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發布時間:2021-01-25 16:34:08

① 第三種愛情有聲小說海姬何其配音的哪裡找


② 有沒有類似央廣的《第三種愛情》有聲小說




③ 有聲小說第三種愛情的片尾曲

when I told you ILoveyou

④ 有聲小說第三種愛情第11集背景音樂(是一首英文老歌,男女主角咱車上時,收音機里放的)

Perfume - Britney Spears

Do I imagine it, or do I see your stare
Is there still longing there?
Oh I hate myself, and I feel crazy

Such a classic tale
Current girl friend, ex girlfriend, I'm trying to be cool
Am I being paranoid, am I seeing things?
Am I just insecure?
I want to believe

It's just you and me

Sometimes it feels like there's three

of us in here baby

So I, wait for you to call
And I try to act natural
have you been thinking 'bout her or about me
And while I wait I put on my perfume, yeah I want it all over you
I gotta mark my territory

I'll never tell, tell on myself but I hope she smells my perfume

I'll never tell, tell on myself but I hope she smells my perfume

I hide it well, hope you can't tell but I hope she smells my perfume

I hide it well, hope you can't tell but I hope she smells my perfume

I wanna fill the room, when she's in it with you
Please don't forget me
Do I imagine it, or catch these moments
I know you got history

But I'm your girlfriend, now I'm your girlfriend trying to be cool
I hope I'm paranoid, that I'm just seeing things
That I'm just insecure

I want to believe

It's just you and me

Sometimes it feels like there's three

of us in here baby

So I, wait for you to call
And I try to act natural
have you been thinking 'bout her or about me
And while I wait I put on my perfume, yeah I want it all over you

I gotta mark my territory

So I, wait for you to call
And I try to act natural

have you been thinking 'bout her or about me
And while I wait I put on my perfume, yeah I want it all over you
I gotta mark my territory I'll never tell,
tell on myself but I hope she smells my perfume

I'll never tell, tell on myself but I hope she smells my perfume

I hide it well, hope you can't tell but I hope she smells my perfume

I hide it well, hope you can't tell but I hope she smells my perfume

⑤ 葉青 配音的有聲小說除了《第三種愛情》還有什麼





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