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发布时间:2021-07-22 01:01:02

1. 求 短篇悬疑小说合集 越多越好 谢谢

恩、若有问题 welcome to追问、
我爱电子书 与你分享 、
hi: 资源已发哦.

2. 求欧美经典的短篇侦探/推理小说 要英文的


3. 需要一个短篇推理故事,最好是英文的,四个人上去陈述一件事情,需要观众们推理出来谁是凶手,这类的。

An affair to investigate
In the sitting room, visiting the millionaire George begged private detective parker, hope he can help his investigated whether his wife was having an affair.
Parker in this kind of thing is very tired, but could not resist, George, the cry of the had to promise to give it a try.
"If there is any doubt in your heart?" "Yes, a painter named terres!" George replied.
"Since have, call me to investigate why again?"
"Because there is no evidence to!" George severely beat his table.
George a photo from his pocket, it is a very beautiful woman, he is shy of say: "this is my wife." "Oh, very beautiful!" Parker answer, but in the heart of this typical old wife less marriage filled with disdain. "I work at ordinary times busy, she said want to learn painting, I will send her to the painter painting there!"
"Terres can have today, not just rely on my help, I didn't think he was ungrateful!"
"Your wife has said to you that the matter between them?"
"No, she didn't say anything, I wanted to prove the facts."
"Where is the location of the painting?"
"The era of the west tower, and my wife must be in there."
Then, peck of terres made a detailed investigation, his paintings very accomplished, still unmarried. But, he is romantic and complex relations with many women, and therefore a lot of hostilities.
Parker into his apartment, while terres out carefully packed for bugs, and no one lives in the next room, so parker rent down, convenient and hacking, of course, these costs are borne by George. To eavesdrop on parker came to know that there is a call, and he often clashed, is for the original painting award, also caused bloodshed, the dialogue between them park are recorded.
About the dialogue between terres and George's wife, parker is listening carefully. It turns out that they have close relations, just terres are not really love her. Parker put the tape to George, he go on the rampage.
For a month, terres was assassinated in the night. At that time, parker's tape recorder isn't open, so nothing can record.
The police think that can enter the room must be acquaintances, so George, George's wife, 'cole all three suspected. In the body, but found the George lighters, so the police identified the murderer is George!
"The murderer not him!" Park on the inference counters.
Excuse me, who is uncertain?

4. 英语推理小故事100~200个单词,不要太变态。急急急,

这是我摘自英语沙龙上的脑筋急转弯:<The silent cabbies>沉默的出租车司机
A London cab driver picked up a lady who was a notorious chatterbox. He did not want to engage in conversation, so he pretended to be deaf and mb. He pointed to his mouth and ears to indicate that he could neither speak nor hear .After she alighted,he pointed to the meter so that she could see how much she owed. She paid him and walked off. Then she realized that he could not have been a deaf mute. How did she know?
答案:He must have heard intial instructions or he would not haveknown where to take her.

5. 求一部悬疑推理短篇小说名称


6. 能否推荐给我一些很经典的推理、悬疑短篇小说~谢了!


7. 求英文 侦探 推理短篇小说 要有中文翻译



8. 关于外国的著名悬疑推理小说

《莫格街谋杀案》作者:爱伦 坡开侦探小说之先河:而在文学史上,他也被认为是19世纪美国最伟大的作家之一;他又被称为侦探小说鼻祖、科幻小说先驱、恐怖小说大师、唯美主义者……爱伦·坡(1809~1849)美国小说家。与安布鲁斯·布尔斯、H.P洛夫克拉夫特并称为美国三大恐怖小说家
《中国橘子之谜》《希腊棺材之谜》《疯狂下午茶》《X的悲剧》《Y的悲剧》《Z的悲剧》作者:埃勒里 奎因 埃勒里·奎因(Ellery Queen)是曼弗雷德·B·李 和弗雷德里克·丹奈 这对表兄弟合用的笔名,他们堪称侦探推理小说史上承前启后的经典作家。 创作期间的作品大部分以埃勒里·奎因的笔名发表。埃勒里·奎因也是其小说中的主人公,其角色本身就是一位侦探小说作家兼超级侦探。年轻英俊的侦探埃勒里·奎因和他的父亲——纽约警察局的警官理查德·奎因是其大多数作品中的主要角色。《福尔摩斯探案集》作者:亚瑟·柯南道尔《福》一书收录有四部长篇及56个短篇,(个人认为《四签名》《血字的研究》《五个桔核》《斑点带子案》《跳舞的小人》等比较好看)《雪地上的女尸》《东方快车谋杀案》作者: 阿加莎·克里斯 英国著名女侦探小说家、剧作家《君子协定》作者:劳伦斯布洛克
美国籍推理小说家,除了「约翰·狄克森·卡尔」之外,也曾使用过「卡特·狄克森」、「卡尔·狄克森」以及「罗杰·费尔拜恩」等多个笔名发表作品。卡尔是公认的古典推理黄金时期伟大作家之一,写作上注重谜团的设计,并辅以复杂而紧凑的情节。他大部分的小说及短篇故事中都有一个古怪的侦探,负责解开种种不可思议同时又带有超自然神秘味道的犯罪,这样的风格主要是受到法国作家勒胡以及英国文学巨擘 G. K. 却斯特顿的布朗神父系列所影响。
日本也有许多推理小说作家,如 江户川乱步《D坡杀人案》、《心理测试》、《人间椅子》、《黄金假面人》、《侍人幻戏》、《透明怪人》、《月亮手套》等.笔下的侦探明智小五郎成为日本妇孺皆知的英雄。松本清张:代表作有《点与线》、《隔墙有眼》、《零的焦点》、《日本的黑雾》、《女人的代

9. 请问谁有英文短篇悬疑故事(能讲4分钟左右)急需


10. 急需短篇英语侦探或悬疑小说原文,字数在4000以内即可,希望大家给提供几篇。




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