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⑴ 求Charles Dickens所有作品中英文名


雙城記 英文版 A Tale of Two Cities

聖誕頌歌 英文版 A Christmas Carol


大衛.科波菲爾 英文版 David Copperfield

艱難時世 英文版 Hard Times

荒涼山莊 英文版 Bleak House


董貝父子 英文版 Dombey and Son


遠大前程 英文版 Great Expectations


霧都孤兒 英文版 Oliver Twist

查爾斯·狄更斯 英國小說家,出生於海軍小職員家庭,10歲時全家被迫遷入負債者監獄,11歲就承擔起繁重的家務勞動。曾在皮鞋作坊當學徒,16歲時在律師事務所當繕寫員,後擔任報社采訪記者。他只上過幾年學,全靠刻苦自學和艱辛勞動成為知名作家。 他生活在英國由半封建社會向工業資本主義社會的過渡時期。其作品廣泛而深刻地描寫這時期社會生活的各個方面,鮮明而生動地刻畫了各階層的代表人物形象,並從人道主義出發對各種丑惡的社會現象及其代表人物進行揭露批判,對勞動人民的苦難及其反抗斗爭給以同情和支持。



查爾斯·狄更斯 (又名: Charles Dickens )
職業 : 原著

馬丁·翟述偉 (又名: Martin Chuzzlewit) (本作品中 : 原著)
原著: 查爾斯·狄更斯
簡介: 這部改編自狄更斯原著的劇集,演員陣容強勁,充滿了善良、邪惡及逗趣的人物,以極其深入的手法呈現富裕老人的家族成員,為了繼續龐大遺產無所不用其極的丑態。憤世嫉俗的老人馬丁·朱述爾維特時日無多了,但繼承他巨額遺產的將會是誰呢?他唯一信任的人就 ...


艱難時世 (又名: Hard Times) (本作品中 : 原著)
原著: 查爾斯·狄更斯
簡介: 大文豪查爾斯·狄更斯不朽之作 銀行家邦德比是當時社會的象徵人物:白手起家、自命不凡的實業巨子,負責侍候他的是出身良好的寡婦史巴斯特太太。當地的議員兼校長格拉德格林以「實事求是,腳踏實地」這套經濟制度為教務教育他的子女-路易莎和湯姆。


遠大前程 (又名: Great Expectations,孤星血淚) (本作品中 : 原著)
原著: 查爾斯·狄更斯
簡介: 故事描述一名女子如何因遇人不淑而矢志對天下男人展開報復;一名年輕人如何從鐵匠學徒搖身一變成為倫敦的紳士,以及對一名冷漠女子的痴心愛戀。《遠大前程》是一個由沖突和波瀾交織而成的故事,皮普富裕的助養人、艾絲黛拉的父親、哈維森小姐的未婚夫等等 ...


我們共同的朋友 (又名: Our Mutual Friend) (本作品中 : 原著)
原著: 查爾斯·狄更斯
簡介: 潺潺河流靜靜流過維多利亞時期的倫敦,暗涌的河水攜帶著一個激情的犯罪故事。在泰晤士河岸旁,貧窮但能乾的麗西,幫助他的父親從事河流拾荒的工作。但父女兩發現,他們所尋獲的一具屍體將帶領他們前往一個原本遙不可及的世界,這是個虛浮,注重表面的世界 ...


大衛科波菲爾 (又名: David Copperfield) (本作品中 : 原著)
原著: 查爾斯·狄更斯
簡介: 「與許多慈愛的父母一樣,我心中也有個最喜愛的孩子。他叫大衛·科波菲爾」 ——查爾斯·狄更斯 世界著名文學《大衛·科波菲爾》首次拍成劇集,由多位著名巨星精心演繹,故事描述一位早年喪父的小男孩,因母親的性格比較柔弱怕事,童 ...


苦海孤雛 (又名: 霧都孤兒,Oliver Twist) (本作品中 : 原著)
原著: 查爾斯·狄更斯
簡介: 改編自大文豪狄更斯著名同名小說。 故事講述孤兒奧利華因不能忍受貧院的惡劣環境及不人道待遇偷走出來,逃到倫敦街頭後遇上一扒手,其後更被臭名遠揚的惡棍拐去,被迫加入「扒手黨」以偷竊為生。「扒手黨」的偷竊活動,以及那些對奧利華母親遺物虎 ...


雙城記 (又名: A Tale of Two Cities) (本作品中 : 原著)
導演: Michael E. Briant 原著: 查爾斯·狄更斯 演員: Paul Shelley Harry Fielder Vivien Merchant Ralph Michael
簡介: 「我現在做的遠比我所做過的一切都美好。我將獲得的休息遠比我所知的一切都甜蜜。」 卡頓是揮霍無度,生活放盪的富家子弟,他是害群之馬,墜落天使,他在斷頭台上的臨終遺言令他在名言集留一席位。這角色今日仍跟這部名著當年初出版時一樣震撼人 .


霧都孤兒 (又名: Oliver Twist) (本作品中 : 原著)
導演: 羅曼·波蘭斯基 演員: Barney Clark Jeremy Swift Ian McNeice Richard Durden Timothy Bateson
簡介: 《霧都孤兒》由奧斯卡最佳改編劇本獎得主羅納德·哈伍德根據英國大文豪查爾斯·狄更斯同名經典小說改編,蜚聲世界影壇大師羅曼·波蘭斯基為全世界的孩子們傾力執導,奧斯卡影帝本·金斯利及英國新晉人見人愛天才小童星巴尼·克拉克聯袂主演。影片由英、法、德、 ...

⑵ 求《遠大前程》英文版簡介 狄更斯的作品

The development of the novel story can be roughly divided into three parts. The first part describes Pip's simple childhood in the countryside.

He met a fugitive by chance.

And stole something from home to help him. Soon, Pip was invited to play in Miss Haweishamu's Sadisi.

And his heart changed. He fell in love with the beautiful but indifferent Estella and began to feel ashamed of his own origin and loved ones.

One day, Pip was suddenly funded by a person who did not want to be named. He was overjoyed to be sent to London to receive a superior ecation.










⑶ 緊急!!!英文版遠大前程的內容簡介,越詳細越好


⑷ 請問有遠大前程1998年上映的由 伊桑·霍克主演的在線免費播放資源

















⑸ 推薦一下 對英語學習有幫助的書籍, 先說聲謝謝


本套書具有以下特點: 「繪」聲「繪」色的體驗。純彩色印刷,配有英美專業朗讀者朗讀的CD光碟。 28本經典著作以及原創故事,諸多著作是第一次收錄。 分為5個級別,從入門級到第四級,本套書每本裡面均含有閱讀准備、故事改編、優美譯文、拓展訓練、語法充電等內容,使學生在閱讀的同時,可以進行相關語法知識的聯系,並能根據文章內容拓寬視角,了解更多的背景知識
入門級:適合小學高年級、初一,共10本 1、《生存游戲》 2、《俠盜羅賓漢》 3、《白色巨石》 4、《紅酋長的贖金》 5、《吸血鬼獵手》 6、《逆戟鯨》 7、《霧都疑案》 8、《亞瑟王傳奇》 9、《亞瑟王朝里的美國人》 10、《把錢拿出來!》
第一級:300生詞量,適合初一、初二學生,分上、下兩冊,共20本 上冊(共10本) 1、《愛情與金錢》 2、《蘇格蘭瑪麗女王》 3、《在月亮下面》 4、《潘德爾的巫師》 5、《歌劇院的幽靈》 6、《猴爪》 7、《象人》 8、《世界上最冷的地方》 9、《阿拉丁和神燈》 10、《別了,好萊塢先生》 下冊(共10本) 1、《小公主》 2、《邦蒂號暴動》 3、《奧米茄文件》 4、《誰謀殺了總統》 5、《福爾摩斯和公爵的兒子》 6、《白色死亡》 7、《綠野仙蹤》 8、《難忘米蘭達》 9、《福爾摩斯與賽馬》 10、《湯姆·索亞歷險記》
第二級:600生詞量,適合初二、初三學生,分上、下兩冊,共25本 上冊(共12本) 1、《威廉·莎士比亞》 2、《格雷絲·達林》 3、《鋼琴之戀》 4、《莫爾格街兇殺案》 5、《魯賓孫漂流記》 6、《愛麗絲漫遊奇境記》 7、《格林·蓋布爾斯來的安妮》 8、《五個孩子和沙精》 9、《風中奇緣》 10、《長池村的故事》 11、《歐·亨利短篇小說集》 12、《分享年》 下冊(共13本) 1、《神秘女人——阿加莎·克里斯蒂》 2、《德拉庫拉》 3、《喬納森·哈克的日記》 4、《亨利八世和他的六位妻子》 5、《哈克貝利·費恩歷險記》 6、《阿利格拉之謎》 7、《五鎮故事》 8、《法蘭克福的耳環》 9、《新森林的孩子們》 10、《福爾摩斯探案故事》 11、《一個國王的愛情故事》 12、《亡靈島》 13、《坎特維爾幽靈》
第三級:1000生詞量,適合初三、高一學生,分上、下兩冊,共19本 上冊(共10本) 1、《弗蘭肯斯坦》 2、《野性的呼喚》 3、《秘密花園》 4、《曾達的囚徒》 5、《愛麗絲鏡中世界奇遇記》 6、《風語河岸柳》 7、《神秘幻想故事集》 8、《鐵路少年》 9、《三個陌生人》 10、《伊桑·佛羅姆》 下冊(共9本) 1、《聖誕歡歌》 2、《多里安·格雷的畫像》 3、《勃朗特一家的故事》 4、《牙齒和爪子》 5、《星際動物園》 6、《誘拐》 7、《公正》 8、《化學秘密》 9、《劫機!》
第四級:1500生詞量,適合高一、高二學生,分上、下兩冊,共17本 上冊(共9本) 1、《巴斯克維爾獵犬》 2、《不平靜的墳墓》 3、《三怪客泛舟記》 4、《三十九級台階》 5、《小婦人》 6、《克蘭福德》 7、《華盛頓廣場》 8、《織工馬南》 9、《化身博士》 下冊(共8本) 1、《雙城記》 2、《格列佛游記》 3、《金銀島》 4、《黑駿馬》 5、《紅字》 6、《極限之旅》 7、《吉姆老爺》 8、《洛娜·杜恩》
第五級:2000生詞量,適合高二、高三學生,共6本。 1、《大衛·科波菲爾》 2、《遠離塵囂》 3、《遠大前程》 4、《呼嘯山莊》 5、《園會》 6、《理智與情感》
第六級:2300生詞量,適合高三、大學低年級學生,共5本 1、《簡·愛》 2、《霧都孤兒》 3、《傲慢與偏見》 4、《苔絲》 5、《白衣女人》

⑹ 遠大前程英文簡短概要


The development of the novel story can be roughly divided into three parts. The first part describes Pip's simple childhood in the countryside.

He met a fugitive by chance.

And stole something from home to help him. Soon, Pip was invited to play in Miss Haweishamu's Sadisi.

And his heart changed. He fell in love with the beautiful but indifferent Estella and began to feel ashamed of his own origin and loved ones.

One day, Pip was suddenly funded by a person who did not want to be named. He was overjoyed to be sent to London to receive a superior ecation.









⑺ 英語專業學生必看的英語書籍推薦



英語專業學生必看的英語書1、《David Copperfield》《大衛·科波菲爾》






英語專業學生必看的英語書3、《Jane Eyre》《簡·愛》



英語專業學生必看的英語書4、《Robinson Crusoe》《魯濱遜漂流記》



英語專業學生必看的英語書5、《Tessof the D’Urbervilles》《德伯家的苔絲》



英語專業學生必看的英語書6、《Lord of the Flies 》《蠅王》




1. 成功人士必看的10本書

2. 關於讀書的英語美文欣賞

3. 經典推薦:十部適合英語學習的電視

4. 大學時期必看的書籍推薦

5. 30本成功人士必看書籍

6. 英語專業畢業生自薦書3篇

⑻ 《遠大前程》英語讀後感


Great Expectations has been considered to be one of Charles Dickens’ most mature and relatively late works. Having experienced a wealth of human life, Dickens got a profound understanding of human-being, the surrounding environment and his life experiences while all his mature thinking and understanding were summarized into the book Great Expectations.

The original meaning of the work’s title in fact is a heritage, but when it was translated into Chinese it gave me an impression that the title shows the hero of the story had Great Expectations. However, reading over the book I realized that this Great Expectations takes an ironic bandit should be said that the theme of this work not only told the story of orphan Pip who wanted to be the ideal first-class disillusionment. If one does think so, he holds a wrong understanding of the great significance why Dickens creative the work.

The hero Pip lived with his sister’s family. Though their life was hard, Pip didn’t wish to be a first-class person his vision was to be a blacksmith like his brother-in-law, his sister’s husband. The reason why he changed his mind and was eager to be a first-class person later was the changing of environmenthe met Miss Harvisham, Estella and some other complex people. As we know one of Dickens's philosophy thoughts is environment takes a deep impact to humans’ ideological and the story expresses his view that different environment creates different people.

In short, I think the work was not arbitrarily written, but was based on the 10 works before aggregating Dickens’ thoughts. What is more, Dickens had put his outlook on life, his views of philosophy and ethics into the great creation.


With so many famous masterpieces on the booklist, it is really a pretty hard job to choose one to read first. After much hesitation and deeply thought, I finally decided to borrow Great Expectations from the small library.

Great Expectations is about love, family, and rejection as Pip and Miss Havisham have both been rejected in certain ways. Pip is a boy around 13 years old, easy to fright, and goes through his life suffering lots of sadness. He is in love with a girl named Estella and wants her to find his love, but for him being shy and not showing himself to her, it makes it very hard for him.

Great Expectations was the penultimate novel completed by the most popular novelist of Victorian England, Charles Dickens. Born in Kent, England, in 1812 to a family of modest means but great pretensions, Dickens’s early life was marked by both humiliation and ambition. Dickens never forgot the period of financial crisis ring his childhood, when following his father’s bankruptcy, he was taken out of school and forced to work in a shoepolish warehouse.

Pip meets an escaped convict, Magwitch, and gives him food, in an encounter that is to haunt both their lives.

When Pip receives riches from a mysterious benefactor he snobbishly abandons his friends for London society and hisgreat expectations。

I set up my mind to select it for the reason that I have read a brief introction of this masterpiece in my high school English textbook before. In addition, a Tale of Two Cities which is also written by Charles Dickens, the outstanding and special English writer, left me a wonderful and deep impression, when I finished reading the marvelous story.

Of course, Great Expectations didn’t let me down, either. What’s more, the whole structure of the novel is well and elaborately designed. The plot is extremely attractive and full of unexpected twists. Quite a few characters have a distinguishable personality. Moreover, those words and sentences are so beautiful and meaningful that I even took them down carefully in my notebook. By reading them no less than three times, I have learned not only some new phrases and sentences, but also a philosophy of life.

Among the characters, which impressed me most are not Pip and Estella who should be regarded as the leading roles, but Joe and Magwitch. I feel awfully sorry that I was not brave enough to read the original edition that is as thick as a brick. Otherwise, I may appreciate Joe and Magwitch more. Yes, they are not the main characters in the novel. However, what they said and what they did deeply touched me. It’s interesting, isn’t it? They are quite the opposite guys. One is a totally good man without the least bit of wickedness while the other is a prisoner who is believed to have committed every evil.

I believe that everyone who reads the book is to like Joe. When he talked about his heavy drinking father who hit him a lot, he said he had a lot of love. Faced with his rude wife, he would rather seem a bit weak or foolish than stand up to her and fight for himself. Knowing peacockish Pip was ashamed of his unecated manners, he left sadly and quietly. The world rushes on over the strings of the lingering heart making the music of sadness. But when he was informed of Pip’s illness, he immediately came to take good care of Pip. He is always contributing everything and requiring nothing. Such a man is Joe, kind, tolerant and selfless. Nothing is so mild and gentle as courage, nothing so cruel and pitiless as cowardice, says a wise author.

However, why do I appreciate Magwitch, the bad guy? You may wonder. Indeed, Magwitch did a lot of evil things when he was young. But how can you be unmoved when you get to know that the old man kept himself going just by thinking of the boy who once did him a small favor? He lost his only daughter and Pip had no parents, so he considered himself as the boy’s second father, making up his mind to help his dear boy became a gentleman. He did every kind of job and led a hard life in Australia. At last he made a big fortune and promised himself that all the money would go to Pip. He could have led a better life in Australia ,but Ihe chose to go back to London .with the simple intention of seeing Pip, he went back at the risk of being hanged! whatever the fault he had from the start, remember, reader, he had a good heart. Joe used these words to describe his father. But I think these words can better describe Magwitch. He lived with the fear of death all his life. Who shuts love out, in turn shall be shut out from love. However, thankfully, because Pip finally realized his good heart, his ending was peaceful.

Dickens has Pip as the writer and first person narrator of this account of his life's experiences, and the entire story is understood to have been written as a retrospective, rather than as a present tense narrative or a diary or journal. Still, though Pip knows how all the events in the story will turn out, he uses only very subtle foreshadowing so that we learn of events only when the Pip in the story does. Pip does, however, use the perspective of the bitter lessons he's learned to comment acidly on various actions and attitudes in his earlier life.

I know how to fully understand this novel, twice is far from enough. Pip, Estella, Miss Havisham, Biddy even Mr Wemmick, every single character has a story that is well worth my attention. I love this novel so much that I am determined to read the original edition one day. Believe me. But before that day comes, I will see the movie Great Expectations first.

Search for knowledge, read more, sit on your front porch and admire the view without paying attention to your needs.

⑼ 遠大前程英語讀書筆記




「Great expectations」 is one of Dicken』s most maturest works. After Dicken had experienced large part of meaningful life, he had a deeper cognition for people, environment, as well as the life which he had gone through. And all the mature cognitions are included in this writing---Great expectations.

Pip was brought up by his sister who was unpleasant as well as crude and her friendly blacksmith husband—Joe. Joe himself had arranged a common hard but satisfied path for Pip to go through, and on the other hand, Pip beheld this as his highest goal to achieve.

But the two things which he had experienced later had changed his pursue and his fate as well. Met Abel Magwith(an escaped convict) in the swamp, and unwillingly helped him out of danger by stealing food from his own home. If say that had changed his attitude for material life, then, his introction to Miss Havisham, an aging woman who had been jilted at the alter and Estella who had been brought up by Havisham only to revenge for her own pain had brought vast shock for his world of spirit.

Aspiring to be a gentleman despite his humble born, Pip fortunately or unfortunately received a fund of wealth from an unknown source and being sent to London with a lawyer. From then on, he became a gentleman without question at the price of losing everything.

The title of this book is 『Great expectations」 which make an impression on us that the character would have great expectations just as the title goes. But in fact this title has a tone of sarcastic on the other way around.

This story full of quirkiness from the very beginning to the end, the relations among characters are anfractuous as well which actually attracted me a lot.

One of the paragraphs, which I appreciate most implicatively as well as beautifully expresses the feeling between Pip and Estella.

「We are friends,」 said I, rising and bending over her, as she rose from the bench.

『And will continue friends apart.」 Said Estella.

I took his hand in mine, and we went out of the ruined place; and, as the morning mists had risen long ago when I first let the forge, so, the evening mists were rising now, and in all the broad expanse of tranquil light they showed to me, I saw no shadow of another parting from her.

At the view of language, this works had achieved a step o f highest, Dicken had made this writing plain and fluent as well, which surely can attract lots of readers and high comments.

To be frank, I really impressed by this art of beauty. So I like Dicken』s works very much.


In this summer holidays, I read a book called < Great Expectations>, it was written by Charles Dickens, one of the most famous English writers. He wrote lots of wonderful novels. This book is one of his compositions.

People always like to compare with their friends. It is a big foible of all the people. If other people have a lot of money, we also want to be rich. If all the people around us are poor , we never mind that we are very poor, too. we will not ashamed because of our folly. This is a social problem.

If we never possess anything, we will not mind we lost some thing. Since we don』t want to be very rich ,we will not feel despond because poor.

The protagonist of this novel is Pip (Handel). His parents died when he was a baby. His sister had brought him up 『by hand』. His sister married to Joe Gargery, the village blacksmith. They didn』t have much money, and Pip never went to school to study. But he was often very happy .Because all of his friends are like him. It isn』t very unfortunate to them, this is their lives. But by a chance, Pip helped a convict; he gave much food to him. Then he met Miss Havisham, a very strange old woman and she was very rich.

Four years later, Miss Havisham wants Pip to be removed from his home and ecated as a gentleman who expects inherit a fortune when he grow up.

After hearing that . Pip started to despise his poor friends. He even feel ashamed because he live with the poor man . Pip』s 『great expectations』 destroyed his life.

This novel told us that we cannot compare with others .Don』t feel envy at the others money. And if one day you be very rich , please don』t despise your poor friends.


All that morning I was frightened that my sister would discover that I had stolen from her,but luckily she was so busy cleaning the house,and roasting the chickens for our Christmas lunch that she did not notice that I had been out,or that any food was missing.At half-past one our two guests arrived.Mr Wopsle had a large nose and a shining,bald forehead,and was the church clerk.Mr Pumblechook, who had a shop in the nearest town,was a fat,middle-aged man witn a mouth like a fish,and staring eyes.He was really Joe's uncle but it was Mrs Joe who called him uncle.Every Christmas Day he arrived with two bottles of wine,handing them proudly to my sister.

『Oh Uncle Pumblechook!This is kind!』she always replied.

『It's no more than you deserve,』was the answer every time.

Sitting at table with these guests I would have felt uncomfortable even if I hadn't robbed my sister.Not only was Pumblechook's elbow in my eye,but I wasn't allowed to speak,and they gave me the worst pieces of meat.Even the chickens must have been ashamed of those parts of their bodies when they were alive.And worse than that,the alts never left me in peace.

『Before we eat,let us thank God for the food in front of us,』said Mr Wopsle,in the deep voice he used in church.

『Do you hear that?』whispered my sister to me.『Be grateful!』

『Especially,』said Mr Pumblechook firmly,『be grateful,boy,to those who brought you up by hand.』

『Why are the young never grateful?』wondered Mr Wopsle sadly.

『Their characters are naturally bad,』answered Mr Pumblechook,and all three looked unpleasantly at me.

When there were guests,Joe's position was even lower than usual(if that was possible),but he always tried to help me if he could.Sometimes he comforted me by giving me extra gravy.He did that now.

『Just imagine,boy,』said Mr Pumblechook,『if your sister hadn't brought you up—』

『You listen to this,』said my sister to me crossly.

『If,as I say,she hadn't spent her life looking after you,where would you be now?』

Joe offered me more gravy.

『He was a lot of trouble to you,madam,』Mr Wopsle said sympathetically to my sister.

『Trouble?』she cried.『Trouble?』And then she started on a list of all my illnesses,accidents and crimes,while everybody except Joe looked at me with disgust.Joe added more gravy to the meat swimming on my plate,and I wanted to pull Mr Wopsle's nose.

In the end Mrs Joe stopped for breath,and said to Mr Pumblechook,『Have a little brandy,uncle.There is a bottle al-ready open.』

It had happened at last!Now she would discover I had stolen some brandy,and put water in the bottle.Mr Pumblechook held his glass up to the light,smiled importantly at it and drank it.When,immediately afterwards,he jumped up and began to rush round the room in a strange wild dance,we all stared at him in great surprise.Was he mad?I wondered if I had murdered him,but if so,how?At last he threw himself gasping into a chair,crying 『Medicine!』Then I understood.Instead of filling up the brandy bottle with water,I had put Mrs Joe's strongest and most unpleasant medicine in by mistake.That was what the big brown bottle contained.

『But how could my medicine get into a brandy bottle?』asked my sister.Fortunately she had no time to find the answer,as Mr Pumblechook was calling for a hot rum to remove the taste of the medicine.『And now,』she said,when the fat man was calmer,『you must all try Uncle Pumblechook's pre-sent to us!A really delicious meat pie!』

『That's right,Mrs Joe!』said Mr Pumblechook,looking more cheerful now.『 Bring in the pie!』

『You shall have some,Pip,』said Joe kindly.

I knew what would happen next.I could not sit there any longer.I jumped down from the table,and ran out of the room.

But at the front door I ran straight into a group of soldiers.Mrs Joe was saying as she came out of the kitchen,『The pie-has-gone!』but stopped when she saw the soldiers.

『Excuse me,ladies and gentlemen,』said the officer in charge.『I'm here in the King's name,and I want the black-smith.』

『And why do you want him?』said my sister crossly.

『Madam,』replied the officer Politely,『speaking for myself,I'd like the pleasure of meeting his fine wife.Speaking for the King,I'd like him to repair these handcuffs.』

『Ah,very good,very good!』 said Mr Pumblechook,clap-ping.

The soldiers waited in the kitchen while Joe lit the forge fire and started work.I began to feel better now that everyone had forgotten the missing pie.

『How far are we from the marshes?』asked the officer.

『About a mile,』replied Mrs Joe.

『 That's good.We'll catch them before it's dark.』

『 Convicts,officer?』asked Mr Wopsle.

『Yes,two escaped convicts out on the marshes.Has anyone here seen them?』

The others all shook their heads.Nobody asked me.When the handcuffs were ready,Joe suggested we should go with the soldiers,and as Mrs Joe was curious to know what happened,she agreed.So Joe,Mr wopsle and I walked behind the men through the village and out on to the marshes.

『 I hope we don't find those poor men,Joe,』I whispered.

『 I hope not either,Pip,』he whispered back.It was cold,with an east wind blowing from the sea,and it was getting dark.

Suddenly we all stopped.We heard shouts in the distance.

『This way!Run!』the officer ordered,and we all rushed in that direction.The shouts became clearer.『 Murder!』『Escaped convict!』『Help!』At last we discovered two men fighting each other.One was my convict,and the other was the man who had run away when I had seen him near the shelter.Somehow the soldiers held the men apart and put the hand-cuffs on them.

『Here he is,I'm holding him for you!』shouted my convict.

『Officer,he tried to murder me!』cried the other man.His face was bleeding and he was clearly very frightened.

『 Murder him!No,』said the first,『 that would be too easy.I want him to suffer more,back on the prison-ship.He's lying,as he did at our trial!You can't trust Compeyson!』

Just then he noticed me for the first time.I shook my head at him,to show that I had not wanted the soldiers to find him.He stared at me,but I did not know if he understood or not.

The prisoners were taken to the riverside,where a boat was waiting to take them on to the prison-ship.Just as he was about to leave,my convict said,『Officer,after my escape,I stole some food,from the blacksmith's house.Bread,cheese,brandy and a meat pie.I'm sorry I ate your pie,blacksmith.』

『I'm glad you did,』replied Joe kindly.『 We don't know why you're a convict,but we wouldn't want you to die of hunger.』

The man rubbed his eyes with the back of his dirty hand.We watched the small boat carry him out to the middle of the river,where the great black prison-ship stood high out of the water,held by its rusty chains.He disappeared into the ship,and I thought that was the last I had seen of him.



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