① 有没有象至此终年一样好听的有声小说
② 求经典的文笔好些的小说,穿越言情古代现代的都可以
穿越:醉玲珑 兰陵缭乱 潇然梦 第一皇妃 独步天下
这些都是我看过的文笔好的 希望你能喜欢
③ 求一些都市情感有声小说。比如《温暖的弦》 《良言写意》一类现代小说,多多益善!
④ 微微一笑很倾城 ( 颠颠家族) 良言写意 过客,匆匆 以及各种好听的mp3格式广播剧、有声小说
★糕调★小说团 。◕_◕。
⑤ 有什么好看的言情小说
⑥ 求言情小说
⑦ 良言写意有声小说里面的英文歌曲叫什么名字
Underflow - Emma Louise
How much time is left
Before the sun is gone
And our hearts are banned
Crying in our palms
And I put my white flag in the wind
To let love know I'm giving in
I put my white flag in the wind
And I feel it in the underflow
I feel it in the underflow
I feel it in the underflow
And we miss each other in the dark
Like ships in the night
And I cried a puddle
Deep into the valley of shoulder blades
And I breathe smoke into the sky
To let love know I'm getting high
There'll be no rest tonight
And I feel it in the underflow
I feel it in the underflow
I feel it in the underflow
I feel it in the underflow
But all I want is to feel your love
In a physical form not from over the ocean
Just to feel you breathe from beside of me
Not in a digital form from across the sea
And all I want is to feel your love
In a physical form not from over the ocean
Just to feel you breathe from underneath me
Skin on skin and heat on heat
And I feel it in the underflow
I feel it in the underflow
I feel it in the underflow
I feel it in the underflow
I feel it in the underflow
⑧ 推荐几部有声小说,广播剧,好听的,不要惊悚,主播声音要好,有感情
华胥引,微微一笑很倾城,杉杉来吃,岁月是朵两生花,良言写意,路从今夜内白,冉冉孤生竹,七容夜雪,你是我学生又怎样,三生三世十里桃花,何以笙箫默,琉璃般若花,重紫,三生三世 枕上书,落花时节又逢君,两只前夫一台戏,沉香如屑,一只小妖出墙来,木玉成约,饕餮娘子,致我们单纯的小美好,陈先生和程太太,别拿穿越不当工作,雨女,青瓷怡梦,可惜不是你,远烟碧,池鱼,毒公子,冥情媒,火焰鸢尾,最美遇见你,勇气,玉簟秋,过期的守候,我的“失忆”女友,水果篮子,我的律师生涯,三生有幸,嘘!秘密,静默,燕尾服之梦,烈火如歌,黄泉路,神殇·啼血无痕,禽兽和我的甜蜜生活,我在天堂说爱你,问情,九瓣莲,北京情人,爱莫能弃,秘密,天仙子,寄信人,年少的风,再见再见,鱼玄机,明华无偃,金步摇,结缘,最爱我的天使睡着了,千红一窟,不归,梨花错,刚好我也暗恋你,潭。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。貌似我听过的广播剧很多,总也说不完,暂时先推荐这么多。。。哒哒哒,古风,现代,穿越,欢脱的,都很棒。。。。良心制作,CV们的声音,很美妙噢,希望能够入你的耳。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。