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㈠ csc才能经常 r,.,e.,,,那次, wuu,e 小说

(secx)^2 = 1/ (cosx)^2, 1/tanx= cosx /sinx, 1/(csc2x)^2=(sin2x)^2
sec^2 x/tanx/-2csc^2 2x= 1/ (cosx)^2 * cosx /sinx * (sin2x)^2 /(-2) =sin^2 2x/2sinxcosx
第二题用等价无穷小,x->0, tanx ~ x, (e^x^2-1) ~ x^2

㈡ 求华裔作家英文短篇小说原文,最好为amy tan(谭恩美)的Young Girl's Wish(女儿愿)


㈢ 有一本写英雄联盟的小说主角的id叫tan的是哪一本



㈣ 有人看过Amy Tan写的two kinds吗 是大三高级英语的课文 老师让我们评论这作者








谢湘南/文 《中国文化报》2001-10-11

Between mother and daughter 奇瑰 story

I sold in the library do the scrap paper in one pile of old magazines discover this book - Amy Tan " happy luck met ", was in 1992 the spring breeze literary arts publishing house publication, translator 田青. Somewhat damages except the book title page, is full of wrinkles, still was one extremely complete book. I am surprised pleasantly surprised and, as if one had found a treasure.

Amy Tan is the American nationality person of Chinese descent writer, one very great writer, after reads " happy luck meets ", this is the sigh which my innermost feelings heartfelt sends out. I think " happy luck meets " the best one novel which is my this year reads, perhaps I from center profit, exceed other all novels sum which my this year reads. In the book the language wisdom interest, was resourceful, is expressive, is humorous, lets my several experience the reading naked joyfulness, was vivid, the lifelike detail, the imagination beauty, often make person 叫绝. Her narration is unflustered, 有棱有角, is exquisite but does not reveal trivially, but in the book transforms completely carries on " tells the story " the different narration angle by the first person, lets me experience similarly is one kind of mind relaxes with is free (lets me remember childhood, winter night gathers round stove, our whole family listens to father to tell story scene). This kind " relaxes with is free " for me further understands the author writes the intention - to one (, was not very many) the story ponder - finishes the sufficient upholstery.

One string by four which " happy luck meets " may consider as to interweave the development clue twists, this string also is " the mother and the daughter " between passes and in the spatial shift development relations in the year. But " the happy lucky meeting " this handles purely China's -like meeting by four Chinese mother, without doubt became weaves this string the best beginning (story cuts into). Four pair of mother and daughter - always are not narrate by daughter's 口吻 oneself with the mother (mother again with daughter) is thick the emotion connection, then " the growth with departs from " in the daily life vivid description extends the display thing culture in this kind the collision, blends and the evolution subject. Yes, on USA'S land, four Chinese mother with each one " the mind vicissitudes ", always is wants " the American daughter " to mold own " the Chinese scenery ", but USA'S soil after all is USA'S soil, regardless of Chinese mother how diligently, daughters finally or do have to grow into USA -like, because continually mother own also always is can in unconsciously center say " inferior English " (two kind of cultural confrontation most direct terrains now in two languages confrontation, Amy Tan should be deeply knows by heart this point. She said: " I confuse for the daily life in language. I use in the massive time to ponder language strength - it arouses one kind of emotion, one visual, one complex idea or one simple truth way." But the daughters can not but acknowledge China " the traditional culture " (always was along with their mother's form) still preserves in them blood vessels, regardless of coagulated or the flow, this kind of emotion always was wipes does not go. "... She is my child, she inborn is the girl; I again am my mother's child, inborn also is the girl. We like the stair same, one level of another level, every one, but walks all is one road." Amy Tan borrows in the novel character's spoken language, said this kind is unable to shear the shed (may throw eliminates novel all external forms)" the mood truth ".

The novel molds four pair of mother and daughter images, they present the different indiviality, all writes full of beauty and significance, the flesh and blood is plentiful. If compares with the novel 16 chapters 16 bright fruits (in fact this 16 chapters each chapter all is one from becomes pearl story), then above me the analogy " the string " should alter to " the tree pole ", then four pair of mother's and daughter's development relations, also grew into shape each different branch, scattered and organized, the luxuriant growth of leaves and branches grew in reader's reading impression, constitutes one should say was 奇瑰 the gorgeous artistic world. Amy Tan absolutely is the master which tells the story, we may discover these close buckles in her in story, also alternated the very many - mother says for daughter's small story - these stories completely is east the way " is strange and is mystical ", was the fruit nucleus (one kind forever lives plants in their cerebrum " cultural nightmare"), came by 婉婉 the road, layer upon layer to spread out all over, 生趣盎然. This is eliminates the novel the language charm, another attracts me uniquely place.

Talks about the novel the language charm, I may point out very unfold the Amy Tan talent the god come the pen. For instance she writes the daughter to mother's respect fear, the daughter wants to let the mother admit when the oneself boyfriend's disturbed psychology, describes boyfriend is easily forgotten, " likes at the funeral some indivial nephew child "; Writes the daughter to mother's resistance: " I said when this saying a little fears, the picture is the silkworm, the toad or other repugnant thing puts out from the mouth." Writes the mother understands oneself the daughter: " If I wants to remember what, the picture seeks you in the bowl has not eaten the grain of cooked rice equally is only easy." These splendid words, I want only to have Amy Tan like this have the original feeling writer to two languages only then can write obtain, she will grasp the daily slight life, shifts strength which came up to the language core. Also has one point needs to supplement, " happy luck meets " is Tan's maiden work, a little 横空 is born the flavor, this book continuously 9 months was once included " New York Times " the bestselling novel rank first place, and won " the entire American books prize " and so on the prize item.

Certainly, I also see " happy luck met " the center some slight defect, for the time being leaves out in here does not discuss, I only wanted to read joyfully own (I accidentally obtain infinite am pleasantly surprised), with liked reading the novel the friend share.

Thanks south Hunan / the article " Chinese culture newspaper " 2001-10-11


㈤ 作家amy tan 详细介绍(生平6)


1952年出生于美国加州,是当代著名的华裔女作家之一。三十三岁开始写小说,后出版第一部长篇小说《喜福会》(The Joy Luck Club),自此奠定了她在文学界的声誉。《喜福会》以四对母女的故事为经纬,生动地描写了母女之间的微妙的感情,这本小说不仅获得该年度国家书卷奖,还被改编成了电影,创下了极高的票房佳绩。谭恩美在《喜福会》之后,还出版了《灶君娘娘》(The kichen wife's God)及《百种神秘感觉》(The Hundred Secret Senese),两部都是叫好又叫座的畅销书。

㈥ 请问高手:这段法语的意思是什么,尤其是tant 在这里的用法是什么呢它为何能放在此Merci beaucoup!!!

使我感到害怕的,并不是词汇或者表达方式的选择,也不是语法上的精微之处----(这些归根结底是所有人有能力运用(或者理解)的):而是小说家的定位(处境?立场?这要看更大的语境),以及更危险的,回忆录作者的定位。ce n‘est pas tant=并不那么是,不太是=It's not so much that
What makes me afraid, is not so much the choice of words or phrases,or the grammatical subtleties---which are, eventually, within the reach of everyone---but it is the position of the novelist,and even more dangerous, that of the memoirist.

㈦ 关于 Amy Tan 的英文介绍 她在美国文学界的贡献

同学你好 我是李叶叶 自己搜集不要靠网络。

㈧ 作家amy tan 简介

谭恩美(Amy Tan),美国华裔作家。1952年出生于美国加州奥克兰,曾就读医学院,后取得语言学硕士学位。她因处女作《喜福会》而一举成名,成为当代美国的畅销作家。著有长篇小说《灶神之妻》、《灵感女孩》和为儿童创作的《月亮夫人》、《中国暹罗猫》等,作品被译成20多种文字在世界上广为流传。如今谭恩美已然成为美国文坛少数民族作家的一位代表人物,而在当今美国社会倡导多元文化的大背景下,她的地位早已渐渐超越了一位少数民族或者流行小说家的身份,而成为整个美国乃至西方最为著名的作家之一。

㈨ 谭恩美(Amy Tan)的短篇小说都有什么

谭恩美 谭恩美,著名美籍华裔女作家。作品有《喜福会》、《灶神之妻》、《接骨师之女》等。
谭恩美于一九五二年出生于美国加州,是当代著名的华裔女作家之一。她三十三岁才开始写小说,一九年出版第一部长篇小说《喜福会》(The Joy Luck Club),自此奠定了她在文学界的声誉。《喜福会》以四对母女的故事为经纬,生动地描写了母女之间的微妙的感情,这本小说不仅获得该年度国家书卷奖,还被改编成了电影,创下了极高的票房佳绩。谭恩美在《喜福会》之后,还出版了《灶君娘娘》(The kichen wife's God)及《百种神秘感觉》(The Hundred Secret Senese),两部都是叫好又叫座的畅销书。

㈩ relutant

reluctant /rɪl'ʌktənt/ /ril'ʌktənt/
共发现 3 笔关於 [reluctant] 的资料 (解释内文之英文单字均可再点选进入查询)
资料来源(1):pydict data [pydict]
资料来源(2):Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) [web1913]
Reluctant \Re*luc"tant\ (-tant),a.[L.reluctans,-antis,p.
pr.of reluctari.See {Reluct}.]
1.Striving against; opposed in desire; unwilling;
disinclined; loth.
Reluctant,but in vain.--Milton.
Reluctant now I touched the trembling string.
2.Proceeding from an unwilling mind; granted with
reluctance; as,reluctant obedience.--Mitford.
Syn:Averse; unwilling; loth; disinclined; repugnant;
backward; coy.See {Averse}.



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