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㈠ A horseman in the sky課文中文翻譯

A Horseman in the Sky
1 Carter Druse was born in Virginia. He loved his parents, his home, and the South. But he loved his country, too. One morning in the autumn of 1861, when the country was ravaged by a terrible civil war, the young Virginian said, quietly but gravely, 「Father, a Union regiment has arrived. I am going to join it.」
2 The old man looked at his only son for a moment, too shocked to speak. Then he said, 「As of this moment you are a traitor to the South. Please don't tell your mother about your decision. She is sick, and we both know she has only a few weeks to live.」
3 Carter's father paused, again looking deep into his son's eyes. 「Carter,」 he said, 「no matter what happens — be sure you always do what you think is your ty.」
4 Both Carter Druse and his father left the table that morning with a broken heart. And Carter soon left his home, and everyone he loved, to wear the blue uniform of the Union soldier.
5 One sunny afternoon, a few weeks later, Carter Druse lay at full length upon his stomach, his feet resting upon his toes, his head upon his left forearm. His extended right hand loosely grasped his rifle. He was sleeping while on ty. If detected he would be dead shortly afterward, death being the just and legal penalty of his crime. Fortunately, no one could see him. He was hidden by some bushes, growing by the side of the road.
6 The road Carter Druse had been sent to guard was only a few miles from his father's house.
7 It began in a forest, down in the valley, and climbed up the side of a huge rock. Anyone standing on the top of this high rock would be able to see down into the valley. And that person would feel very dizzy, looking down.
8 Hidden in the valley's forest were five Union regiments — thousands of Carter's fellow soldiers. They had marched for thirty-six hours. Now they were resting. But at midnight they would climb that road up the rocky cliff.
9 Their plan was to attack by surprise an army of Southerners, camped on the other side of the cliff. But if their enemy learned about the Union Army hiding in the forest, the soldiers would find themselves in a trap with no escape. That was why Carter Druse had been sent to the road to make sure that no enemy soldier spied on the valley, where the Union Army was hiding.
10 But Carter Druse had fallen asleep. Suddenly, as if a messenger of fate came to touch him on the shoulder, the young man opened his eyes. As he lifted his head, he saw a man on horseback standing on the huge rocky cliff. His first feeling was a keen artistic delight.On the colossal pedestal of the cliff was a statue of impressive dignity. Carter could not see the man's face, because the rider was looking down into the valley. The figure of the man sat on the figure of the horse, straight and soldierly, but with the repose of a Grecian god carved in the marble which limits the suggestion of activity.
11 Carter discovered he was very much afraid, even though he knew the enemy soldier could not see him hiding in the bushes.
12 Suddenly the horse moved, pulling back its head from the edge of the cliff. Wide awake, Carter was alive to the significance of the situation now. He raised his gun and aimed for the horseman's heart. A small squeeze of the trigger, and Carter Druse would have done his ty.
13 At that instant, the horseman turned his head and looked in Carter's direction. He seemed to look at Carter's face, into his eyes, and deep into his brave, generous heart.
14 Carter's face became very white. His entire body began shaking. His mind began to race. In his fantasy, the horse and rider became black figures, rising and falling in slow circles against a fiery red sky.
15 Carter did not pull the trigger. Instead, he let go of his gun.
16 Brave and strong as he was, Carter almost fainted from the shock of what he had seen.
17 Is it so terrible to kill an enemy who might kill you and your friends? Carter knew that this man must be shot from ambush — without warning.
18 Slowly, a hope began to form in Carter Druse's mind. Perhaps the Southern soldier had not seen the Northern troops.
19 Perhaps he was only admiring the view. Perhaps he would now turn and ride carelessly away.
20 Then Carter looked down into the valley and saw a line of men in blue uniforms, slowly leaving the forest and bringing their horses to a stream. And there they were — in plain sight!
21 Carter Druse looked back to the man and horse standing there against the sky. Again he took aim. But this time he pointed his gun at the horse. Words rang in his head — the last words his father ever spoke to him: 「No matter what happens, be sure you always do what you think is your ty.」
22 Carter Druse was calm as he pulled the trigger of his gun.
23 At that moment, a Union officer happened to look up from his hiding place near the edge of the forest. His eyes climbed to the top of the cliff that looked over the valley.
24 And then the officer saw something that filled his heart with horror. A man on a horse was riding down into the valley through the air!
25 The rider sat straight, a strong clutch upon the reins to hold his charger from too impetuous a plunge. From his bare head his long hair streamed upward. His hands were concealed in the cloud of the horse's lifted mane. The horse looked as if it were galloping across the sky. Its body was proud and noble.
26 As the frightened Union officer watched this horseman in the sky, he almost believed he was witnessing a messenger from Heaven. At almost the same instant, he heard a crashing sound in the trees. The sound died without an echo. And all was silent.
27 The officer got to his feet, still shaking. He went back to his camp. But he didn't tell anyone what he had seen. He knew no one would ever believe him.
28 Soon after firing his gun, Carter Druse was joined by a Union sergeant.
29 「Did you fire?」 the sergeant whispered.
30 「Yes.」
31 「At what?」
32 「A horse. It was on that rock. It's not there now. It went over the cliff.」 Carter's face was white. But he showed no other sign of emotion. The sergeant did not understand.
33 「See here, Druse,」 he said, after a moment's silence. 「Why are you making this into a mystery? I order you to report. Was there anyone on the horse?」
34 「Yes.」
35 「Who? 」
36 「My father.」

1 卡特·德魯茲出生在弗吉尼亞州。他熱愛自己的父母、自己的家鄉以及南方這片土地。但他同樣也深愛著自己的祖國。1861年秋季的一個早晨,也正是國家倍受內戰煎熬之時,這位年輕的弗吉尼亞人平靜而嚴肅地說:「父親,來了一個聯邦軍團,我要去參加他們的軍隊。」
2 老人看著他唯一的兒子,一時震驚得說不出話來。過了一會,他說:「從現在起你就背叛南方了。請不要把你的決定告訴你母親,她正病著,而且我們都知道她活不了幾個星期了。」
3 卡特的父親頓了頓,再次深深注視著兒子的眼睛。「卡特,」他說,「無論發生什麼事,一定要完成你心目中應盡的職責。」
4 那天早上卡特·德魯茲和父親離開餐桌時都很傷心。不久,卡特離開了家,離開了所有他愛的人,穿上了聯邦軍士兵的藍色制服。
5 幾周後一個陽光明媚的下午,卡特·德魯茲直挺挺地俯卧著,腳尖頂地,頭枕著左前臂,攤開的右手鬆散地握著來復槍——他在放哨時睡著了,一旦被發現,他會即刻丟掉性命,而死亡是對他的罪行公正合法的懲罰。幸運的是,沒有人看到他,因為他被路邊的灌木叢遮住了。
6 卡特·德魯茲奉命放哨的這條路離他父親的住宅只有幾英里的距離。
7 路從峽谷下的一片森林延伸到一塊巨大的山岩上。任何一個人站在這塊高高的山岩上都能看到下面的深谷。往下看,會令人頭暈目眩。
8 北方聯邦軍的五個步兵團——數千名卡特的戰友——隱藏在谷底的森林中。他們剛剛行進了36個小時,現在正在休息,但午夜時分他們將沿著那條路攀爬到石崖上。
9 他們的計劃是突襲宿營在懸崖另一側的南方軍部隊,但是如果敵方知道聯邦軍隱藏在森林裡,北方的士兵就會陷入困境,難以脫身。這正是卡特·德魯茲受命在這條路上放哨的原因。他的職責就是確保沒有敵軍士兵偵察聯邦軍藏身的峽谷。
10 然而卡特·德魯茲卻睡著了。突然,彷彿命運信使拍了拍他的肩膀,這位年輕人睜開了眼睛。他抬起頭望去,只見在那塊巨大的石崖頂部,有個人正端坐在馬背上。他的第一感覺是一種強烈的藝術震撼。在懸崖這個巨大的基座上,矗立著一尊庄嚴的雕像。那位騎兵正俯視谷底,卡特看不見他的臉。男子坐在馬背上,腰板挺直,頗具軍人風度,如同古希臘神的大理石雕像般平靜安詳、紋絲不動。
11 盡管卡特清楚敵兵看不到他正藏於灌木叢中,他還是感到極度恐懼。
12 突然,馬動了一下,從懸崖邊後退了一些。卡特現在完全清醒了,他意識到眼前形勢非常嚴峻。他端起槍,瞄準了騎手的心臟。只要輕輕一扣扳機,卡特·德魯茲就算完成任務了。
13 就在那一瞬間,騎手轉過頭,朝卡特的方向望過來,好像正看著他的臉龐、他的眼睛,直視他勇敢寬容的心靈。
14 卡特的臉頓時煞白,渾身顫抖,腦海里思緒翻滾。虛幻中,騎手和馬變成了黑色的影子,在火紅的天空下緩緩地繞著圈升起、落下。
15 卡特沒有扣動扳機,而是松開了槍。
16 盡管他勇敢而堅強,卡特還是被眼前的景象震驚了,幾乎暈倒過去。
17 殺死一個有可能置你和戰友於死地的敵人是件可怕的事嗎?卡特知道,他必須不加警告,從潛伏處將這個人擊斃。
18 慢慢地,卡特心裡浮現出一絲希望:也許這個南方軍士兵並沒有發現北方軍部隊。
19 也許他僅僅在欣賞風景。也許他會調轉馬頭,漫不經心地離去。
20 卡特低頭往峽谷望去,只見身穿藍色制服的士兵排成一條線,正緩緩離開森林,牽著馬去一條小溪飲水。他們讓自己的行蹤完全暴露了!
21 卡特·德魯茲的視線重新回到藍天映襯下矗立著的騎手和馬的身上。他再次瞄準,但這次他瞄準的是馬。他耳邊響起那些話——他父親最後說的那些話:「無論發生什麼事,一定要完成你心目中應盡的職責。」
22 扣動扳機那一瞬間,卡特·德魯茲非常平靜。
23 與此同時,一個聯邦軍軍官無意中從森林邊緣的隱蔽處往上看,目光落在俯瞰峽谷的懸崖頂上。
24 接著,軍官看到了令他恐怖的一幕——個人騎著馬,正從空中向峽谷沖下來。
25 騎手端坐著,勒緊了韁繩,避免戰馬過於沖動。他沒戴帽子,長發飛舞,雙手被揚起的濃密馬鬃蓋住。那匹馬威風凜凜,彷彿正在橫跨天空。
26 驚恐的聯邦軍軍官望著天空中的騎手,幾乎已經認定自己見到了上天派來的信使。幾乎在同一時刻,他聽到林中傳來一聲槍響,一切又恢復了寂靜。
27 軍官顫抖著站了起來,回到自己的營地。他沒有對任何人透露自己見到的一切。他知道沒人會相信他。
28 特·德魯茲開槍後不久,一位中士來到他身邊。
30 「是的。」
31 「朝什麼開槍?」
32 「一匹馬,就在那邊的山岩上。它現在不在那兒了。掉下懸崖了。」卡特臉色蒼白,沒有一絲其他的情緒。中士困惑不解。
33 沉默了一會兒,他說:「喂,德魯茲,不要故弄玄虛。我命令你報告實情。馬背上有人嗎?」
34 「有。」
35 「誰?」
36 「我父親。」

㈡ 有哪些日本小說好看要比較經典的

《全部成為F》 森博嗣的 很糾結 個人認為日本的小說都冗長又繁雜


森博嗣(MORI HIROSHI),1996年出版以犀川創平&西之園萌繪為主角的S&M系列作首作《全部成為F》,其後相繼發表S&M系列長篇總數共十部、包括同年的《冰冷密室與博士們》和《不會笑的數學家》等,繼而創作以《黑貓的三角》為首的瀨在丸紅子系列(V系列);以S&M系列和V系列都有登場的角色真賀田四季為主角的四季系列;以及以希臘字母為首的G系列。這幾個系列都有著同樣的世界觀,裡面的人物也都有彼此出現在其他系列中。除此之外,另外還發表了不少非系列的推理長篇如《女王的百年密室》、科幻類型的《空中騎士》系列、及其他散文集。


㈢ 好看的小說!!

《笑傾三國》(一個很堅強的女人穿越回去 與曹操的愛戀 只不過她一直想逃離曹操的身邊 因為曹操把她當成另外一個穿越女的替身...最後她逃走了 逃回了現代...PS.這文開始很搞笑 後來幾乎男配都死了...虐的我的小心肝啊 碎了一地)
《美人殤》(一個美女演員 穿越回董卓時期 還變成了一個嬰兒 讓董卓收養 他們慢慢互相愛上了 反正很多是很多事之後 她,董卓,還有愛她的 死了個差不多 PS她就是那個讓曹操把上面那部小說的女主當成替身的人 曹操娶了一屋子的夫人都是因為某個部位很像她)
《春秋大夢》不是穿越 講一個胸無大志 只想攢錢開間歌舞坊的香寶 遇到了范蠡 並與他相愛 但是范蠡把她當成西施送給了 吳王...後來她就到了吳王的懷抱中 開始喜歡吳王後來越國打敗吳國 她離開了並開了一間歌舞坊——盼君歸...
這三部都是夢三生的文先很搞笑後來又虐的你的小心肝啊 碎了一地...
還有清凈的《天下第一》《血色鈞天》《橋下春波綠》都是有著不少能讓你笑的元素在其中 最後都沒有在一起
還有老一點的《烈火如歌》雪的痴戀讓人心疼 最後雪消散了
《獨步天下 》清穿...講一個女子穿到當時的美女東哥的身上在眾阿哥之中 周旋 最後喜歡上了皇太極 後來她...成了海藍珠 皇太極的寵妃 最後她死了 皇太極在外征戰未回...皇太極就進入了一種半瘋的狀態 最後的最後她的屍體被挫骨揚灰...
都市 跳舞的《邪氣凜然》講男主從一家酒吧奮斗到走私巨頭的故事 4個老婆
煮劍焚酒??的《黑道學生》第一本說主角本來是一個城市的小頭頭 他老大想讓他鍛煉一下 讓他到另一個城市奮斗的故事 很搞笑的 5個老婆
第二本是說第一部主角的兒子的故事——他是個超級好學生 只不過他爹一直想讓他學壞...(囧)(有一次給了他一本限量版黃書 讓他把上面的招式都背下來 回家考...而且這本書還被一男老師看見了 老師很生氣...因為老師跑遍全市都沒買到)然後他又去另外一個城市奮斗啊奮斗 有6個老婆
《我的放盪生活》 也是都市奮斗 比較玄幻一點
月關的《回到明朝當王爺》全書13本...講一個死了9次的男人...穿回明朝 然後在那裡奮斗...呼風喚雨的故事
這本書我還沒看完...(太長了)看到現在娶回家的3個 有感情的7個 據說到最後MS有10個左右的老婆吧...還有人寫了個《回明》12釵...囧了
《獨步天下 》清穿...講一個女子穿到當時的美女東哥的身上在眾阿哥之中 周旋 最後喜歡上了皇太極 後來她...成了海藍珠 皇太極的寵妃 最後她死了 皇太極在外征戰未回...皇太極就進入了一種半瘋的狀態 最後的最後她的屍體被挫骨揚灰...
《蔓蔓青蘿》一部很好的書 穿越到架空時代 開始很搞笑啊後來裡面的男配對女主的深情啊...虐的我一個晚上沒睡好覺
《斜陽若影》女穿男...寫的還是很好主角本來與一個人相處很好 但是那人疑心太重 把主角給毀了...後來主角又找到了新的愛人



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