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发布时间:2022-02-22 10:03:11

『壹』 我记得以前在网络小说里面看到一个名字,特别长,类似国外的那种,我这就把类型给你们,反正那个特别搞笑


“名字?” “咦?”不理解莫问这句话的意思,爱菱仅是呆呆地看着他。 “显然我有必要重新了解一下你的身份,那就从自我介绍开始吧!”莫问道:“你的真名是什么?重新报一遍吧!” “啊!问我的名字吗?” 爱菱先是欣喜,而后有些迟疑,嗫嚅道:“不好啦!爱菱的名字,莫问先生一定不喜欢的……” 莫问挥手示意,要她少说废话,实话实说,爱菱见状,心中一颗大石落地,小声说道。 “嗯!我的名字是隆。爱因斯坦。布加耶拉。普林斯……” 嗯!这么听来,“爱菱”是昵称了,隆。爱因斯坦,挺美妙的名字嘛! “匹兹克拉福。拉普它。物流。罗严克拉姆。达太安。红丹鼎。奇古利。敏爷司。克罗诺夫。阿私达也家。阿码多卡码。古稀达茄私。阿保罗福带泥其私福阿课诺骡夫普机米罗。侬茄达阿黛芙柔西雅……” 这名字似乎嫌长了点,不过,也不算太奇怪,大陆上的帝王之家,名字也是又臭又长的一大串,这一点,莫问当年深受其苦,再是明白不过。 可是,时间过去,爱菱仍口若悬河的说个不停,瞧不出她有那么好记性,把这么长的名字记的滚瓜烂熟,倒背如流。 “客里米夫阿脱罗米。斯兹罗夫西科阿里夫戴甚……” 莫问听的眼珠子快突了出来,他是知道不少长姓氏的贵族,可也从没见过这么夸张的。 看这傻女人摇头晃脑,大有说上一整晚的准备,莫问脑里闪过一事,大叫不妙。 讪讪地比了手势,莫问打断了爱菱的报名。

『贰』 阅读外国小说人名太长人物关系总是理不顺,这个问题怎么解决

1. 多读几遍。每遍的目的分开,第一遍故事梗概,第二遍人物关系,第三遍细节分析。大概按这么个节奏来,不是说一定三遍。(适合有必要多读几遍的书籍)。
2. 按特征来,把人物特征和名字一起记,帮助记忆,比如:黑色头发眼镜男叫波特。下次出现波特这么名字,你就知道是黑色头发眼睛男。 如果不怕麻烦,或者人物多,可以把“黑色头发眼镜男——波特”这样的人物名字对应笔记写在纸上,下次看到名字就对应纸找。
3. 欧美语言习惯,名字在前面,姓氏在后。比如:强尼德普。德普是他的姓,强尼是名字。那么在一部小说里,关系比较好的人,比如朋友,会称呼名字,而不是姓氏,所以你可以先不用记一个人物姓氏,又省了几个字工夫。(暂时偷懒的办法,如果是比较严肃正式的场合,姓氏也会出现。)
4. 我比较早就接触外国小说(当然是中文版),所以说还是多读。接触比较多的外国书籍后,对于人物名字,文化习俗这样的元素就会更有感觉,不会那么陌生。接触的少,对于名字也是陌生的,看到的是一个个的字,而不是看到一个名字整体;对于故事情节也是陌生的,对于人物话语或行为也不知道原因和典故。那么整本书看下来就是陌生的。所有这些都要占用记忆或脑力,当然很吃力。

『叁』 求关于美苏冷战的书籍。

个人推荐 美国前国务卿 基辛格 布热津斯基 他们是 冷战 时期的国务卿,也是美国全球战略的设计者,应该是比较权威的了。具体的选择自己找找吧。

《永恒的清算——苏联极权主义下的政治》(The Permanent Purge: Politics in Soviet Totalitarianism)(1956)
《苏联集团——统一和斗争》(Soviet Bloc: Unity and Conflict)(1961)
《两个时代之间》(Between Two Ages : America's Role in the Technetronic Era)(1970)
卡特总统,布热津斯基和万斯国务卿《实力与原则——布热津斯基回忆录》(Power and Principle: Memoirs of the National Security Adviser)(1983)
《竞赛方案--进行美苏竞争的地缘政治纲领》(Game Plan: A Geostrategic Framework for the Conct of the U.S.-Soviet Contest)(1986)
《大失败--二十世纪共产主义的兴亡》(Grand Failure: The Birth and Death of Communism in the Twentieth Century)(1989)
《失控--解读新世纪乱象》(Out of Control: Global Turmoil on the Eve of the 21st Century)(1993)
《大棋局--美国的首要地位及其地缘战略》(The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives)(1997)
卡特、布热津斯基和伊朗前国王巴列维《大抉择-全球统治或全球领导》(The Choice: Global Domination or Global Leadership)(2004)
《第二次选择》(Second Chance:Three Presidents and the Crisis of American Superpower) (2007)
《美国与世界:关于美国外交政策未来的对话》(与布伦特·斯考克罗夫特合著,大卫·伊格内修斯 编辑)(America and the World:Conversation on the Future of America Foreign Policy) (2008)


『肆』 有一部史上最脑残的小说,忘记叫什么名字了,只记得女主角的名字特别的长


『伍』 描写美苏冷战的英文,最好是可下载的(全文)。200分!

The cold war between America and the Soviet Union, simply speaking, is the ideaological and polical confrontation between the Western Group led by America and the East European Bloc led by the Soviet Union. To prove their own ideaologies to be reasonable, the leaders of the two camps held hostility towards countries with different ideaology. The cold war had changed the world pattern, forming new world pattern with America and the Soviet Union as the dominant powers. Therefore, some countries were placed in such contracition as whether to emerge into western society or to hold to tradition. The Korean War, the Vietnam War and the Afghanistan Issue were examples of regional disputes between eastern and western countries. The cold war between America and the Soviet Union inspires that: don’t impose one’s own ideaology to other countries and the society doesn’t progress ring confrontation but by communication. The military expansion and the strengthening of military alliance is the cancer that harms world peace. Only by bandoning cold war thoughts and settling international issues through rational methods and strengthening cooperation and communication will we bring everlasting peace and prosperity to mankind. After the cold war, it is becoming increasingly evident that interdependance, mutual cooperation and penetration into each other is the trend of world economy.



The study of Cold War history in the People’s Republic of China has developed significantly in the past twenty years. Researchers in China have published important works that make use of Chinese, Russian and Eastern European archival sources to study Chinese foreign policy under Mao Zedong. Two research centers have been established in China: Beijing Daxue Xiandai Shiliao Yanjiu Zhongxin (Modern History Research and Archives Center, Beijing University, Beijing) in the North, and Huadong Shifan Daxue Guoji Lengzhanshi Yanjiu Zhongxin (Center for Cold War International History Studies, East China Normal University, Shanghai) in the South.

The Shanghai center first started in January 2001 with the appointment of Chinese-American Cold War scholar Chen Jian to the prestigious position of “Zijiang scholar” (an endowed professorship). The center published Guoji lengzhanshi yanjiu tongxun (Newsletter of Cold War International History Studies), a non-periodic publication of original documents and introctory essays. This center has been greatly strengthened when the renowned scholars Shen Zhihua, Yang Kuisong and Li Danhui joined it in 2004. Guoji Lengzhanshi Yanjiu Zhongxin (Center for Cold War International History Studies) has thus become the only academic institution specializing in Cold War history studies in China. Shen Zhihua serves as current director. The center has created a website (www.coldwarchina.com) for dissimilating information and presenting research results of Chinese scholars and has also actively promoted data collection and information exchanges. Researchers affiliated with the center have already gathered copies of more than 20,000 declassified Russian documents and a large number of declassified diplomatic documents from the United States, Eastern Europe, Vietnam, South Korea, and Japan. The center has been adding copies of many formerly secret Chinese documents to its collection and has been publishing an academic journal, Lengzhan guojishi yanjiu (Cold War International History Studies), the only regular scholarly publication in China specializing in Cold War studies. Of the center’s many research projects, the most important is titled “Studies on Major U. S. Foreign Policy Decisions ring the Cold War,” which is funded by Philosophy and Social Sciences Foundation of the Ministry of Ecation. The aim of the project is to compile a multivolume series on U.S. foreign policies and its impact on the Cold War. Shen Zhihua serves as the chief specialist for the project and editor-in-chief of the series. This project was launched in early 2007, and is supposed to be completed within three years. The Center for Cold War International History Studies at East China Normal University is now regarded as one of the four leading university-based Cold War studies centers. The other three are the Harvard Cold War Studies Project at Harvard University, George Washington Cold War Group, and the Cold War Studies Center of the London School of Economics and Political Sciences.

Cold War International history has acquired the status of a specialized field of study with accreditation at East China Normal University. A large number of students have been recruited for its master’s and doctoral programs in Cold War history since the fall of 2006. In July 2006, East China Normal University and Northeast Normal University jointly organized an international conference, “The Cold War International History Studies Conference and Doctoral Forum,” which attracted almost all active Chinese Cold War scholars, especially younger researchers--doctoral students and new PhDs. About 100 delegates from China, Japan and the United States attended the conference, with 41 formal paper presentations. The conference proved to be a great success, and the organizers promised to make of it a regular event.

Cited from H-Diplo Research Note, Volume 1, Number 1, Feb 14, 2008.

『陆』 求一本国外特工小说的名字!




『柒』 求一些穿越架空小说中的国家名字 例如 日耀国 玄武国 西陵国…不要外国名太长的名。越多越好


『捌』 美苏冷战时期的军事小说






『玖』 阅读外国文学作品时,怎么才能记住那么多又长又复杂的外国人名






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