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㈠ d.h劳伦斯有哪些成名作品

戴·赫·劳伦斯,(David Herbert Lawrence,1885~1930)英国诗人、小说家、散文家。出生于矿工家庭,当过屠户会计、厂商雇员和小学教师,曾在国内外漂泊十多年,对现实抱批判否定态度。他写过诗,但主要写长篇小说,共有10部,最著名的为《虹》(1915)、《爱恋中的女人》(1921)和《查太莱夫人的情人》(1928)。

㈡ 劳伦斯 短篇小说有哪些


㈢ 劳伦斯作品<<虹>>的简介


















㈣ 劳伦斯 短篇小说集叫什么名字。快!!!速度!!


㈤ 劳伦斯的发表作品

ecent important references
Contributed Chapter 4 on Fats and Oils in the diet in
Essentials of Human Nutrition, Oxford University Press, Mann and Truswell ,(2012)
Contributing author to “Avocado Oil’ in text book Gourmet and Health Promoting Specialty Oils, edited R.Moreau, AOCS press ,2008
Contributing author to Olive and avocado Oil in the textbook, Green Vegetable Oil Processing, editor W.Farr and proctor, AOCS Press (2012)
Processing Oils and Fats in New Zealand, Chapter in Handbook of Australasian Edible Oils, Page 214, Published by the Oils and Fats Specialist Group,(2007)
The Composition of Titoki Oil Paper presented to the IUPAC Conference on the Chemistry of Natural Procts - Dunedin (1976)
The Importance of Tallow to New Zealand Paper presented to Society of Chemistry and Instry UK (1979)
Gas Liquid Chromatographic Analysis of Oils and Fats
Chemistry in New Zealand (1979)
Oil from Deep Water Fish Species (Orange Roughy)
J American Oil Chemist Association (1982)
Instrial Aspects of Fat Nutrition in New Zealand
Proceedings of the First International NZ Fats Conference Duromark (1983)
A Chemical and Commercial Background to Evening Primrose Oil
Chemistry in New Zealand, April (1984)
Instrial Aspects of Fat Nutrition, Published in the Proceedings of Fats for the Future,Auckland (1983),contains a section on infant formulae.
The Management of Frying Fats
Paper presented to NZ Food Technology Conference (1985)
Maize. Nutritious and Versatile
Food Technology in New Zealand March (1987)
Milk Fat: Proct Development
Lipid Technology. Vol 1. No 1 August (1989)
Tailored Food Ingredients from Milk Fat
Paper presented to Food Ingredients Conference London (1988)
Linking Proct Development with the Marketplace
Fats for the Future (IUPAC) Ellis Horwood (1990)Section on infant formulae on page 245 of this text.Compares Human milk fat with fatty acid compositions of infant formulae.
Handling and Processing Shark Livers for the Recovery of Squalene and Diacyl Glyceryl Ethers
(Co-Author) DSIR Crop Research - Seafood Report No 1 (1990)
Inflammable and Toxic Gases Offshore
Instrial Fire Journal March (1993)
Supplementary Publications
New Zealand Tallow as a Raw Material for Several Manufacturing Instries
Paper presented to NZIC Annual Conference (1977)
Edible Fats and Oils in the New Zealand Food Instry
Chapter of “Chemical Processes in New Zealand”
Edited by J.E. Packer, NZIC (1978)
Storage of Bakery Fats
“Food Technology in New Zealand”, May 1984, P. 27
Fats in Cake and Biscuit Manufacture
Paper presented at a seminar, “Baking Ingredients, Processing and Procts”
Massey University, May 22nd-23rd (1984)
A Guide to Deep Fat Frying for Abels Ltd 1984
(Proced an authoritative booklet)
Fats, Oils and Waxes: Functional Components of Cosmetic Preparations
L. Eyres and D.M. Fenton
Paper presented to Australian and New Zealand Societies of Cosmetic Chemists
Rotorua, 16 March 1985
Tallow, the Ideal Frying Fat
“Food Instry”, (1986)
Food Ingredients - Composition, Utilisation and Effectiveness
Paper presented at Foodtech 86, Auckland, 1986
Paper Presented to Australian Cosmetic Conference on Orange Roughy Oil
Sydney, 1986
Career Choices for Chemists
Address to 7th Form Students at University of Auckland (1987)
Pork Nutrition and Innovative Cuisine
Professor J.A. Birkbeck and Dr. L. Eyres
Paper presented to 22nd Annual Conference of the Nutrition Society
Dunedin, 1987
Market Development of Milk Fat
Paper presented to 36th Annual Conference of Dairy Managers
Palmerston North 10-12th May 1988
Chapter on Milkfat Innovation in, Fats for the Future, (1989) editor, R.C. Cambie, Ellis Horwood.IUPAC
Instrial Fat Procts - Downstream Processing
Paper presented to the 57th Annual Conference of Dairy Managers
Palmerston North, 13-16th June 1989
Applications, Requirements and opportunities for Milkfats in the Food Instry
Paper presented to AFISC Seminar, Melbourne 1995
Critical Issues and Solutions for the Edible Oils and Fats Instry
David Allen, Kurt Berger, L. Eyres, P. Barnes, F.D. Gunstone, M. Gurr and F.B. Padley
“Prepared Foods”, June 1996, P. 36; and
“Lipid Technology Newsletter”, December 1996
Career Planning for Food Technologists
Address given to a seminar, Foodtech 98, October 1998
Fear of Fat
Paper presented to a Crop and Food Symposium in Wellington (1999)
Fear of Fat
The NZ Food Journal 29 (4), P. 143 (1999)
The Changing Diet of New Zealanders
Paper presented to NZ Nutrition Society Annual Conference November 2000
Avocado Oil - A New Edible Oil from Australasia
Lipid Technology (2001), P. 84-89
Potential of Squalene as a Functional Lipid in Foods and Cosmetics
Lipid Technology (2002), P. 104-109
Adventures with Lipids (2002)
The J.C. Andrews Awards Address given to NZIFST Conference Palmerston North
What is the Optimal Dietary Lipid Intake?
Paper published June 2003 - Britannia Oils Website
Anchor - The Dairy Icon in New Zealand (2003)
Paper presented at NZIFST Conference
Adventures with Lipids, paper presented to NZIFST, JC Andrews award lecture (2002)
Instry adoption of Nutritional Guidelines, Paper presented to CAPS conference, Dunedin (2011)
Extracurricular Activities in Science
Recipient of J.C. Andrews award (NZIFST) 2002.
Member of Editorial Board of Food New Zealand (Previously Food Technologist) and Lipid Technology
Past President NZIFST (1989)
Chaired four international conferences on Oils and Fats - 1983-2010
Chairman NZIC Oils and Fats Specialist Group (1983-2010)
Chaired many seminars and courses over the last 30 years
Presented a course in marketing for Diploma in Business, University of Auckland (1994-1995)
MORST grant to attend Institute of Directors course 1998
Member of Nutrition Foundation Scientific Advisory Board and Council (2000-Present)
Retired Director of FSANZ (2004-2010)
Managing Editor of Handbook of Australasian Edible Oils (2007)
Member of Pick the tick panel for the Heart Foundation.

㈥ 1908至1910年劳伦斯写了哪几本小说



㈦ 劳伦斯的成名作长篇小说什么,带有什么






㈧ 劳伦斯小说中有没有叫什么什么的日记这本书

白孔雀 (1911) - 一个选错了妻子的男人的悲剧
入侵者 (1912)
儿子与情人 (1913) —曾用题目《保罗·莫莱尔》
虹 (1915)
恋爱中的女人 (1920) —《虹》的续集
迷失的少女 (1920)
艾伦的藜杖 (1922)
狐狸 (1923) – 短篇小说
船长的玩具 (1923) —短篇小说
瓢虫 (1923) -短篇小说
袋鼠 (1923)
灌木丛中的男孩 (1924)
莫尔先生 (1925) -短篇小说
羽蛇 (1926) -取材于古代墨西哥神话
逃跑的女人 (1928)
查泰莱夫人的情人 (1928年最先在佛罗伦萨出版,直到1960年才于英国本土出版)

㈨ 劳伦斯有哪些代表作




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