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Ⅱ 《寵兒》是托妮·莫里森寫的一部小說,這部小說的寫作背景是什麼呢



Ⅲ 急求Tony Morrison 的《Beloved》最後一節中英對照版,.!!!





托妮・莫里森(Toni Morrison),本名克婁・安東妮・沃福德(Chloe Anthony Wofford),1931年2月 18日出生於美國俄亥俄州洛雷恩鎮一個造船工人家庭。父母皆自信而富藝術細胞,母親是教堂唱詩班的領唱,父親是個講述黑人民間傳說和鬼故事的高手,這都對她產生了潛移默化的影響,她兒時的理想就是做一名芭蕾舞演員。1949年,莫里森以優等生從洛雷恩高中畢業,1953年,從華盛頓市的霍華德大學本科畢業,1955年在康奈爾大學獲文學碩士學位,其畢業論文的題目是《論威廉・福克納和弗吉尼亞・伍爾芙作品中的自殺主題》。莫里森一生從事的職業無非兩種,不是教師就是編輯。她先是在德克薩斯南方大學和霍華德大學教英語,然後在蘭登書屋下屬的辛格出版公司做教科書編輯,1967年任蘭登書屋高級編輯。1971年起,她相繼在紐約州立大學、耶魯大學授課;到1984年,她辭去蘭登書屋的工作,任紐約州立大學教授;1987年起任普林斯頓大學羅伯特・戈辛教席教授,講授寫作至今。1958年,她與牙買加建築師哈羅德・莫里森結婚,育有二子。但這樁婚姻僅維持六年便告破裂。此後她一直獨身。1993年,托妮・莫里森被瑞典文學院授予諾貝爾文學獎,理由是她「以其富於洞察力和詩情畫意的小說把美國現實的一個重要方面寫活了」。

按照莫里森本人的說法,她「從來沒有準備成為一名作家」。當她的婚姻出現危機時,她積極參加一個寫作小組的活動,聊以暫時逃避不幸的婚姻生活。她的一篇匆匆寫就的短篇小說得到大家的稱許,該小說取材於她的童年生活,寫的是她相識的一個黑人小女孩祈求上帝給自己一雙藍眼睛的故事。離婚以後,莫里森獨自撫養兩個孩子,每天晚上安頓他們睡著後開始寫作,並且從中感受到了前所未有的樂趣。她翻檢出那個短篇,藉助自己非凡的想像力把它敷演擴充成一個篇幅不大的長篇,名為《最藍的眼睛》(The Bluest Eye,1967)。在小說中,又黑又丑、無人理睬的佩可拉對生活也有非分之求――一雙美麗的藍眼睛,可到頭來這奢望只能在瘋狂的幻覺中得以實現;她的悲劇就在於她生長在一個名叫美國的國家,這個國家鍾愛的僅僅是她金色頭發、藍色眼睛的孩子。這部揭示白人文化和價值觀侵蝕和擠壓下黑人精神世界的畸變與扭曲的小說幾經周折,終於於1970年出版,並獲得評論界的好評,而此時莫里森已近40歲了。


處女作發表後,莫里森進入穩定的寫作狀態,每問世一部作品便將思想和藝術的探索推進一步。她迄今問世的長篇小說除《最藍的眼睛》外共有六部:《秀拉》(Sula,1973),塑造了一個個性鮮明、充滿叛逆精神的黑人女性秀拉的悲劇形象,提出種族、性別和階級壓迫下黑人婦女的出路問題。《所羅門之歌》(Song of Solomon,1977,獲全國圖書評論界獎),寫一個內心矛盾、困惑的富裕黑人青年「奶人」無意中踏上尋根之路,結果在先輩們留下的傳說、神話和歌謠中,種族意識被喚醒。《柏油娃娃》(Tar Baby,1981),寫白人文化的熏陶和浸染下長大的黑人女模特佳丁與黑人逃犯「兒子」的戀情,在表現二人性格沖突的同時,深切關注黑人傳統價值觀在當代黑人生活中的位置。《寵兒》(Beloved,1987,獲普利策小說獎),通過一樁殺嬰案及其餘波揭示罪惡的奴隸制的無窮貽害,是她的代表作品。《爵士樂》(Jazz,1992),寫一對老夫婦以及一個姑娘間奇特的三角關系:53歲的喬愛上了年輕的朵爾卡絲,當後者移情別戀時他向她開了槍;喬的妻子懷奧萊特跑到姑娘的葬禮上,要用刀子去劃死者的臉,後來又多方走訪,盡力去理解她的內心世界;最後夫妻二人在對共同生活的回顧中達成了奇妙的和解。莫里森以這個故事為切入口,展現了20年代大批黑人為逃避種族迫害和尋找更好的生活從南方鄉村進入北方大都市的歷史畫卷,以爵士樂總領全書,透視一種發生在奴役與解放、靈魂與肉體、城市與鄉村、男性與女性間的巨大沖突。《天堂》(Paradise,1998),講述的是19世紀70年代,一群不為社會所容的自由黑奴李婦將雛結伴西進,在一個名叫魯比的小城定居下來,創建了一個天堂般的純粹由黑人構成的社區。到了一百年以後的1976年,外部世界對這個「天堂」的侵蝕和熏染已經使居民們難以忍受,他們把社區的純潔性受到的威脅歸罪於在城外一所修道院避難的一群無家可歸的女人,於是,一夥男人襲擊了這些「有傷風化」的女人。然而,對底層婦女命運的深切關注仍然是這本書的主題,因為大量的篇幅又被用來描述那不斷介入她們當下生活的過去。被襲擊的女人中間還有一個白人,但莫里森並沒有點明哪一個是,而是留給讀者自己去區分。《寵兒》、《爵士樂》和《天堂》構成了一個意在總結和梳理美國黑人百年歷史的三部曲,每部作品中都涉及最終訴諸暴力的愛。莫里森還在三部曲中逐步發展了她的抒情史詩藝術,例如,在經緯《爵士樂》的時候借用了黑人音樂布魯斯(blues)的表現手法,將多種音調相交織、混雜,使得整個文本宛如一部波瀾起伏、連綿不絕的爵士樂總譜,從而准確而充分地傳達人物內心的飢渴、痛苦和扭曲,並且引入評論家們所謂的「雙聲敘述」方式以增強層次感。在《天堂》中,莫里森將敘事文體中虛構、夢想和語言的抒情性發揮到近乎無節制的地步,據說這部新作是在一種半譫妄的狀態下寫成的。除長篇小說外,莫里森還著有劇本《做夢的埃梅特》(Dreaming Emmett,1986)、又論集《在黑暗中彈奏》(Playing in the Dark:Whiteness and the Literary Imagination,1993)、童話詩《大盒子》(The Big Box,1999)等。

1987年,莫里森發表了不朽傑作《寵兒》。該書的主要情節取材於一個真實的歷史事件:19世紀50年代,一個名叫瑪格麗特・迦納的女黑奴攜子女從肯塔基的奴隸庄園逃到俄亥俄的辛辛那提,奴隸主循蹤追至,為了使兒女不再重復自已做奴隸的悲慘命運,她抄起一把斧子,毅然決定為他們選擇死亡,但只是殺死了一個女兒。莫里森在為蘭登書屋編輯反映黑人長達三百年爭取平等自由的斗爭史的文獻匯編《黑人之書》(1974)時接觸到了這個故事,當時便產生了強烈的創作沖動,極想通過小說的藝術形式探究當事人的心理狀態,從而為深受罪惡的奴隸制精神殘害的黑奴們寫一部心靈史。足以證明此書在莫里森心目中的分量的是,經歷了十年的醞釀和三年的寫作,《寵兒》才終於問世,在小說中女主人公的名字叫塞絲,而那昭示絕望、瘋狂、極端的愛的凶器也變成了一把更危險的手鋸。小說發表後在美國文學界、文化界引起強烈震動,各大報刊紛紛刊文給予最高規格的贊語,認為它是美國黑人歷史的一座紀念碑。但是該書嗣後落選全國圖書獎,人們普遍認為是由於書中對種族主義的無情伐撻引得評委會中某些大人老爺心生不快,17名黑人作家、藝術家因此聯名發表公開信以示抗議。在這樣的背景下,1988年度的普利策獎被授予《寵兒》。進入 90年代以後,《寵兒》已經躋身現代文學經典之列,西方許多大學文學系的現代派文學、意識流小說、黑人文學、女性主義文學等課程均將其選入必讀書目;心理分析、結構主義、女性主義、西方馬克思主義、敘述學等學派紛紛從中找到證明自己理論的材料。1998年,《寵兒》被搬上銀幕,著名電視主持人奧普拉・溫芙蕾飾演塞絲。


Plot summary

The book follows the story of blacks Sethe (pronounced "Seth-uh") and her daughter Denver as they try to rebuild their lives after having escaped from slavery. One day, a young lady shows up at their house, saying that her name is "Beloved." Sethe comes to believe that the girl is another of her daughters, whom Sethe murdered by slitting her throat with a handsaw when she was only two years old to save her from a life of slavery, and whose tombstone reads "Beloved." It was thought, at first, that Beloved's real name was Liz Granacher, but that is shown to be false later. Beloved's return consumes Sethe to the point where she ignores her other daughter and even her own needs, while Beloved becomes more and more demanding. Paul D. and Charlie McKnight know that Beloved is evil, but do nothing out of fear.

The novel follows in the tradition of slave narratives, but also confronts the more painful and taboo aspects of slavery, such as sexual abuse and violence. Morrison feels these issues were avoided in the traditional slave narratives. In the novel, she explores the effects on the characters, Paul D and Sethe, of trying to repress - and then come to terms with - the painful memories of their past.

[edit] Major themes

Beloved is a novel based on the impact of slavery and of the emancipation of slaves on indivial black people. There are several themes that remain central to the novel:

[edit] Motherhood

The concept of motherhood within Beloved is as an overarching and overwhelming love that can conquer all, strongly typified within the novel by the character Sethe, whose very name is the feminine of "Seth"- the Biblical 'father of the world'. This can also be seen within Morrison's other works and has led to her sometimes being cited as a feminist writer. The feminine capacity for love is maximal: "It hurt her when mosquitoes bit her baby". Further, Sethe's escape from the slave plantation (ironically named 'Sweet Home') stems from her desire to keep the "mother of her children alive" and not from any personal survival instinct. Sethe's maternal instincts almost lead to her own destruction. We can here assume the interpretation that Beloved is a wrathful character looking to wreak revenge on Sethe for killing her, despite the fact that the murder was, in Sethe's mind, an entirely loving act. Sethe's guilt at Beloved's death means that she is willing to "give up her life, every minute, hour and second of it, to take back just one of Beloved's tears". Further, toward the end of the novel, "Beloved didn't move, said, 'Do it', and Sethe complied". The strength of her love leads her almost to the point of death as she allows Beloved to take her revenge.---

[edit] History

Toni Morrison wrote Beloved on a foundation of historical events. The most significant event within the novel--the "Misery", or Sethe's murder of Beloved--is based on an actual historical event. In 1856, Margaret Garner murdered her children to prevent them from being recaptured and taken back into slavery with the passage of the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850. Morrison admits to "an obsession" with this account after she discovered it while helping edit a scrapbook on black history. The novel itself can be seen as the reworking of fact into something with a very emotional central message. History is woven throughout the novel. The Middle Passage is referenced along with the Underground Railway in many parts of the novel; the 'Sixty Million and More' to whom Morrison dedicates the novel may refer to the many who died ring the Middle Passage. The entire concept of the slavery described in the novel: Paul D's confinement in Georgia, ideas such as the "bit" and the legislature described are all based on history. This gives the novel a powerful impact.

Beloved's appearance reawakens memories of slavery among the other characters, and they are forced to deal with their past instead of trying to repress their memories. Reincarnation and rebirth are also themes in this novel.

[edit] Manhood

Again, the concept of manhood is important within Beloved. Paul D is the only developed example of a male character, and is "the kind of man who could walk into a house and make the women cry. Because with him, in his presence, they could cry and tell him things they only told each other". He is, however, emotionally crippled and is forced to keep his emotions locked inside a "tobacco tin"- a box "rusted shut." This is a metaphor for the way in which he must control his feelings to survive. During the chain-gang period, his hands uncontrollably shake until he can learn to trap his emotions and effectively lock them away. It takes Beloved to release him, shown by the uncontrolled repetition of "Red Heart. Red Heart..." Within the novel, the male is significantly weaker than the female, one reason being there is no other developed male character other than Paul D to test the strength of women in the novel against, all others being the past oppressors of Sethe and other former slaves. Paul D cannot cope with the extreme demonstration of love exemplified by Sethe's murder of Beloved and leaves. Still, the book ends with Paul D coming back "to put his story next to hers", a display of his courage and mature love, if crippled by his slavery ordeal. Leaving the readers without ultimate answers, Toni Morrison concludes on a hopeful note, with Paul D trying to explain troubled and past-obsessed Sethe that "[she is her] best thing."

The most strongly ambiguous character within the novel is Beloved. The first interpretation of her character is that she is a supernatural, incarnate form of Sethe's murdered daughter. The second is of her as, as Stamp Paid puts it, "a girl locked up by a white man over by Deer Creek. Found him dead last summer and the girl gone. Maybe that's her". Both are supportable by the text. The concept that Beloved is the re-incarnated child is supported by her knowledge of the song that "nobody knows but me and my children" and her knowledge of Sethe's earrings, but it is also true that the characters have a psychological need for Beloved- Sethe can assuage her guilt over the death of her child, and Denver gains a playmate, or even more. The reader is forced to be active rather than passive and is made to work to discover what is going on. The emphasis is on interpretation rather than on what the author says.

Ⅳ 誰知道莫里森的<寵兒>的內容和評論

Plot summary

The book follows the story of blacks Sethe (pronounced "Seth-uh") and her daughter Denver as they try to rebuild their lives after having escaped from slavery. One day, a young lady shows up at their house, saying that her name is "Beloved." Sethe comes to believe that the girl is another of her daughters, whom Sethe murdered by slitting her throat with a handsaw when she was only two years old to save her from a life of slavery, and whose tombstone reads "Beloved." It was thought, at first, that Beloved's real name was Liz Granacher, but that is shown to be false later. Beloved's return consumes Sethe to the point where she ignores her other daughter and even her own needs, while Beloved becomes more and more demanding. Paul D. and Charlie McKnight know that Beloved is evil, but do nothing out of fear.

The novel follows in the tradition of slave narratives, but also confronts the more painful and taboo aspects of slavery, such as sexual abuse and violence. Morrison feels these issues were avoided in the traditional slave narratives. In the novel, she explores the effects on the characters, Paul D and Sethe, of trying to repress - and then come to terms with - the painful memories of their past.

Major themes

Beloved is a novel based on the impact of slavery and of the emancipation of slaves on indivial black people. There are several themes that remain central to the novel:


The concept of motherhood within Beloved is as an overarching and overwhelming love that can conquer all, strongly typified within the novel by the character Sethe, whose very name is the feminine of "Seth"- the Biblical 'father of the world'. This can also be seen within Morrison's other works and has led to her sometimes being cited as a feminist writer. The feminine capacity for love is maximal: "It hurt her when mosquitoes bit her baby". Further, Sethe's escape from the slave plantation (ironically named 'Sweet Home') stems from her desire to keep the "mother of her children alive" and not from any personal survival instinct. Sethe's maternal instincts almost lead to her own destruction. We can here assume the interpretation that Beloved is a wrathful character looking to wreak revenge on Sethe for killing her, despite the fact that the murder was, in Sethe's mind, an entirely loving act. Sethe's guilt at Beloved's death means that she is willing to "give up her life, every minute, hour and second of it, to take back just one of Beloved's tears". Further, toward the end of the novel, "Beloved didn't move, said, 'Do it', and Sethe complied". The strength of her love leads her almost to the point of death as she allows Beloved to take her revenge.---


Toni Morrison wrote Beloved on a foundation of historical events. The most significant event within the novel--the "Misery", or Sethe's murder of Beloved--is based on an actual historical event. In 1856, Margaret Garner murdered her children to prevent them from being recaptured and taken back into slavery with the passage of the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850. Morrison admits to "an obsession" with this account after she discovered it while helping edit a scrapbook on black history. The novel itself can be seen as the reworking of fact into something with a very emotional central message. History is woven throughout the novel. The Middle Passage is referenced along with the Underground Railway in many parts of the novel; the 'Sixty Million and More' to whom Morrison dedicates the novel may refer to the many who died ring the Middle Passage. The entire concept of the slavery described in the novel: Paul D's confinement in Georgia, ideas such as the "bit" and the legislature described are all based on history. This gives the novel a powerful impact.

Beloved's appearance reawakens memories of slavery among the other characters, and they are forced to deal with their past instead of trying to repress their memories. Reincarnation and rebirth are also themes in this novel.


Again, the concept of manhood is important within Beloved. Paul D is the only developed example of a male character, and is "the kind of man who could walk into a house and make the women cry. Because with him, in his presence, they could cry and tell him things they only told each other". He is, however, emotionally crippled and is forced to keep his emotions locked inside a "tobacco tin"- a box "rusted shut." This is a metaphor for the way in which he must control his feelings to survive. During the chain-gang period, his hands uncontrollably shake until he can learn to trap his emotions and effectively lock them away. It takes Beloved to release him, shown by the uncontrolled repetition of "Red Heart. Red Heart..." Within the novel, the male is significantly weaker than the female, one reason being there is no other developed male character other than Paul D to test the strength of women in the novel against, all others being the past oppressors of Sethe and other former slaves. Paul D cannot cope with the extreme demonstration of love exemplified by Sethe's murder of Beloved and leaves. Still, the book ends with Paul D coming back "to put his story next to hers", a display of his courage and mature love, if crippled by his slavery ordeal. Leaving the readers without ultimate answers, Toni Morrison concludes on a hopeful note, with Paul D trying to explain troubled and past-obsessed Sethe that "[she is her] best thing."

The most strongly ambiguous character within the novel is Beloved. The first interpretation of her character is that she is a supernatural, incarnate form of Sethe's murdered daughter. The second is of her as, as Stamp Paid puts it, "a girl locked up by a white man over by Deer Creek. Found him dead last summer and the girl gone. Maybe that's her". Both are supportable by the text. The concept that Beloved is the re-incarnated child is supported by her knowledge of the song that "nobody knows but me and my children" and her knowledge of Sethe's earrings, but it is also true that the characters have a psychological need for Beloved- Sethe can assuage her guilt over the death of her child, and Denver gains a playmate, or even more. The reader is forced to be active rather than passive and is made to work to discover what is going on. The emphasis is on interpretation rather than on what the author says.

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