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發布時間:2021-11-06 04:26:00

㈠ 造化之門主題曲

Blue Skies - Lenka
We've been waiting, anticipating change coming our way
You're my baby through the bad nights to the brighter days
I know that something good is waiting just around the corner
There's a new day dawning there's a new life for us
Got to keep on holding on for just a little longer
I know
That it's gonna be
Blue Skies for you and I
We'll step out of the shadows and walk into the light
Yeah it's gonna be Blue Skies for you and I
But my heart beats slow as the storm carries on up high
And the clouds roll by
I can feel it, it's coming
Fast and fierce and wild
I can see it, everytime I look into those eyes
Tell me is it really gonna storm again
Will the sky turn dark, will the rain begin?
I wanna be with you whenever lightning strikes
'cause I know
But it's gonna be Blue Skies for you and I
We'll step out of the shadows and walk into the light
Yeah it's gonna be Blue Skies for you and I
But my heart beats slow as the storm carries on up high
And the clouds roll by
Let the clouds roll by
I can't stand the rain for one more day
I know we can make it go away
Can you feel it like a fever
Burning till it breaks
Blue Skies for you and I
We'll step out of the shadows and walk into the light
Yeah it's gonna be Blue Skies for you and I
But my heart beats slow as the storm carries on up high
And the clouds roll by
Blue Skies
clouds roll by
Blue Skies
clouds roll by
Blue Skies
clouds roll by
Blue Skies
clouds roll by

㈡ 造化之門有聲小說哪個網站更新的最快


㈢ 造化之門寫這部小說目前賺了多少錢

㈣ 主角有一個好像叫造化之門的東西,然後從裡面一點一點得到第一世的身體,有好多老婆但都是第一世兩個老婆


㈤ 可以聽造化之門的聽書軟體,免費的


㈥ 造化之門中師瓊華死之前被強x是不是真的,剛才在懶人聽書看到的評論,求回復

假的,你見過那個小說 會寫 主角的老婆 女朋友 被那個的? 除了(yellow)小說,最強棄少 我也看過的,老五那個小說風格 是不可能這樣寫的。

㈦ 造化之門里有一章講的是,有一個幫寧城打探消息的小人物,因為幫他說


㈧ 求造化之門百度雲資源




㈨ 板你一磚播造化之門需要申請版權嗎




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