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发布时间:2021-07-22 01:17:39

① 欧亨利短篇小说的书评(英语)


② 欧亨利短篇小说英文简介。

A poor husband and wife to each other in time to send holiday gifts and gone to great pains to present the final show no use: to sell a gold watch for his wife bought a comb, a hair cut for her husband bought a watch chain root. Nick was "The Gift of the Magi," the plot is not complicated, the authors used the coincidence of suspense and make the uncomplicated plot is full of changes and attractive: the advent of Christmas, a pair of husband and wife at the expense of the poor own the most valuable The other things to buy a useful gift is no longer a story of suspense set of circumstances and coincidence to the readers to look forward to unexpected and a sense of feeling in order to praise the purity of the heroine's love, reflects the human side of the United States.

O. Henry

Saer Dan said: "What is love, love is boundless tolerance, some things can bring joy. Love is the goodwill of the unconscious, of the total self-forgetting." Novelist O. Henry "The Gift of the Magi "Told the true meaning of love. A couple of small Christmas comes, the two sides are well-prepared not to find a gift for her husband Jim to his wife's hair with a comb, to sell his gold watch, bought a comb, his wife and Germany In order to pull her husband's gold watch to sell their hair, bought a watch chain, when they gift each other, found themselves ready to present the other side is not needed, not a matter of fact, they have been more than a comb and watch chain precious gift - Love.

Some people have said that the true meaning of love is given and not obtained. In the novel, the heroine la sobbed several times, but this is not the aggrieved tears, but tears of confusion, she did not know what to give her husband a Christmas present to send her money is too little less, a total of Only seven angle of 11 cents a piece, which she would like to buy and that's the price of gold watch chain far worse, how to do this Leila her down, crying, she had decided to bring her to work with the Greek Pakistan's jewelry looks beautiful hair sold only able to buy a watch chain that is also why her husband Jim in order to buy a la comb, and that piece of King Solomon is jealous enough to blowing a beard stare of a gold watch sold Before they buy a set of combs. Some people may say: "What a pity ah!" But more people in envy: "good people! More than happy!"

Wa Xifu "love" in the show such a point of view: Love is the highest state of each other's well-being for their own well-being.

"Jim and truly la this point, this is a comb la favorite for a long time but should not have to drive things, the watch chain is Jim phase for a long time but dare not wish for anything, in order for them to the other side The desire to achieve, give up their most precious things, this is how the realm of high-ah! That their sincere love is pure merit serious consideration. The world needs love, dedication, we also need to love in the hearts of each should be There is love, not only for themselves, other people, their life should be so.

A spring sowing, harvesting spring, gave us love it! Let love be the main theme of our lives

③ 欧亨利和哪两人都以短篇小说闻名于世


④ 谁能提供现实主义文学(以欧亨利为代表)的英文介绍(特点,风格,代表人物,作品什么的)

O. Henry was the pen name of American writer William Sydney Porter (September 11, 1862–June 5, 1910), whose clever use of twist endings in his stories popularized the term "O. Henry Ending". His middle name at birth was Sidney, not Sydney; he later changed the spelling of his middle name when he first began writing as a journalist in the 1880s.

Early life
William Sidney Porter was born in 1862 on a plantation "Worth Place" in Greensboro, North Carolina. When William was three, his mother died from tuberculosis, and he and his father moved to the home of his paternal grandmother.

William was an avid reader, and graated from his aunt's elementary school in 1876, then enrolled at the Linsey Street High School. In 1879 he started working as a bookkeeper in his uncle's drugstore and in 1881 – at the age of nineteen – he was licensed as a pharmacist.

The Move to Texas
He relocated to Texas in 1882, initially working on a ranch in La Salle County as a sheep herder and ranch hand, then Austin where he took a number of different jobs over the next several years, including pharmacist, draftsman, journalist, and clerk. While in Texas he also learned Spanish.

In 1887 he eloped with Athol Estes, then eighteen years old and from a wealthy family. Her family objected to the match because both she and Porter suffered from tuberculosis. Athol gave birth to a son in 1888, who died shortly after birth, and then a daughter, Margaret, in 1889.

In 1894 Porter started a humorous weekly called The Rolling Stone. Also in 1894, Porter resigned from the First National Bank of Austin where he had worked as a teller, after he was accused of embezzling funds. In 1895, after The Rolling Stone ceased publication, he moved to Houston, where he started writing for the Houston Post. Shortly thereafter, he was arrested for embezzlement in connection with his previous employment in Austin.

Flight and Return
Porter was granted bond, but the day before he was e to stand trial on July 7, 1896, he absconded to New Orleans and later to Honras. However, in 1897, when he learned that his wife was dying, he returned to the United States and surrendered to the court, pending an appeal.

Athol Estes Porter died July 25, 1897. Porter was found guilty of embezzlement, sentenced to five years jail, and imprisoned April 25, 1898 at the Ohio State Penitentiary. He was released on July 24, 1901 for good behaviour after serving three years.

Origin of Pen Name
Porter published at least twelve stories while in prison to help support his daughter. Not wanting his readers to know he was in jail, he started using the pen name "O. Henry". It is believed that Porter got this name from one of the guards who was named Orrin Henry. However, there is much debate on this issue: one Porter biographer asserts that the name was derived from a girlfriend's cat, which answered to "Oh, Henry!" Guy Davenport, meanwhile, wrote that the name was a condensation of "Ohio Penitentiary". It also could be an abbreviation of the name of French pharmacist, Etienne-Ossian Henry, who is referred to in the U.S. Dispensatory, a reference work Porter used when he was in the prison pharmacy. Further confusing the issue is that for at least one short story, and for a later autobiographical author profile, Porter signed the "full" name Olivier Henry.

Porter also used a number of other noms de plume, most notably "Alex, Longford", and continued using a variety of pen names full-time when he took a writing contract for Ainslee's Magazine in New York City shortly after his release from prison. Eventually, "O. Henry" became the name that was most recognized by magazine editors and the reading public, and therefore led to the greatest fees for story sales. Accordingly, after about 1903 Porter used the "O. Henry" byline exclusively.

In fact, after his prison term Porter almost never identified himself in print by his real name, even in private correspondence to close friends. To editors, he was simply O. Henry (or occasionally Olivier Henry). When writing to friends, however, he would routinely sign his letters with one of a wide range of deliberately nonsensical pseudonyms, such as "Horatio Swampwater".

A Brief Stay At The Top
Porter married again in 1907 to his childhood sweetheart, Sarah Lindsey Coleman. However, despite the success of his short stories being published in magazines and collections (or perhaps because of the attendant pressure success brought), Porter became an alcoholic. Sarah left him in 1909, and he died in 1910 of cirrhosis of the liver. After funeral services in New York City, he was buried in Asheville, North Carolina. His daughter, Margaret Worth Porter, died in 1927 and was buried with her father.

Attempts were made to secure a presidential pardon for Porter ring the administrations of Woodrow Wilson, Dwight Eisenhower and Ronald Reagan. However, each attempt was met with the assertion that the Justice Department did not recommend pardons after death. This policy was clearly altered ring the administration of Bill Clinton (who pardoned Henry Flipper), so the question of a pardon for O. Henry may yet again see the light of day.

O. Henry stories are famous for their surprise endings. He was called the American Guy De Maupassant. Both authors wrote twist endings, but O. Henry stories were much more playful and optimistic.

Most of O.Henry's stories are set in his own time, the early years of the 20th century. Many take place in New York City, and deal for the most part with ordinary people: clerks, policemen, waitresses. His stories are also well known for witty narration.

The Four Million (a collection of stories) opens with a reference to Ward McAllister's "assertion that there were only 'Four Hundred' people in New York City who were really worth noticing. But a wiser man has arisen—the census taker—and his larger estimate of human interest has been preferred in marking out the field of these little stories of the 'Four Million'". To O. Henry, everyone in New York counted. He had an obvious affection for the city, which he called Baghdad on the Subway, and many of his stories are set there—but others are set in small towns and in other cities.

His famous story A Municipal Report opens by quoting Frank Norris: "Fancy a novel about Chicago or Buffalo, let us say, or Nashville, Tennessee! There are just three big cities in the United States that are 'story cities' — New York, of course, New Orleans, and, best of the lot, San Francisco." Thumbing his nose at Norris, O. Henry sets the story in Nashville.

Fundamentally a proct of his time, O. Henry's work provides one of the best English examples of catching the entire flavor of an age. Whether roaming the cattle-lands of Texas, exploring the art of the "gentle grifter", or investigating the tensions of class and wealth in turn of the century New York, O. Henry had an inimitable hand for isolating some element of society and describing it with an incredible economy and grace of language. Some of his best and least-known work resides in the collection "Cabbages and Kings", a series of stories which each explore some indivial aspect of life in a paralytically sleepy South American town while each advancing some aspect of the larger plot and relating back one to another in a complex structure which slowly explicates its own background even as it painstakingly erects a town which is one of the most detailed literary creations of the period.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow. O. Henry is so famous for his unexpected plot twists that this warning is especially important.
A famous story of his, "The Gift of the Magi", concerns a young couple who are short of money but desperately want to buy each other Christmas gifts. Unbeknownst to Jim, Della sells her most valuable possession, her beautiful hair, in order to buy a platinum fob chain for Jim's watch; unbeknownst to Della, Jim sells his most valuable possession, his watch, to buy jeweled combs for Della's hair. The essential premise of this story has been copied, re-worked, parodied, and otherwise re-told countless times in the century since it was written.
The Ransom of Red Chief concerns two men who kidnap a boy of ten. The boy turns out to be so bratty and obnoxious that the desperate men ultimately pay the boy's father two hundred and fifty dollars to take him back.
The Cop and the Anthem concerns a New York City hobo named Soapy, who sets out to get arrested so he can spend the cold winter as a guest of the city jail. Despite efforts at petty theft, vandalism, disorderly conct, and "mashing", Soapy fails to draw the attention of the police. Disconsolate, he pauses in front of a church, where an organ anthem inspires him to clean up his life - whereupon he is promptly arrested for loitering.
In A Retrieved Reformation, safecracker Jimmy Valntine gets a job in a small town bank to case it for a robbery. Unexpectedly, he falls in love with the banker's daughter, and decides to go straight. Just as he's about to leave to deliver his specialized tools to an old associate, a lawman who recognizes him arrives at the bank, and a child locks herself in the airtight vault. Knowing it will seal his fate, Valentine cracks open the safe to rescue the child - and the lawman lets him go.

[edit] Cultural relations
O. Henry once said: "There are stories in everything. I've got some of my best yarns from park benches, lampposts, and newspaper stands." [citation needed]
The O. Henry Awards are yearly prizes given to outstanding short stories.
The O. Henry Pun-Off World Championships are held in May of each year in Austin, Texas, hosted by the city's O. Henry Museum.
O. Henry is a household name in Russia, as his books enjoyed excellent translations and some of his stories were made into popular movies, the best known being, probably, "The Ransom of Red Chief". The phrase "Bolivar cannot carry double" from "The Roads We Take" has become a Russian proverbs, whose origin many Russians do not even recognize.
O. Henry's first wife, Athol, was probably the model for Della[1].
In 1952 a film featuring five O. Henry stories was made. The primary one from the critic's acclaim was "The Cop and the Anthem" starring Charles Laughton and Marilyn Monroe. The other stories are "The Clarion Call," "The Last Leaf," "The Ransom of Red Chief," and "The Gift of the Magi."
There is an O. Henry Middle School in Austin.


⑤ 欧亨利的小说中英文对照

It seems to be saying that one of the worst thing that someone can do is to take sexual advantage of a poor woman. This seems like something of an antiquated idea--it implies that women are prey for predatory men and that men who use the poverty of women to exploit them are the worst sort of person.

Eugénie's father Felix is a former cooper who has become wealthy through both business ventures and inheritance. However, he is very miserly. Felix's nephew Charles Grandet arrives from Paris unexpectedly at their home. Charles does not realize that his father has gone bankrupt. His father's ruin and suicide are soon published in the newspaper, and Felix considers Charles to be a burden, and plans to send him off overseas to make his own fortune. However, Eugénie and Charles fall in love with each other. She gives him some of her own money to help with his trading ventures. Later Felix is angered when he discovers that Eugénie has given her money to Charles. This leads to his wife falling ill, and his daughter being confined to her room. Eventually they are reconciled, and Felix reluctantly agrees that Eugénie can marry Charles. In 1827 Charles returns to France. By now both of Eugénie's parents have died. However Charles is no longer in love with Eugénie. He becomes engaged to the daughter of an impoverished aristocratic family, in order to make himself respectable. He writes to Eugénie to break off their engagement. Eugénie then decides to become engaged to Cruchot des Bonfons. Bonfons de Cruchot marries Eugénie hopeful of becoming fabulously wealthy. However, he dies young, and at the end of the book Eugénie is a very wealthy widow. At the end of the novel, by the standards of the time she should be unhappy, childless and unmarried, but she is instead quite content with her lot because he has learned of the hypocrisy and shallowness of the bourgeois.

⑥ 欧亨利短篇小说 英文

O. Henry stories are famous for their surprise endings. He was called the American Guy De Maupassant. Both authors wrote twist endings, but O. Henry stories were much more playful and optimistic.

Most of O. Henry's stories are set in his own time, the early years of the 20th century. Many take place in New York City, and deal for the most part with ordinary people: clerks, policemen, waitresses. His stories are also well known for witty narration.

Fundamentally a proct of his time, O. Henry's work provides one of the best English examples of catching the entire flavor of an age. Whether roaming the cattle-lands of Texas, exploring the art of the "gentle grafter", or investigating the tensions of class and wealth in turn-of-the-century New York, O. Henry had an inimitable hand for isolating some element of society and describing it with an incredible economy and grace of language. Some of his best and least-known work resides in the collection Cabbages and Kings, a series of stories which each explore some indivial aspect of life in a paralytically sleepy Central American town while each advancing some aspect of the larger plot and relating back one to another in a complex structure which slowly explicates its own background even as it painstakingly erects a town which is one of the most detailed literary creations of the period.

The Four Million (a collection of stories) opens with a reference to Ward McAllister's "assertion that there were only 'Four Hundred' people in New York City who were really worth noticing. But a wiser man has arisen— census taker—and his larger estimate of human interest has been preferred in marking out the field of these little stories of the 'Four Million'". To O. Henry, everyone in New York counted. He had an obvious affection for the city, which he called "Bagdad-on-the-Subway,"[1] and many of his stories are set there—but others are set in small towns and in other cities.
"A Municipal Report" opens by quoting Frank Norris: "Fancy a novel about Chicago or Buffalo, let us say, or Nashville, Tennessee! There are just three big cities in the United States that are 'story cities'—New York, of course, New Orleans, and, best of the lot, San Francisco." Thumbing his nose at Norris, O. Henry sets the story in Nashville.
"The Gift of the Magi" concerns a young couple who are short of money but desperately want to buy each other Christmas gifts. Unbeknownst to Jim, Della sells her most valuable possession, her beautiful hair, in order to buy a platinum fob chain for Jim's watch; unbeknownst to Della, Jim sells his most valuable possession, his watch, to buy jeweled combs for Della's hair. The essential premise of this story has been copied, re-worked, parodied, and otherwise re-told countless times in the century since it was written.
"The Ransom of Red Chief" concerns two men who kidnap a boy of ten. The boy turns out to be so bratty and obnoxious that the desperate men ultimately pay the boy's father two hundred and fifty dollars to take him back.
"The Cop and the Anthem" concerns a New York City hobo named Soapy, who sets out to get arrested so he can spend the cold winter as a guest of the city jail. Despite efforts at petty theft, vandalism, disorderly conct, and "mashing", Soapy fails to draw the attention of the police. Disconsolate, he pauses in front of a church, where an organ anthem inspires him to clean up his life—whereupon he is promptly arrested for loitering.
"A Retrieved Reformation" has safecracker Jimmy Valentine take a job in a small-town bank in order to case it for a planned robbery. Unexpectedly, he falls in love with the banker's daughter, and decides to go straight. Just as he's about to leave to deliver his specialized tools to an old associate, a lawman who recognizes him arrives at the bank, and a child locks herself in the airtight vault. Knowing it will seal his fate, Valentine cracks open the safe to rescue the child—and the lawman lets him go.
"Compliments of the Season" describes several characters' misadventures ring Christmas .


⑦ 求欧亨利的英文短篇小说,越全越好


⑧ 欧亨利中英文短篇小说集


《三叶草和棕榈树》Shamrock and the Palm

《失语漫游》A Ramble in Aphasia

《黄狗自传》Memoirs of a Yellow Dog

《恭贺佳节》Compliments of the Season

《巴格达之鸡》A Bird of Bagdad

《没有结局的故事》An Unfinished Story


《闪光的金子》The Gold That Glittered



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