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發布時間:2021-11-22 04:16:17

㈠ 我堅信,閱讀簡寫的英文是小說是擴大我們詞彙量的一種輕松愉快的方法,怎麼用英語說 ··


㈡ 英語翻譯10題,

1、 史密斯太太對我抱怨說,她經常發現與自己十六歲的女兒簡直無法溝通。
Mrs Smith often complain to me that she always discover that she can't talk with he daughter easily.
2、 我堅信,閱讀簡寫的(simplified)英文小說是擴大我們詞彙量的一種輕松愉快的方法。
3、 我認為我們在保護環境不受污染(pollution)方面還做的不夠。
I think that we haven't do enough to prevent pollution
4、 除了每周寫作文外,我們的英語老師還給我們布置了八本書在寒假裡閱讀。
Not talking about every week writing an English essay, our English teacher stil give us 8 English books for our holiday reading.
5、 幸好附近有加醫院,我們立刻把他送到了那裡。
It is lucky that there is a hospital near here,we send him there at onces

6、 勝利登上喬治島(George Island)船長向指揮部(the headquarters)發了一份無線電報。
Victory boarded George Island (George Island) captain to command (the headquarters), made a radio.
7、 他決心繼續他的實驗,不過這一次他是用另一種方法做。
He is determined to continue his experiment, but this time he is another way to do.
8、 他在讀這部小說時,不禁想起了她在農村度過的那五年。
When he was reading the book, he can not help thinking that she spent five years in rural areas.
9、 那位名演員似乎很樂意在劇中扮演一個次要角色。

9. the actor who seem to be very willing to play a secondary role in a play.
10、國慶節要到了 咱們把寢室徹底打掃一下吧
10.the National Day to complete our dormitory put up with it

㈢ 翻譯英語句子

1 Mrs. Smith complained to me that she often found with their 16-year-old daughter is simply unable to communicate.
2, I believe, to read English novels abbreviated expand our vocabulary is a relaxed and happy way.
3 I think that we in the protection of the environment from pollution we have not done enough.
4 In addition to writing the text, every week, we returned to the English teachers we do not know the eight books to read in the summer.
5 We learned from a reliable source that a second semester English-speaking people will have to teach us English spoken.
6 regular English film will not only enhance your hearing, but it will also help you to cultivate that skill.
7 If you have these learning strategies have any questions, please ask me casually. I explain in more detail to carry out.
Canada 8 that the girls learn to grasp every opportunity to speak Chinese. This is why she had less than three years to master the Chinese language proficiency of spoken reasons

㈣ 「我堅信,閱讀簡寫的英文小說是擴大我們詞彙量的一種輕松愉快的方法」翻譯為英語

I firmly believe that, read the abbreviated English novel is a pleasant way to expand our vocabulary "望採納

㈤ 高分懸賞漢譯英!

1. 史密斯太太對我抱怨說,她經常發現與自己十六歲的女兒簡直無法溝通。
1. Mrs complains about Smith to me saying , the daughter that she often discovers with self sixteen-year-old has no way to communicate with simply.

2. 我堅信,閱讀簡寫的(simplified)英文小說是擴大我們詞彙量的一種輕松愉快的方法。
2. I firmly believe that reading the English novel simplifying is one kind of method easy and pleasant of the amounts expanding our vocabulary.

3. 我認為我們在波愛護環境不受污染(pollution)方面還做得不夠。
3. I think that we treasure an environment in the wave not accepting the aspect contaminating (pollution) composing insufficiently.

4. 除了每周寫作文外,我們的英語老師還給我們布置了八本書在暑假裡閱讀。
4. Except writing is tattooed with the outside weekly,our English teacher returns to us have arranged eight book to read within summer holidays.

5. 我們從可靠的消息來源獲悉下學期一位以英語為母語的人將要教我們英語口語。5. We learn the people who goes down a school term one taking English as mother tongue from reliable source being going to teach our spoken English.

6. 經常看英語電影不僅會提高你的聽力,而且還會幫助你培養說的技能。
6. Often watching English film be able to improve your hearing not only, and be able to help the technical ability that you train speaking.

7. 如果你們對這些學習策略有什麼問題,請隨便問我。我將更詳細的進行講解。
7. If you study tactics to these what problem have, ask me about causually please. I explain more detailed go along.

8. 那個加拿大女孩善於抓住每個機會講漢語。這就是她為什麼三年不到就熟練地掌握了漢語口語的原因。
8. That Canada girl is good at grasping at every opportunity to say Chinese. This is why she has grasped Chinese spoken language cause skilledly less than 3 years.

9. 習慣好附近有家醫院,我們立刻把他送到了
9. Be accustomed to the hospital easy to have a family nearby, we immediately have delivered him to there.

10. 勝利登上喬治島(George Island)後,船長向指揮部(the headquarters)飛了一份無線電報。
10. Victory Deng Shang George Island (George Island) queen, the captain has flown for one radiogram to headquarters (the headquarters).

11. 他決定繼續他的實驗,不過這一次他將用另一種方法來做。
11. He decides to continue his experiment , he will use another kind of method to compose only this one time.

12. 她在讀這部小說時,不禁想起了她在農村度過的那五年。
12. When reading this novel she, have remembered her that spending in rural area spontaneously 5 years.

13. 瑪麗覺得單靠自己的力量執行她的計劃是困難的。
13. Mary feels that the strength depending solely on self carries out her plan is difficult.

14. 我們認為他不能在一刻鍾內走完那段距離,但他卻成功地做到了這一點。
14. We have thought that he can not finish walking that paragraph of distance within a quarter, but he has achieved but successfully this one point.

15. 甚至在他的醫生告訴他患有肺癌之後,奇切斯特仍不肯放棄環球航行的宿願。
15. After telling him to develop lung cancer even in his doctor, Chichester still is unwilling to abandon the long-cherished wish making a voyage around the world.

16. 我正忙著做一種新的捕鼠(rats)裝置時,馬克走來拖著我出去看花展了。
16. I am bustling about when being used for one kind of new mousing (rats) device , mark drags me coming walking going out to have looked at flower show.

17. 那位演員似乎很樂意在劇中扮演一個次要角色。
17. That actor is willing to act as one is less important role in drama seemingly very much.

18. 國慶節要到了,咱們把寢室徹底(thorough)打掃一下吧。
18. National Day is going to have arrived at , we sweep an once completely (thorough) with the bedroom.

19. 她非常勉強地同意讓一位年輕醫生為她做手術。
19. She agrees to let young one doctor be that she performs an operation very with difficulty.

20. 他們已安排好讓我們明天去游覽長城,我相信我們在那兒一定會玩得很開心。
20. They already have made arrangements for being fond of let us will go and will visit the Great Wall tomorrow , I believe that we are sure to have very much good time in there.

21. 老人讀完信後失望之極,竟用顫抖的手指把它撕得粉碎。
21. The old people finishes reading pole of believing that the queen is disappointed , uses the finger trembling to tear it into strips unexpectedly.

22. 老兩口味他們的孫子感到驕傲,因為他在第28屆奧運會上獲得了兩枚金牌和一枚銅(bronze)牌。
22. Their Sun Zi feels two old taste being uppish, because of he has gained two gold medals and one copper (bronze) plate on 28th Olympiad.

23. 即使他的祖母不能來參加他的生意宴會,她也會寄給他一件可愛的禮物。對這一點湯姆深信不疑。
23. Even if his grandmother can not come to participate in his business banquet,she also may attach oneself to his piece of lovable gift. Firmly believe this little Tom.

24. 昨天是瑪麗的二十歲生日。她父親寄給她一雙靴子,她母親為她買了一盒巧克力(chocolates).而她的男朋友則帶給她一束紅玫瑰。
24. Yesterday is twenty-year-old birthday of Mary. Her father attaches oneself to her pair of boots , her mother is that she has bought a box of chocolate (chocolates). But, her boy friend brings to her bunch of red rose then.

25. 接受這份工作就得經常在周末上岸,但約翰並不在意。(involve)
25. But accept this job having to go on shore often on on the weekend right away, John does not care about. (Involve)

26. 眾所周知,肺癌至少部分地是由於吸煙過多而引起的。
26. Be universally known, lung cancer the part field is to more than the correct or required number but arouse since having a smoke at least.

27. 我祖父母說,發明電視的那個人曾住在他們那個地段。
27. My grandparents said that person who invents TV once lived in their that section of an area.

28. 我提議咱們會後馬上去辦公室找史密斯教授,邀請他參加我們的英語晚會。
28. I suggest us to may go to office immediately the day afer tomorrow look for Professor Smith , invite him to participate in our English Evening.


㈥ 漢譯英謝謝!

1 mrs smith complained to me that she always found she coundn't communicate with her 16-year-old daughter
2 i firmly believe that reading simplified english novels is an easy and pleasant way to enlarge our vocabulary
3 i don't think we have done enough to prevent the environment from being polluted
4 excepting wirting an essay every week,our english teacher also assigned 8 books to us for reading in the summer holiday
5 we have got the credible information that at the next term ,a native english speaker will teach us oral english
6 watching english movies frequently will improve your listening as well as oral english
7 if you have any question about the methods of english learning,please ask me as your wish,and i will give you a detail explanation
8 that Canadian girl is good at seizing any chance to speak chinese,this is the reason why she mastered the oral chinese within 3 years

㈦ 英語高手幫我翻譯幾個句子吧!

1. Mrs. Smith complained to me that she often found with their sixteen-year-old daughter simply can not communicate.
2. I firmly believe that, read my short fiction in English to expand our vocabulary of a pleasant way
3. We learned from reliable sources, a second semester English-speaking people to teach us English
4. These learning strategies if you have any questions. Please feel free to ask me to explain in more detail
5. Canadian girl is good at seizing every opportunity to speak Chinese. That is why she had less than three years to master the Chinese language spoken reason

㈧ 緊急求助 漢譯英。24個句子。(考試用的,要求語法、單詞盡可能准確)

1.Mrs. Smith complained to me that she always found and he daughter can't communicate.
2.I firmly believe that, reading the English novel is expanding w we vocabulary is a kind of relaxed and happy method.
3. I think we have to protect the environment from pollution is not doing enough.

4. In addition to writing a composition every week outside, our English teacher back to us to arrange the eight books over the summer reading.
5. We learn from reliable sources next semester a native speaker is going to teach us English spoken English.
6. Often watch English movies will not only improve your listening, but will also help you develop speaking skills.
7. If you have these learning strategies have what problem, please ask me. I will be more detailed in the lecture.
8. The girl is good at Canada grab every chance to speak Chinese. That is why she is three years less than a good command of the spoken Chinese reasons.
9. Fortunately there was a hospital nearby and we took him to where.
10. After succeeding in landing on George island, the captain to battalion sent a radio message.
11. He is determined to continue his experiment, but this time he will do that in another way.
12. She is reading the novel, she couldn't help thinking of had spent in the countryside that five years.
13. Mary think single depend on own strength is difficult to carry out her plan.
14. We think he can't get over that distance in one quarter, but he succeeded in doing it.
15. Even after his doctor told him he had lung cancer after, chichester would not give up the long-cherished wish to travel around the world.
16. I was busy making a new device for catching rats, mark came and dragged me out to a flower show.
17. The actor seemed content to take a minor part in the play.
18. The National Day is coming, let's give our bedroom a thorough clean it.
19. She is very reluctant to agree that a young doctor to operate on her.
20. They've arranged for us to visit the Great Wall tomorrow, I believe we were there will be having a good time.
21. After reading the letter the old man was so disappointed that he with trembling fingers tore it into pieces.
22. The old couple were proud of their grandson, because he is in the 28 th Olympic Games won two gold MEDALS and one bronze medal.
23. Even when his grandmother could not come to his birthday party, she would send him a lovely present. Tom was sure of that.
24. Yesterday is Mary twentieth birthday. Her father sent her a pair of boots, her mother as she bought a box of chocolate. And her boyfriend is to bring her a bunch of red roses.

㈨ 請幫我翻譯成英文 謝謝 會加分給大家的

Mrs Smith complains to me that she always found it hardly to communicate with her sixteen-year old daughter.

I do believe that reading the simplified English novel is an easy and pleasant way to enlarge our vocabulary.

㈩ 有人幫我翻譯成英文。謝謝!


Mrs Smith complained to me that she found it almost impossible to communicate with her 16-year-old daughter.
I deeply believe that reading simplified English novels is an easy and happy way to expand our vocabularies.
I think we haven't done enough on protecting the environment from pollution.
Other than an essay every week, our English teacher also gave us eight books to read ring summer vacation.
We learned from a reliable source that there will be a native English speaker teaching us spoken English next semester.



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