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㈠ 歷屆普利策獎獲獎者

普利策獎官方網站 有詳細內資料容

㈡ 誰能把我教成作家

2008 Aravind Adiga 阿拉溫德•阿迪加White Tiger《白虎》
2007 Anne Enright安妮•恩萊特Gathering《聚會》
2006 KiranDesai基蘭•德塞TheInheritance ofLoss《失去之遺傳》
2005 John Banville 約翰•邦維爾 The Sea 《大海》
2004 Alan Hollinghurst 阿蘭•霍林赫斯特 The Line of Beauty 《美麗曲線》
2003 D.B.C Pierre 皮埃爾 Vernon God Little 《弗農小上帝》
2002 Yann Martel 揚•馬特爾 Life of Pi 《少年Pi的奇幻漂流》
2001 Peter Carey 彼得•凱里 True History of the Kelly Gang 《「凱利幫」真史》
2000 Margaret Atwood 瑪格麗特•阿特伍德 The Blind Assassin 《盲刺客》
1999 J M Coetzee 庫切 Disgrace 《恥》
1998 Ian McEwan 伊恩•麥克尤恩 Amsterdam 《阿姆斯特丹》
1997 Arundhati Roy 阿蘭達蒂•洛伊 The God of Small Things 《卑微的神靈》
1996 Graham Swift 格拉漢姆•史威夫特 Last Orders 《遺言》
1995 Pat Barker 帕特•巴克 The Ghost Road 《鬼途》
1994 James Kelman 詹姆斯•科爾曼 How Late It Was, How Late 《晚了,太晚了》
1993 Roddy Doyle 羅迪•道爾 Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha 《童年往事》
1992 Michael Ondaatje 邁克爾•翁達傑 The English Patient 《英國病人》
1991 Ben Okri 本•奧克瑞 The Famished Road 《飢餓的路》
1990 A S Byatt 拜阿特 Possession 《書蹤迷情》
1989 Kazuo Ishiguro 石黑一雄 The Remains of the Day 《長日留痕》
1988 Peter Carey 彼得•凱里 Oscar and Lucinda 《奧斯卡與露辛達》
1987 Penelope Lively佩內洛普•萊夫利 Moon Tiger《月亮虎》
1986 Kingsley Amis金斯利•艾米斯 The Old Devils 《花甲之後》
1985 Keri Hulme 胡勒 The Bone People 《骨人》
1984 Anita Brookner 安妮塔•布魯克娜 Hotel Lac 《杜蘭葛山莊》
1983 J M Coetzee 庫切 Life and Times of Michael K 《邁克爾.K的生活和時代》
1982 Thomas Keneally 托馬斯•肯納利 Schindler's Ark 《辛德勒的名單》
1981 Salman Rushdie 拉什迪 Midnight's Children 《午夜之子》
1980 William Golding 威廉•戈爾丁 Rites of Passage 《啟蒙之旅》
1979 Penelope Fitzgerald 佩內洛普•菲茨傑拉德 Offshore 《海岸外》
1978 Iris Murdoch 艾麗斯•默多克 The Sea,The Sea 《大海啊,大海》
1977 Paul Scott 保羅•斯科特 Staying On 《繼續停留》
1976 David Storey 戴維•斯托里 Saville 《薩維爾》
1975 Ruth Prawer Jhabvala 賈瓦拉 Heat & Dust 《熱與塵》
1974 Nadine Gordimer戈迪默 The Conservationist 《生態保護者》
1974《假日》,米德爾頓(女,Stanley Middleton ),與戈迪默分享布克獎
1973 J G Farrell 法雷爾 The Siege of Krishnapur《克里希納普被圍期間》
1972 John Berger 約翰•伯格 G. 《G》
1971 V S Naipaul 奈保爾 In a Free State 《在自由的國度》
1970 Bernice Rubens 魯賓斯 The Elected Member《選中的成員》
1969 P H Newby Something To Answer For 《需要負責的事情》

2008: Peter Matthiessen彼得•馬迪森Shadow Country《遮蔽的鄉村》
2007: Denis Johnson 丹尼斯•約翰遜 Tree of Smoke 《煙樹》
2006: Richard Powers 理查德•鮑威爾斯 The Echo Maker《回聲製造者》
2005: William T. Vollmann 威廉姆•T•沃爾曼 Europe Central 《歐洲中心》
2004: Lily Tuck 莉莉•塔克 The News from Paraguay 《巴拉圭消息》
2003: Shirley Hazzard 雪莉•赫扎德 The Great Fire 《大火》
2002: Julia Glass 朱利亞•格拉斯 Three Junes 《三個六月》
2001: Jonathan Franzen 喬納森•弗倫岑 The Corrections 《糾正》
2000: Susan Sontag 蘇珊•桑塔格 In America 《在美國》
1999: Ha Jin 哈金 Waiting 《等待》
1998: Alice McDermott 愛麗思•麥德莫 Charming Billy 《迷人的比利》
1997: Charles Frazier 查爾斯•弗雷澤 Cold Mountain 《冷山》 接力出版社
1996: Andrea Barrett 安德里亞•巴里特 Ship Fever and Other Stories《船熱及其它故事》
1995: Philip Roth 菲利普•羅斯 Sabbath's Theater 《薩巴斯劇院》
1994: William Gaddis 威廉•加迪斯 A Frolic of his Own 《訴訟游戲》
1993: E. Annie Proulx 安妮普洛克斯 The Shipping News 《船訊》
1992: Cormac McCarthy 科馬克•麥卡錫 All the Pretty Horses 《駿馬》
1991: Norman Rush 介諾曼•拉什 Mating 《交融》
1990: Charles Johnson 查爾斯•約翰遜 Middle Passage 《中途》
1989: John Casey 約翰•凱西 Spartina 《斯巴泰納》
1988: Pete Dexter 皮特•德克斯特 Paris Trout 《帕里斯•特勞特》
1987: Larry Heinemann 拉里•海涅曼 Paco's Story 《帕科的故事》
1986: E.L. Doctorow 道克托羅 World's Fair 《世界博覽會》
1985: Don DeLillo 唐•德里羅 White Noise 《白噪音》
1984: Ellen Gilchrist 埃倫•吉爾克里斯特 Victory over Japan 《打敗日本》
1983: Alice Walker 愛麗絲•沃克 The Color Purple 《紫色》
1983: Eudora Welty 尤多拉•韋爾蒂 The Collected Stories 《短篇小說集》
1982: William Maxwell 威廉•馬克斯韋爾 So Long, See You Tomorrow 《再見,明天見》
1982: John Updike 約翰•厄普代克 Rabbit is Rich 《兔子富了》
1981: John Cheever 約翰•契弗 The Stories of John Cheever 《約翰•契弗短篇小說集》 1981: Wright Morris 賴特•莫里斯 Plain Song 《平原之歌》
1980:John Irving 約翰•歐文 The world According to Garp 《誘惑》民間文藝出版社
1980: William Styron 威廉•斯蒂倫Sophie's Choice 《索菲的選擇》作家出版社
1979: Tim O'Brien 蒂姆•奧布賴恩 Going after Cacciato 《追尋卡奇亞托》
1978: Mary Lee Settle 瑪麗•李•塞特爾 Blood Tie 《血結》
1977: Wallace Stegner 華萊士•斯特格納The Spectator Bird 《旁觀鳥》
1976: William Gaddis 威廉•加迪斯《小大亨》 譯林出版社
1975: Thomas Williams 托馬斯•威廉斯 The Hair of Harold Roux 《哈羅德•魯的假發》
1975: Robert Stone 羅伯特•斯通 Dog Soldiers 《亡命之徒》
1974: Thomas Pynchon 托馬斯•品欽 Gravity's Rainbow 《萬有引力之虹》 譯林出版社
1974: Isaac Bashevis Singer 辛格A Crown of Feathers . . . 《羽毛王冠及其它故事》
1973: John Williams 約翰•威廉斯 Augustus 《奧古斯都》
1973: John Barth 約翰•巴思 Chimera 《客邁拉》
1972: Flannery O'Connor 弗蘭納里•奧康納 The Complete Stories 《短篇小說全集
1971: Saul Bellow 索爾•貝婁 Mr. Sammler's Planet 《塞穆勒先生的行星》
1970: Joyce Carol Oates 歐茨 Them 《他們》 譯林出版社
1969: Jerzy Kosinski 科辛斯基 Steps 《步子》
1968: Thornton Wilder 桑頓•魏爾德 The Eighth Day 《第八天》
1967: Bernard Malamud 伯納德•馬拉默德 The Fixer 《基輔怨(修配工)》
1966: Katherine Anne Porter 凱•安•波特 The Collected Stories 《灰色馬,灰色的騎手》
1965: Saul Bellow 索爾•貝婁 Herzog 《赫索格》
1964: John Updike 約翰•厄普代克 The Centaur 《馬人》
1963: J.F. Powers 鮑爾斯 Morte D'Urban 《神甫之死》
1962: Walker Percy 沃克•珀西 The Moviegoer 《看電影的人》
1961: Conrad Richter 里希特 The Waters of Kronos 《克羅諾斯河》
1960: Philip Roth 菲利普•羅斯 Goodbye, Columbus 《再見吧,哥倫布》
1959: Bernard Malamud 伯納德•馬拉默德 The Magic Barrel 《魔桶》 譯林出版社
1958: John Cheever 約翰•契佛 The Wapshot Chronicle 《華普肖一家編年史》
1957: Wright Morris 賴特•莫里斯 The Field of Vision 《幻象之地》
1956: John O'Hara 約翰•奧哈拉 Ten North Frederick 《北弗里德里克街十號》
1955: William Faulkner 威廉•福克納 A Fable 《寓言》
1954: Saul Bellow 索爾•貝婁 The Adventures of Augie March 《奧吉•馬奇歷險記》
1953: Ralph Ellison 拉爾夫•埃利森 Invisible Man 《看不見的人》(無形人)
1952: James Jones 詹姆斯•瓊斯 From Here to Eternity 《從這里到永恆》
1951: William Faulkner 威廉•福克納 The Collected Stories 《福克納短篇小說選》
1950: Nelson Algren 尼爾森 The Man with the Golden Arm 《金臂人》

1903 - John Antoine Nau, Force ennemie
1904 - Léon Frapié, La Maternelle雷翁•弗拉皮埃 《幼兒園》
1905 - Claude Farrère, Les Civilisés
1906 - Jérôme et Jean Tharaud, Dingley, l'illustre écrivain
1907 - E. Moselly, Terres lorraines
1908 - Francis de Miomandre, Ecrit sur l'eau
1909 - Marius et Ary Leblond, En France
1910 - Louis Pergaud, De Goupil à Margot
1911 - Alphonse de Chateaubriant, Monsieur des Lourdines
1912 - André Savignon, Les Filles de la pluie
1913 - Marc Elder, Le peuple de la mer
1914 - Adrien Bertrand, l'Appel Sol
1915 - René Benjamin, Gaspard
1916 - Henri Barbusse, le Feu巴比塞 《火線》
1917 - Henri Malherbe, La Flamme au poing
1918 - Georges Duhamel, Civilisation
1919 - Marcel Proust, A l'ombre des jeunes filles en fleur (volume 2 of - À la recherche temps per,) 馬塞爾•普魯斯特,《在少女們身旁》(《追憶似水年華》第二卷)
1920 - Ernest Pérochon, Nêne艾爾內斯特•佩羅雄 《奈納》
1921 - René Maran, Batouala
1922 - Henry Béraud, Le vitriol de la lune and Le martyre de l'obèse
1923 - L. Fabre, Rabevel ou Le mal des ardents
1924 - Thierry Sandre, Le Chèvrefeuille, le Purgatoire, le Chapitre XIII
1925 - Maurice Genevoix, Raboliot
1926 - H. Deberly, Le supplice de Phèdre
1927 - Maurice Bedel, Jérôme 60° latitude nord
1928 - Maurice Constantin Weyer, Un Homme se penche sur son passé
1929 - Marcel Arland, L'Ordre
1930 - H. Fauconnier, Malaisie
1931 - Jean Fayard, Mal d'amour
1932 - Guy Mazeline, Les Loups居伊•瑪茲里納 《狼》
1933 - André Malraux, La Condition humaine安德烈•馬爾羅 《人類的命運》
1934 - Roger Vercel, Capitaine Conan
1935 - Joseph Peyre, Sang et Lumières
1936 - Maxence Van Der Meersch, L'Empreinte de Dieu
1937 - Charles Plisnier, Faux Passeports
1938 - Henri Troyat, L'Araignée
1939 - Philippe Hériat, Les enfants gâtés
1940 - Francis Ambrière, Les grandes vacances
1941 - Henri Pourrat, Le vent de mars
1942 - Bernard Marc, Pareil à des enfants
1943 - Marius Grout, Passage de l'Homme
1944 - Elsa Triolet, Le premier accroc coûte 200 Francs
1945 - Jean-Louis Bory, Mon village à l'heure allemande
1946 - Jean-Jacques Gautier, Histoire d'un Fait divers
1947 - Jean-Louis Curtis, Les Forêts de la Nuit
1948 - Maurice Druon, Les grandes familles
1949 - Robert Merle, Week-end à Zuydcoote
1950 - Paul Colin, Les jeux sauvages
1951 - Julien Gracq, Le Rivage des Syrtes (Refused the prize)
1952 - Béatrix Beck, Léon Morin, prêtre
1953 - Pierre Gascar, Les Bêtes
1954 - Simone de Beauvoir, Les Mandarins西蒙娜・德・波伏瓦 《名士風流》
1955 - Roger Ikor, Les eaux mêlées
1956 - Romain Gary, Les racines ciel羅曼•加里 《根深蒂固的天性》
1957 - Roger Vailland, La Loi
1958 - Francis Walder, Saint Germain ou la Négociation
1959 - André Schwarz-Bart, Le dernier des Justes
1960 - Vintilă Horia, Dieu est né en exil
1961 - Jean Cau, La pitié de Dieu
1962 - Anna Langfus, Les bagages de sable
1963 - Armand Lanoux, Quand la mer se retire
1964 - Georges Conchon, L'Etat sauvage
1965 - J. Borel, L'Adoration
1966 - Edmonde Charles-Roux, Oublier Palerme艾德蒙德 《忘卻巴勒莫》
1967 - André Pieyre de Mandiargues, La Marge
1968 - Bernard Clavel, Les fruits de l'hiver
1969 - Félicien Marceau, Creezy
1970 - Michel Tournier , Le Roi des Aulnes米歇爾•圖尼埃 《榿木王》
1971 - Jacques Laurent, Les Bêtises雅克洛朗 《蠢事》
1972 - Jean Carrière, L'Epervier de Maheux讓•卡里埃爾 《瑪厄的鷹》
1973 - Jacques Chessex, L'Ogre
1974 - Pascal Lainé, La Dentellière
1975 - Emile Ajar (Romain Gary), La vie devant soi埃米爾•阿雅爾(羅曼•加里的化名) 《如此人生》
1976 - Patrick Grainville, Les Flamboyants帕特里克•格蘭維爾 《金鳳花》(又譯為《火焰樹》)
1977 - Didier Decoin, John l'enfer德庫安 《約翰魔鬼》
1978 - Patrick Modiano, Rue des boutiques obscures莫迪亞諾 《暗鋪街》(又譯為《尋我記》)
1979 - Antonine Maillet, Pélagie la Charette
1980 - Yves Navarre, Le Jardin d'acclimatation
1981 - Lucien Bodard, Anne Marie
1982 - Dominique Fernandez, dans la main de l'Ange
1983 - Frédérick Tristan, Les égarés
1984 - Marguerite Duras, L'Amant 瑪格麗特•杜拉斯,《情人》
1985 - Yann Queffelec, Les Noces barbares蓋菲雷克 《野蠻的婚禮》
1986 - Michel Host , Valet de nuit
1987 - Tahar ben Jelloun, La Nuit sacrée (摩洛哥)塔哈爾•本•傑倫 《神聖的夜晚——一個男裝少女的奇遇》
1988 - Erik Orsenna, L'Exposition coloniale
1989 - Jean Vautrin, Un grand pas vers le Bon Dieu
1990 - Jean Rouaud, Les Champs d'honneur
1991 - Pierre Combescot, Les Filles Calvaire孔貝斯科 《骷髏地的女孩們》
1992 - Patrick Chamoiseau, Texaco夏莫瓦佐 《德士古》
1993 - Amin Maalouf, Le Rocher de Tanios阿敏•馬盧夫,《塔尼歐斯巨岩》
1994 - Didier Van Cauwelaert, Un Aller simple考韋拉爾特 《一趟去程》
1995 - Andreï Makine, Le Testament français (俄羅斯裔)安德烈•馬奇諾(又譯名馬金尼) 《法蘭西遺囑》
1996 - Pascale Roze, Le Chasseur Zéro羅澤 《零號獵戶》
1997 - Patrick Rambaud, La Bataille朗博 《戰役》
1998 - Paule Constant, Confidence pour confidence波勒•康斯坦 《心心相訴》(又譯《以心比心》)
1999 - Jean Echenoz, Je m'en vais艾什諾茲 《我走了》
2000 - Jean-Jacques Schuhl, Ingrid Caven讓-雅克•舒爾 《英格麗•卡文》
2001 - Jean-Christophe Rufin, Rouge Brésil讓-克里斯托夫•魯番 《紅色的巴西》
2002 - Pascal Quignard, Les Ombres errantes帕斯卡爾•吉納爾 《漂泊的影子》(又譯《幻影游離》)(三部曲《最後的帝國》中的第一部)
2003 - Jacques-Pierre Amette, La maîtresse de Brecht雅克 皮埃爾•阿梅特 《布萊希特的情婦》
2004 - Laurent Gaudé, Le Soleil des Scorta洛朗•戈德,《斯科爾塔的太陽》
2005 – François Weyergans, Trois jours chez ma mère弗朗索瓦•韋耶爾岡斯,《母親家的三日》
2006 - Jonathan Littell, Les Bienveillantes 39歲的美國作家喬納森•利特爾憑借處女作《仁人善事》》(一譯《仁慈者》《善良者》)成為該獎設立以來第11位獲此殊榮的非法國籍作家
2007 - 吉萊斯•勒華(Gilles Leroy)《阿拉巴馬之歌》


㈢ 哪個網站有約翰 契弗的重逢,英語原文

J. Cheever
The last time I saw my father was in Grand Central Station. I was going from my
grandmother's in the Adirondacks to a cottage on the Cape that my mother had rented,
and I wrote my father that I would be in New York between trains for an hour and a half,
and asked if we could have lunch together. His secretary wrote to say that he would meet
me at the information booth at noon, and at twelve o'clock sharp I saw him coming
through the crowd. He was a stranger to me - my mother divorced him three years ago
and I hadn't seen him since - but as soon as I saw him I felt that he was my father, my
flesh and blood, my future and my doom. I knew that when I was grown I would be
something like him; I would have to plan my campaigns within his limitations. He was a
big, good-looking man, and I was terribly happy to see him again. He struck me on the
back and shook my hand. `, Charlie,' he said. `Hi, boy. I'd like to take you up to my
club, but it's in the Sixties, and if you have to catch an early train I guess we'd better get
something to eat around here.' He put his arm around me, and I smelled my father the
way my mother sniffs a rose. It was a rich compound of whiskey, after-shave lotion, shoe
polish, woolens, and the rankness of the mature male. I hoped that someone would see us
together. I wished that we could be photographed. I wanted some record of our having
been together.
We went out of the station and up a side street to a restaurant. It was still early,
and the place was empty. The bartender was quarrelling with a delivery boy, and there
was one very old waiter in a red coat down by the kitchen door. We sat down, and my
father hailed the waiter in a loud voice. `Kellner!' he shouted. `Carbon! Cameriere! You!'
His boisterousness in the empty restaurant seemed out of place. `Could we have a little
service here!' he shouted. `Chop-chop.' Then he clapped his hands. This caught the
waiter's attention, and he shuffled over to our table.
`Were you clapping your hands at me?' he asked.
`Calm down, calm down, sommelier,' my father said. `If it isn't too much to ask of
you - if it wouldn't be above and beyond the call of ty, we would like a couple of
Beefeater Gibsons.'
`I don't like to be clapped at,' the waiter said.
`I should have brought my whistle,' my father said. `I have a whistle that is
audible only to the ears of old waiters. Now, take out your little pad and your little pencil
and see if you can get this straight: two Beefeater Gibsons. Repeat after me: two
Beefeater Gibsons.'
`I think you'd better go somewhere else,' the waiter said quietly.
`That,' said my father, `is one of the most brilliant suggestions I have ever heard.
Come on, Charlie, let's get the hell out of here.'
I followed my father out of that restaurant into another. He was not so boisterous
this time. Our drinks came, and he cross-questioned me about the baseball season. He
then struck the edge of his empty glass with his knife and began shouting again. `Garcon!
Kellner! Cameriere! You! Could we trouble you to bring us two more of the same.' `How
old is the boy?' the waiter asked.
`That,' my father said, is none of your God-damned business.'
`I'm sorry, sir,' the waiter said, `but I won't serve the boy another drink.'
`Well, I have some news for you,' my father said. `I have some very interesting
news for you. This doesn't happen to be the only restaurant in New York. They've opened
another on the corner. Come on, Charlie.'
He paid the bill, and I followed him out of the restaurant into another. Here the
waiters wore pink jackets like hunting coats, and there was a lot of horse tack on the
walls. We sat down, and my father began to shout again. `Master of the hounds! Tallyhoo
and all that sort of thing. We'd like a little something in the way of a stirrup cup. Namely,
two Bibson Geefeaters.'
`Two Bibson Geefeaters?' the waiter asked, smiling.
`You know damned well what I want,' my father said angrily. `I want two
Beefeater Gibsons, and make it snappy. Things have changed in jolly old England. So my
friend the ke tells me. Let's see what England can proce in the way of a cocktail.'
`This isn't England,' the waiter said.
`Don't argue with me,' my father said. `Just do as you're told.'
`I just thought you might like to know where you are,' the waiter said.
`If there is one thing I cannot tolerate,' my father said, `it is an impudent domestic.
Come on, Charlie.'
The fourth place we went to was Italian. `Buon giorno,' my father said. `Per
favore, possiamo avere e cocktail americani, forti, forti. Molto gin, poco vermut.'
`I don't understand Italian,' the waiter said.
`Oh, come off it,' my father said. `You understand Italian, and you know damned
well you do. Vogliamo e cocktail americani. Subito.'
The waiter left us and spoke with the captain, who came over to our table and
said, `I'm sorry, sir, but this table is reserved.'
`All right,' my father said. `Get us another table.' `All the tables are reserved,' the
captain said.
`I get it,' my father said. `You don't desire our patronage. Is that it? Well, the hell
with you. Vada all'inferno. Let's go, Charlie.'
`I have to get my train,' I said.
`I sorry, sonny,' my father said. `I'm terribly sorry,' He put his arm around me and
pressed me against him. `I'll walk you back to the station. If there had only been time to
go up to my club.'
`That's all right, Daddy,' I said.
`I'll get you a paper,' he said. `I'll get you a paper to read on the train.'
Then he went up to a news stand and said, `Kind sir, will you be good enough to
favour me with one of your God-damned, no-good, ten-cent afternoon papers?' The clerk
turned away from him and stared at a magazine cover. `Is it asking too much, kind sir,'
my father said, `is it asking too much for you to sell me one of your disgusting specimens
of yellow journalism?'
`I have to go, Daddy,' I said. `It's late.'
`Now, just wait a second, sonny,' he said. `Just wait a second. I want to get a rise
out of this chap.'
`Goodbye, Daddy,' I said, and I went down the stairs and got my train, and that
was the last time I saw my father.

㈣ 獵鷹者監獄電子書txt全集下載

獵鷹者監獄 txt全集小說附件已上傳到網路網盤,點擊免費下載:

約翰 契弗是美國近代文學一位重要的小說家,一生寫了一百九十餘篇短篇小說,1977年精選其六十一篇作品結為《約翰 契弗短篇小說集》,贏得當年普利策小說類文學獎。他1957年發表第一部長篇小說《華普肖一家》,嗣後發表《華普肖丑聞》(1964),《彈丸山莊》(1969),《獵鷹者監獄》(1977),《天堂逸事》(1982)。

㈤ 契佛是什麼意思


約翰·契佛(John Cheever,1912——1982),美國現代重要的小說家,生於馬薩諸塞州昆西市,讀大學預科時因叛逆被學校開除。1930年了表第一篇小說《被開除》,從此一發不可收拾。1957年發表第一篇長篇小說《華普肖一家》,之後發表《華肖丑聞》、《彈丸山莊》。自選集《約翰·弗短篇小說集》於1977出版,獲得了1978年全國圖書獎和普利策小說獎,1977年,長篇小說《獵鷹者監獄》問世。契佛一生著述豐富,尤以短篇見長,有「美國郊外契訶夫」之譽。
謹獻給弗德里克· 契佛

㈥ 美國國家圖書獎的歷年獲獎小說

年份獲獎小說獲獎作家1950年《金臂人》納爾遜·艾格林1951年《福克納小說集》威廉·福克納1952年《從這里到永恆》詹姆斯·R·瓊斯1953年《看不見的人》拉爾夫·埃里森1954年《奧吉·馬奇歷險記》索爾·貝婁1955年《寓言》威廉·福克納1956年《北弗雷德里克街十號》約翰·奧哈拉1957年The Field of VisionWright Morris1958年《瓦普肖特紀事》約翰·契佛1959年《魔桶》伯納德·馬拉默德1960年《再見,哥倫布》菲利普·羅斯1961年The Waters of KronosConrad Richter1962年《看電影的人》沃克·珀西1963年Morte D'UrbanJ.F. Powers1964《馬人》約翰·厄普代克1965《赫索格》索爾·貝婁1966《灰色馬,灰色的騎手》凱瑟琳·安·波特1967《修配工》伯納德·馬拉默德1968The Eighth DayThornton Wilder1969StepsJerzy Kosinski1970《他們》喬伊斯·卡羅爾·奧茨1971《塞穆勒先生的行星》索爾·貝婁1972《短篇小說全集》弗蘭納里·奧康納1973《客邁拉》約翰·巴思1973 AugustusJohn Williams1974《萬有引力之虹》托馬斯·品欽1974A Crown of Feathers艾薩克·巴什維斯·辛格1975Dog SoldiersRobert Stone1975The Hair of Harold RouxThomas Williams1976《小大亨》威廉·加迪斯1977The Spectator BirdWallace Stegner1978Blood TieMary Lee Settle1979Going after CacciatoTim O'Brien1980《蘇菲的選擇》威廉·斯泰倫1980《蓋普眼中的世界》約翰·歐文1981《約翰·契弗短篇小說集》約翰·契弗1981Plain SongWright Morris1982《兔子富了》約翰·厄普代克1982So Long, See You TomorrowWilliam Maxwell1983The Collected Stories尤多拉·韋爾蒂1983《紫色》艾麗斯·沃克1984Victory over JapanEllen Gilchrist1985《白噪音》唐·德里羅1986World's FairE.L. Doctorow1987Paco's StoryLarry Heinemann1988Paris TroutPete Dexter1989SpartinaJohn Casey1990Middle PassageCharles Johnson1991MatingNorman Rush1992《天下駿馬》科馬克·麥卡錫1993《船訊》安妮·普魯1994《訴訟游戲》威廉·加迪斯1995《薩巴斯劇院》菲利普·羅斯1996Ship Fever and Other StoriesAndrea Barrett1997《冷山》查爾斯·弗雷澤1998《迷人的比利》Alice McDermott1999《等待》哈金2000《在美國》蘇珊·桑塔格2001《糾正》喬納森·弗蘭岑2002《三個六月》朱莉亞·格拉斯2003The Great FireShirley Hazzard2004《巴拉圭消息》莉莉·塔克2005Europe CentralWilliam T. Vollmann2006《回聲製造者》理查德·鮑爾斯2007《煙樹》丹尼斯·約翰遜2008Shadow Country彼得·馬修森2009《轉吧,這偉大的世界》科倫·麥凱恩2010Lord of MisruleJaimy Gordon2011Salvage the BonesJesmyn Ward2012The Round House路易斯·厄德里克2013The Good Lord BirdJames McBride2014RedeploymentPhil Klay2015Fortune Smiles: StoriesAdam Johnson

㈦ 美國國家圖書獎獲得作家有哪些





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