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发布时间:2021-10-31 18:17:27

Ⅰ 要写科幻小说,求人物名字,要英文

cyre hyde凯尔海德,同写科幻同恶魔握手

Ⅱ 求200词左右的英文科幻小说


Science fiction story
AD 3,000
A group of scientists(including me) went to the bottom of the sea,some aliens are living there,they may cause a world war because they can take control of water.This time,we want to talk with them.

With the help of the sea-spaceship,we got the destination easily.To my surprise,this is a wonderful undersea world,beautiful fishes,and green coral reef which can make people feel great.

We didn't forget why we came here,but we saw no alien.Suddenly a huge screen was presented before us.It was playing a tsunami around India,and some wars around the world.Yes,this is our true life,I realized something,and turned around,a alien was looking us.Then,it began to say,"Human beings,you've made a lot trouble to the
earth,e.g. The wars,the pollution,the experiment,etc.Now,we use the water to give you a tsunami,this is only a lesson for you.If you do this continuously,you will be punished!"

We were back to the ground,everything seemed peaceful,we knew what we should do.

Ⅲ 科幻小说英文怎么说

sci-fi是 science fiction的简写, 科幻小说
HI-FI是 High-Fidelity简写, 高保真

Ⅳ 有关科幻小说的翻译

1郭建中 ?-1940 山西青年抗战决死队第2纵队兼晋西北军区8分区太原支队副政委 1940年于山西省文水县作战牺牲

翻译 1 Jian-Zhong Guo? -1.94 Thousand young people in Shanxi Team 2nd column resistance Daredevil and Taiyuan, Shanxi Northwest District 8 Division Detachment deputy political commissar in 1940 in Shanxi Province, Wen County, fighting at the expense of water

2 Guo Jianzhong (1938.7. ~), Male, origin Shanghai. The River School of Foreign Languages Head of Department. Department of Foreign Languages in 1961, graated from Hangzhou University. A former provincial key subjects of English professional person in charge, "Zhejiang opening up album," (special issue) host translation, the main trial, "Cultural Exchange" English editor in chief, "Chinese Translation" column from Chinese to English translation, and Zhejiang Satellite TV English News Translation Consultant and the main translation, Zhejiang provincial government English website and the "Macmillan Encyclopedia" Chinese moderator translation of the rank of the trial. Translators Association of China is currently director and translator Theory and Teaching Committee and deputy director of Zhejiang Translators Association of China Writers Association members, members of the Committee, Zhejiang Province Writers Association and the province's deputy director of the Committee of Foreign Literature. The enjoyment of the State Council special allowance.

Mainly on the author of "English-Chinese / Chinese-English translation issues can be explored," "Chinese Proverbs Translation Theory and Practice," "Contemporary American translation theory", "Culture and Translation" and so on; the main translations are the U.S. Literature, "to kill a deer person "(Ge Yi), British Literature," Robinson Crusoe ", Contemporary American Literature" Iron Grass "(Ge Yi), etc., and translation and editor of" foreign science fiction译丛"(50 volumes) and" Sci-Fi Road "(6 volumes), was in 1991 awarded by the World Science Fiction Association Award and the 1997 translation Capek Beijing International Conference sci-fi science-fiction translation prize ---" Golden Bridge Award. "

Ⅳ 请问有大神可以写一篇关于对科幻小说看法的英语作文

一个典型的混乱案例是《星球大战》(Star Wars)。起初许多保守的爱好者因为其中"原力"(Force,某种超自然的精神力量)的设定而认为它不属于科幻,而只能算奇幻小说,或好莱坞太空电影,反正不是科幻;另一些硬科幻小说拥护者认为好莱坞太空电影都是奇幻;而公众一般直截了当地把它们统统归为"科幻电影"。

Ⅵ 英语作文,推荐一本《科幻故事》的书


Ⅶ “科幻小说”用英文怎么说

science fiction

Ⅷ “科幻小说”英语怎么说

[词典] sci-fi; science fiction;
The border between science fact and science fiction gets a bit fuzzy.
双语例句 汉英大词典

Ⅸ 谁能帮我写一篇概括关于科幻小说的英语短文,谢谢了!

爱洋葱双语阅读平台上有《80天环游世界 》、《地下城》、《神秘岛》 、《从地球到月球》 、《时光机器》都是比较好看的科幻小说,而且都是中英文对照的,希望对你有帮助。

Ⅹ “科幻小说”用英文怎么说

science fiction



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