太平洋。




⑼ 我喜歡看張愛玲的小說 英文


⑽ 張愛玲的小說有英文版么

她的後半生住在美國,這期間的作品,很多是用英語寫的。但是這些英文著作有沒有公開出版過,我不得而知。《重訪邊城》(英文叫A Return To The Frontier,這個在美國雜志發表過)、《秧歌》、《赤地之戀》、《小團圓》,都是。我們看到的中譯本,也是她自己譯的,或者說是她用中文又創作(推敲)了一遍。或許她比林雨堂更愛自己的作品,林大師僅肯用雙語寫學術專著,但沒用中文再寫一遍《京華煙雲》。



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