『壹』 請各位介紹幾篇短篇英文小說
『貳』 莫泊桑的簡介簡單點(中文+英文)
1878年,他在教育部工作之餘開始從事寫作。那時,他的舅舅的同窗好友,大文學家福樓拜成為莫泊桑文學上的導師,他們兩人結下了親如父子的師徒關系。福樓拜決心把自己創作的經驗傳授給莫泊桑。莫泊桑非常尊重嚴師的教誨,每篇習作都要送給福樓拜審閱。福樓拜一絲不苟地為他修改習作,對莫泊桑的不少作品表示贊賞,但勸他不要急於發表。因此,在70年代裡,莫泊桑的著述很多,但發表的卻很少,這是他文學創作的准備階段。他以《羊脂球》(1880)入選《梅塘晚會》短篇小說集,一躍登上法國文壇,其創作盛期是80年代。10年間,他創作了6部長篇小說《一生》(1883)、《俊友》(1885)、《溫 泉》(1886)、《皮埃爾和若望》、《像死一般堅強》(1889)、《我們的心》(1890)。這些作品揭露了第三共和國的黑暗內幕內閣要員從金融巨頭的利益出發,欺騙議會和民眾,發動掠奪非洲殖民地摩洛哥的帝國主義戰爭;抨擊了統治集團的腐朽、貪婪、爾虞我詐的荒淫無恥。莫泊桑還創作了350多部中短篇小說,在揭露上層統治者及其毒化下的社會風氣的同時,對被侮辱被損害的小人物寄予深切同情。
『叄』 誰幫我找找,哪本英文版的短篇小說好讀一些。
內容簡介《契訶夫短篇小說選》所選的作品來自契訶夫創作的前後兩個時期。在早期作品中,除了中國讀者比較熟悉的,具有一定現實批判色彩的《變色龍》之外,還有一些輕松詼諧的純幽默小說。《契訶夫短篇小說選》所選的契訶夫後期小主,以《套中人》是為著名。這篇小說表現了沉悶壓抑的時代氛圍,諷刺了俄國社會普遍的僵化、禁錮的精神狀態。 作者簡介安東·巴甫洛維奇·契訶夫(Antonpavlovich chekhov,1860-1904),19世紀俄國小說家、戲劇家、批判現實主義作家、世界短篇小說藝術大師。1860年1月29日生於羅斯托夫省塔甘羅格市。1879年進入奠斯科大學醫學系。1904年7月15日因肺炎逝世。其劇作對20世紀戲劇產生了很大影響,他堅持批判現實主義傳統,注重描寫俄國人民的日常生活.塑造具有典型性格的小人物,藉此忠實反映出當時俄國社會的現況。他和法國的莫泊桑,美國的歐·亨利齊名為世界三大短篇小說巨匠。
童道明,1937年生於江蘇省楊合鎮(今張家港市),1960年肄業干莫斯科大學文學系語言文學專業。現為中國社會科學院外國文學研究所研究員、中國戲劇家協會理事、中國作家協會會員。著有:論文集《他山集》,專著《戲劇筆記》,隨筆集《惜別櫻桃園》等,主編《世界經典戲劇全集》(20卷),並有譯著數種。 編輯推薦《契訶夫短篇小說選》是我國當代著名俄羅斯文學專家童道明先生主譯,世界三大短篇小說巨匠之一、列夫·托爾斯泰眼中的「一流幽默作家」——契訶夫經典短篇小說集,買中文版送英文版。
望著溫暖的夜晚的天空,望著映照出疲憊的、憂郁的落日的河流和水塘,是一種可以為之付出全部靈魂的莫大滿足。 目錄
·頁碼:242 頁
『肆』 莫泊桑的中英文對照簡介
全名居基·德·莫泊桑(Guy de Maupassant 1850年8月5日-1893年7月6日) :19世紀後半期法國優秀的批判現實主義作家,曾拜法國著名作家福樓拜為師。一生創作了6部長篇小說和350多篇中短篇小說,他的文學成就以短篇小說最為突出,是與契訶夫和歐·亨利並列的世界三大短篇小說巨匠之一,對後世產生極大影響。被譽為「短篇小說之王」。他擅長從平凡瑣屑的事物中截取富有典型意義的片斷,以小見大地概括出生活的真實。他的短篇小說構思別具匠心,情節變化多端,描寫生動細致,刻畫人情世態惟妙惟肖,令人讀後回味無窮。
The full name occupied base · Germany · Maupassant (Guy de Maupassant on August 5th, 1850 - July 6, 1893): In the second half of the 19th century France outstanding critical realism writer, once did obeisance French renowned writer Flaubert was a teacher. The life has created 6 novels and more than 350 short stories, his literature achievement was most prominent by the short story, was scolds the husband and European · Henry's compound world one of three big short story great masters with the agreement, had the enormous influence to the later generation. Is honored as 「king of the short story」. He excels from the ordinary trivial thing to intercept the rich typical significance the piece, by slightly sees the earth to summarize the life the reality. His short story forms in one's mind to have great originality, the plot is changeable, description vivid careful, the portray human sentiment ways of the world are lifelike, after making one read, provides much food for thought.
『伍』 莫泊桑短篇小說 哪個譯本最好
《莫泊桑短篇小說》眾多譯本中,人民文學出版社出版的趙少候譯本版比較好。 原因:趙少權候翻譯的文風非常准確,言簡意賅,又不凡風趣。字里行間表達的文辭讓讀者讀起來很舒服。
『陸』 有哪些好看的短篇英文小說
螞蟻 (博里斯·維昂)
蠢豬 (馬萊巴)
品酒 (羅·達爾)
打不碎的雞蛋 (馬萊巴)
品酒 (羅·達爾)
『柒』 莫泊桑短篇小說英文版
『捌』 推薦簡單英文小說
·抄Aesop's Fables
·Black Beauty·
·Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
·The Chronicles of Narnia·Charlotte's Web ·
『玖』 莫泊桑短篇小說精選每篇簡介
『拾』 莫泊桑短篇小說 項鏈 英語報告
Mobosang "Necklace" is the world literature in the short story of rare works. Story is this: Hero Madierde a small staff of the Ministry of Ecation is the wife of the Minister of Ecation to participate in organized ball to a friend linked by a diamond necklace. ball after the end of the necklace inadvertently lost. everywhere but only for people to borrow money, and bought a value of 36,000 francs, with the appearance of the same necklace borrowed diamond necklace, also quietly to a friend. order to repay its debt Madierde and her husband had to "dismiss the maid, move home, leasing a small mezzanine floor住下." and has since been on the saving, enred sufferings, the destitute life . spent 10 years time, they will repay the debt. Madierde also resulted in their own youth, "has become a poor family of a sturdy-working women." Later, he met her by chance to Necklace her friend to know that she lost the diamond necklace was a fake, worth only 500 francs ......
This novel was introced very early on to China, and indirectly to the secondary school and university teaching materials Subsequently, the theme of a novel adaptation of the script, through radio, film, television and other media to promote, now can be said to be known to everyone. including women and children had. existing language textbooks and high school English textbooks, remains the "necklace" as the materials, as a teacher, I have repeatedly contacted novel opportunities. years in the practice of teaching, the author and the majority of teachers, This article has been included in the "Feng Yu novel" areas that the novel is the theme of those who love irony vanity and were punished, the heroine Madierde as negative examples, flogging and irony, but with age growth, with the wealth of their own life experience, come back to read this novel, the author exclaimed Madierde "vanity sorrow" at the same time, that she is "a model of integrity," and even made her feel that by all should not be reprehensible.
He heroine Madierde what is wrong with it
We generally think that, Madierde ball in the invitation received after her husband should not be made to dance to buy clothing requirements, and more by friends should not whereabouts jewelry. Beautiful heart but both of the people, and Madi Wilder is a "never leave" family women, with a sudden appearance, the opportunity to participate in social activities, and hope that their Dabandebiaoliang bit, in the hope that before in the public not to be too Xie, which is quite normal. , particularly women, can be understood. dance clothes need to buy 400 francs, this requirement does not affect the normal life of the family, with her husband of a so Xinzi is "prepared to buy a shotgun, and good summer Sunday, with several friends to the south plains fight Carbondale Skylark. "Since men can be used to buy shotguns, 400 francs a Skylark, why she can not be used for 400 francs a dance buy their own clothes to jewelry As it seems Some absurd, think carefully also beyond reproach. is not stolen is not looting, find a friend to take part in a jewelry party, after the return is not normal for things Mody
Andersen's Fairy Tales Cinderella to attend the prince's party, wear dance clothes and Shuijingwa is not her own, that she has done no wrong, no one said that her love vanity, we even think that she has done very right. why because Cinderella "dress well" has brought good luck to her, so that she attracted the attention of the Prince, and eventually become a princess, and Madierde "deliberately decorative" created trouble for himself, making himself unprovoked lost 36,000 francs, and resulted in their own youth, to change their later life. with an act, simply because the ultimate outcome different, we used two different standards to judge the past, it is being unfair. if said Madierde borrowed the necklace linked not only has not lost, and because she was on Fengzichaodi dance performance, which may lead to a period of Archipelago, the good aspects of life began to transform, we will blame her "love vanity," Mody
Therefore, all the mistakes are attributable to Madierde "by Necklace" is not justified. Tragedy is not the cause in the necklace by itself, but the chance was lost necklace. Author is not to promote the views of fatalism, but life Many in the "accidental" sometimes does not have to dominate. As Mobosang written to in the text: "Life is very strange, how the vagaries ah, a very small one thing you can be corrupt, but also can help the you! "
Some people might say that the Xianpinaifu Madierde essence, the thinking climbed upwards, with a high society fantasy life, in the seven "dream" put her in the coveted "elegant and extravagant life" hidden psychological manifestations head. even if she does not lose the necklace, she was the one for her "petty bourgeois ideology" pay a heavy price. If we say that this view is in the "Cultural Revolution" ring the past year, we have may be able to accept, but now, it looks a little far-fetched, there is not much more convincing and ecational significance. saying: "Renwanggaochuzou, water flows." climbed upwards to a person, not what shortcomings , it should be said that it is an instinct, or even think there is a determination and ideals, vision performance. who is not a good life, and would prefer a destitute life as people really, it must be crazy. Madierde right unsatisfactory marriage and the reality of life is painful, a very good day for some of the others longing and yearning for, at best, or at home complaining about a few garrulous, she is not forcing her husband to corruption, banditry, raids, Toujimogou, she has no Jianyisaiqian, bondage glory, do what I am sorry her husband or family activities. do not have affluent and comfortable life, the right to even utopian Mody did not live in the bottom of society, we will Anpinle If the illusion of life has changed, That is most repugnant offence .-- This is the irony and ridicule those who Madierde logic.
Looking at the full text is not difficult to see, the author seems to be deliberately allowing the Madierde into such an awkward situation: as one dream to enter the upper reaches of society, eventually became the "poor people in a sturdy working women." From that point of living in the late 19th century in the Mobosang is despised, looked down on the working people, he also believes that high society is yearning for. since he has such a sense of, why should blame Madierde "suspected poor love Fu "?
Realistically speaking, the whole story Madierde in the development process, not only there is not much the fault, in some respects - in particular was borrowing to buy necklaces, quietly compensable necklace, saving, diligence expense plight done in debts - are people stood respectfully before visitors, reflecting her good, honest and hard-working side. said that if she is a cunning, even if it is really linked to a lost diamond necklace, she is entirely possible to buy Counterfeiting linked to a "Sijiachongzhen", or death to admit its fault, anyway dead by the time a necklace IOU; If she is a shameless person, the marriage was not successful, life is getting worse, destitute, she I can pedal to the men to another Pangaoqi; If she is a Haoyielao, degradation of women, in the face of such heavy debt burden, she can choose to money faster Road to extort money, for example prostitution, drug trafficking, theft, robbery, etc., and there is no need to rece expenditure on the dismissal maid, on "one of a copper-copper difficult to save her money," on her husband "to a businessman at the transcription accounts" also accounts. Therefore, if View the full text can be seen, Madierde is very honest and keep堪稱integrity of the model.
Madierde negligence is the largest by the necklace, necklace did not ask the value of the lost necklace, and no friend to the courage to express the truth. If she had succeeded in any of them, then the tragedy would not have occurred, she would not be in the wrong in the 10 years spent in general nightmare of course, if she really did do this, there will be no Mobosang of the novel.