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發布時間:2021-11-21 03:59:03

㈠ 英語課老師要求讀英文書,有沒有頁數合適又比較有趣的小說推薦


㈡ 喜歡用英語寫小說的嗎


㈢ 小說用英語怎麼說

1、Novel,英[ˈnɒvl], 美[ˈnɑ:vl]。長篇小說,新法,附律。新奇的,異常的。


3、Sheldon writes every day of the week, dictating his novels in the morning.謝爾登一周七天都要寫作,每天上午口述小說讓別人記錄。

4、Both her novels won prizes.她的兩部小說都獲了獎。



1、Dickens 'novels have enriched English literature.狄更斯的小說豐富了英國文學。

2、She is a prolific writer of novels and short stories.她是一位多產的作家,寫了很多小說和短篇故事。

3、His works are included in this anthology of stories.這本小說集收錄了他的作品。

4、The novel portrays the growth of a fighter.這本小說描寫了一個戰士的成長。

5、Sara and I read the story and marveled.我和薩拉讀了這部小說後驚嘆不已。

6、This novel has been made into a film.這部小說已拍成電影了。

㈣ 我的英語老師給了我幾本英文小說怎麼翻譯

您好,我是睿凡教育的李老師。My Ehglish teacher gave me several Ehglish books.

㈤ 我們英語老師要求寫小說摘要,應該寫小說大意還是感悟

我認為你可以先讀完你所選擇的小說,然後選擇一到兩個你比較感興趣的點寫一寫。其實所謂的摘要就是選擇這篇小說中你感興趣的覺得重要的部分,然後進行舉例論證,以及詳細的分析。比如你選擇一篇小說的中心思想(例如:小說the namesake的中心思想是關於美國第二代移民Gogol對於自己的雙重身份的矛盾。以及後來終於在矛盾中找回自己最原始的起源)那麼你就可以舉例論證你是從文章的哪些部分段落和語句中發現這篇小說的中心思想的,然後找出來。(例如:在the namesake的第xxx頁,Gogol和他的父親母親為了他的名字發生爭吵,他討厭的他的印度乳名因為那對於美國出生的他來說是個奇怪的名字,並且這讓他覺得他和他的美國朋友不一樣。還有XXX頁,當一起去郊遊的美國女人問他,他是從什麼時候來美國的。他生氣的對她說我是一個美國人。以及後來xxx頁,他和一個印度妻子結婚。小說的最後他回到了印度。這些都意味著男主角Gogol從矛盾,叛逆到接受他真正起源的過程。從這些方面就可以證明這篇小說的中心思想。)最後你可以在conclusion扣一下題。然後深入分析你對這篇小說中心思想的理解,以及之後你通過這篇小說想到什麼也就是future thinking。字數不多也就500單詞就可搞定。文章結構就是這樣introction介紹你感興趣的部分, 中間論證,conclusion分析和一些自己思想。還有不理解可以和我聯系[email protected]

㈥ 初中時看過一本寫師生戀的小說 好像是寫高三的,男主是位英語老師,4十多歲,是什麼小說呢,哪位知道


㈦ 關於英語小說簡介,不要太難的英文小說,高分哦!!!

The Old Man and the Sea

The Old Man and the Sea is one of Ernest Hemingway's famous novels in the world. Ernest Hemingway was born in Chicago in July 1899. His parents were doctors. He became a journalist after he graated from high school. In 1918 WWI, Ernest Hemingway took part in America Red Cross Ambulance Corps, and was injured in Italy. Then he traveled to France, Canada, Germany, Switzerland, and Greece. At last he went to Paris and began his writing life. After the WWI, he wrote his famous novels In Our Time in 1925, The Sun Also Rises in 1926, A Farewell to Arms in 1929, For Whom the Bell Tolls in 1940, The Old Man and the Sea in 1952. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in literature in 1954, and he committed suicide by shooting, because he couldn't tolerate the pain of illness.
The Old Man and the Sea told a story that an old man named Santiago who had not been able to catch any fish for totally eighty-four days. At the beginning, a boy named Monolin stayed with him for a few, but the boy was asked to leave away the old man by child's parents, because they thought the old was not a good fisherman. The old man made the decision that he wanted to go to the farther sea region. He really did it. He drove his little boat to a strange and farther sea region, and he finally fished a big Marlin, but he couldn't take it to the boat. The fish was so powerful and it began to pull the boat. The old man began to fight with the Marlin. After two day, he killed the fish, and bundled the fish on boat, but the boat was attacked by a group of sharks. The old man had to fight with the sharks again and again. When he came back to his village, Most of the Marlin's meat was taken away by the sharks except the bones. The old injured too.
The Old Man and the Sea is a very good novel, I was exciting and shocked when I read it. It is wonderful when I read the chapter that the old man fought with the fish.
Usually, when people finished this masterpiece, they always are fully convinced by the great old man』s determination, courage, and toughness. I have already heard of this masterpiece for many years, peope love it, raise it, and respect it. But when I finished it, at the first moment, I just wonder: Actually, Our human-beings don』t know what we really want, what we dream for, and what we fight for. The problems are always proced by ourselves continuously, then, we try our best to defeat it and even, destroy it. But to the essence, who on earth was defeated till the end? And what』s more, after the conquest, what are we going to do and what can we do?! The essence of our Chinese traditional culture is the affinity while for the American culture it emphasizes the conquest, that』s really totally different, and it』s what we should think over it, only when we understand the meaning of conquest, can we absorb and extend the meaning of our life. If we only focus on the conquest blindly, even it』s a wonderful, splendid and encouraging process; nothing will on our hands at last just as the old man Santiago get nothing but the skeleton. Many people admit and pries this belief that the man is not made for defeat, a man can be destroyed but not defeated, but what about other creatures in the world, to some sense, in the whole universe? No matter what kind of person we are, or how small or humble we are, it doesn』t matter. What matter most is whether we know what we want to purchase through our life. And finally, what impressed me a lot is that child with great naive and loveliness! The child took the beautiful and bright days back for the old man. We human beings are really a kind of strange creature. We can accept death, but when facing the failure, it will call for all of our strength and courage. What』s I want to say at the end of this report is that: don』t hesitate any more! Enjoy yourself and your beautiful, even gray days.

㈧ 上課寫小說被英語老師抓住了,老師讓寫檢討,字數不用太多認錯誠懇就好!


㈨ 英語老師給我們看了一個英語推理小說。。

英語推理 English reasoning
迷路 be / get lost
100美金 one hundred dollars
十字路口 crossroad
旅館 hotel


㈩ 求一篇200字左右的英語小說,要原創的。

附中文譯文~ -3-

One day when Jack was walking in the park, he saw a woman he knew sitting on a chair with a dog beside her. The dog was looking up at the woman. Jack went up to the woman and said, "Hello, Sue, how are you? May I sit and talk with you for a while?"
"Of course, please sit down." Sue said. Jack sat down next to Sue on the chair, and they talked quietly together. The dog still looked up at Sue, as if waiting for something to eat.
"That's a nice dog," Jack said, looking at the animal.
"Yes, he's nice and he's strong and healthy."
"And hungry," Jack said. "He hasn't taken his eyes off you. He thinks you've got some food for him."
"That's true," Sue said, "but I haven't."
The two friends laughed and then Jack said, "Does your dog bite (bite-bit-bitten v. 咬)?"
"No," Sue said. "He's never bitten anyone."
Hearing this, Jack decided to touch the dog. He put out his hand and touched the animal's head. At once it jumped up and bit him.
"Hey!" Jack shouted. "You said he didn't bite."
"No, he doesn't," Sue answered. "You asked me if my dog bit, and I said no. That's not my dog. My dog is at home."



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