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Ⅰ twilight全集英文小說在線閱讀


Ⅱ 英文版的耽美小說



Ⅲ 有哪些英文同志小說推薦

指匠情挑 請以你的名字呼喚我 卡羅爾 有gl和bl的

Ⅳ 求queer as folk(同志亦凡人) 的原版英文小說



Ⅳ 怎麼找英文版GAY言情小說


1. A Sure Fire Cure by Kate Steele. This gay romance is at the top of my list because of the fantastic way Ms. Steele handled the subject of being gay in a small community. She wove the topic of prejudice, and how it is sometimes treated in small towns, as well as the best way to handle it with finesse and ingenuity. Also, her savvy way of handling the emotions between the two male characters kept me up late reading it.

2. The Assignment by Evangeline Anderson. I really enjoyed reading this gay romance because Ms. Anderson chose to set her book in the 1980's when homophobia was at an all-time high, and her two male characters are cops, a testosterone laden job if there every was on! Her research and understanding of what it must've been like to be gay at a time when it was frowned upon made this book unique.

3. I'll Be Hot for Christmas by Evangline Anderson is a continuation of her novel The Assignment and takes us a year into the character's future. I liked it because she addressed the very real problems of maintaining a gay relationship in the long term in a society where you almost had to keep your sexual preference secret if you wanted to keep your job.

4. The Brotherhood 7: Single White Fang by Willa Okati. Ms. Okati writes gay romance with style, and I really loved this book! She addressed several issues with compassion, issues that we all deal with whatever our sexual orientation, such as self-esteem, body image, and the need to be loved.

5. The Brotherhood 10: The Salt of the...Earth? This book is another installment in Ms. Okati's Brotherhood series, and has become another of my favorites. This was an entertaining read, and she addressed another issue with the same compassion I mentioned before. In this book one of her characters is a real flirt, but it is because he is really quite nervous about meeting potential lovers. The author shows by the character's emotional growth how it is important to just be yourself, and not hide who you truly are behind verbal banter.

6. What Elves Eat by Cassandra Kane. I initially bought this book because I love anything about elves, and thought I would give the author a try. I was very pleasantly surprised by what a great story this turned out to be. Ms. Kane successfully shows what the life of a movie star can be like, and how even when you are rich and famous sometimes it is not what is best for you. I really enjoyed the resolution to this story as well.

7. Bond of the Maleri' 3: Between Love and Law by Kate Steele. I will buy anything written by this author, whether it is gay romance or not. This book is the third segment in her science fiction series about the Maleri', a group of gay men from the planet Belthola who seek mates among the men of earth. All of these stories are imaginative, and special, but I especially enjoyed this one because the author addressed both the issue of being gay, and also being of a different race. In her usual caring and witty style she brings these two lovers together in spite of the odds against them.

8.Oil and Water by BA Tortuga. This is the first book I have read by this author, and definitely belongs on my list of top 10 gay romance e-books. The author gives us a first hand eye view of what it is like to be gay, and alone. One of the characters has money, but a father who believes that his being gay means he is mentally ill, and will even go so far as to have his son put in a mental institution in order to control him. The author successfully shows how scary it can be to be different, and what lengths some parents will go to continue to have control over their children's lives.

9. Offworld by Stephanie Vaughan. This is the first offering I have had the pleasure to read by this author, but I assure you it will not be the last! While the book is science fiction, Ms. Vaughan paints a very eerie and scary version of the future. In a world where being gay is not only not accepted, it's illegal, many gay men have gone off world for their pleasure. It is a world where the right-wingers have had a field day, and have actually managed to get laws passed to discriminate against gays. I enjoyed very much reading about these two men and how they solved this and other problems.

10. Sons of Zemlya: Rythan's Becoming by Kira Stone is great gay romance e-book that also happens to be a fantasy. Set on a world where the humans become something else when they reach sexual maturity, reading about a culture so radically different from our own made for fun reading. The suspense of trying to figure out exactly what the main character was going to become, and how made me turn the pages that much faster!

While I have read other gay romance e-books this past year, these are my favorites for the many reasons listed. If you have never read a gay romance before and would like to try one, I highly recommend trying one from this list.

Ⅵ 求國外經典同志文

讓·熱內《百花聖母》( 這個找《鮮花聖母》比較容易找到,因為似乎最近出版過還是怎麼找,我們圖書館里有),只有PDF格式,TXT格式找不到,所以發了他的另外一本同志文學叫做小偷日記,那個PDF單獨給你發過去,因為掃描的太大了,湊合著看吧,用專門的軟體( 現在很多MP4也可以看PDF 了)


3.讓·熱內《百花聖母》 (這個給你找了個替代,對不住,我們圖書館倒是有)

7.雷德克利芙·霍爾《孤獨之井》 (這個是部女同作品,建議你去圖書館之類的地方找,因為寫得時間太早了,而且題材這么敏感,所以感覺不大可能有。不過我找到了英文版,用另外一個由檢發給你,看不看你自己衡量吧~~~~)

9.瑪格麗特·尤瑟娜《哈德里安的回憶》 ( 這個我居然找到了,後來,在一個很偏僻的論壇里,真是讓人淚流滿面啊。在第二個郵件里發給你)

10.奧黛麗·洛德《贊米:我名字的新拼法》 (找不到)

12.朱亞尼·巴涅《夜之林》 (英文版都找不到)

13.赫爾蒙·麥爾維爾《比利?伯德》 (這個歌劇有,去看吧……窘,我自己也看不大懂。書找不到)


14.愛德蒙·懷特《一個男孩的自述》 (這個人的文風也感覺很好,建議去圖書館找一下,他有另外一本書叫《已婚男人》,也屬於這個范疇)

15.安德魯·霍勒蘭《舞團來的跳舞人》 (這個人我壓根沒聽說過,孤陋寡聞,悲哀啊。同樣找不到)

16.E.M.福斯特《莫里斯》 (《莫里斯》找不到真是可惜,因為福斯特的文筆實在是太優美了,我一直在找這本書,無果 )




Ⅶ 推薦幾部經典的英文短篇小說名字及其網址 可免費在線看的


Ⅷ 英文原版同志小說 要英文的!


Ⅸ 求英文BL小說大型網站





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