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发布时间:2021-08-18 22:19:17

❶ 缩写 snob 的全称是什么

1、Sans Noblesse 无贵族爵位
2、Shortest Nuke On Board 最基本核武器配备,大概是这个意思,我不确定
3、Sine Nobilis 正弦,来自拉丁语,数学词汇
4、Southampton Nuclear Opposition Benefit 南安普顿反核基金会,这个出自美国喜剧“小姐好白”white chiks, 推荐看一下

❷ Sanyo is now reacting to this demand for a snob alternative to the Burberry procts


❸ 艾玛片段英语翻译

Allegra:在哪里热在爱玛和Knightley先生之间?事实上没有动物激情.看弗兰克邱吉尔和Fairfax小姐.你能说出因为他们那样行为不良,他们确实是在恋爱. 西尔维亚:那个是好吗? Allegra:爱玛和Knightley先生,你仅仅从不感受到性别. 伯纳黛特:仍然,我认为Knightley先生是非常很棒.你不做吗?他可以是我的所有的奥斯丁男人最喜欢的. Prudie:桑人激情I'amour n'estrien.那个不是简氏年鉴主题,存在它吗? 乔斯琳:Jane?、 伯纳黛特:那个是舒适. Prudie:我们是的意味着向主教的职位控制手段的它和不要让步在朝派甚至于没有是缺少激情. Allegra:同意.好,受打扰的自我是爱玛让什么继续强使Elton先生接受她朋友哈丽特的方法.然后她发现哈丽特的父亲是谁和突然"Ew"!她是幸运找来农民.Prudie:我认为简正是嘲讽在那里.我认为一些读者可以错过那个. Allegra:爱玛的一势利眼. 乔斯琳:请.人们被对是他们的几乎是相等在朝派外貌的伙伴本能吸引.相当结婚相当丑陋丑陋.有损于据我看来品种.伯纳黛特:上帝,你是这样一爱玛.她不是吗?你想要把从狗到居住在整个世界配对. 西尔维亚:连同丹尼尔放我. 乔斯琳:你有美丽孩子. 伯纳黛特:Apres moi,le洪水.但是Prudie是正确,它是在所有的小说中.感觉和敏感性显然.零然后那里的玛丽亚的在Mansfield Park中无宗教信仰. 西尔维亚:我忘记在Mansfield Park中那里的无宗教信仰. 乔斯琳:奥斯丁完全在做使保持拉上它的拉链. Grigg:是的但是吸引并非物理是一个无法控制的forces吗?像引力你知识.那是我们关于喜欢它.你向山下知道,松开刹车,放松你的控制和... Allegra:是的.爱使人们变得疯狂. 西尔维亚:它不使恶劣的行为行为可以被原谅. 伯纳黛特:我同意.Knightley先生激烈是在恋爱."激烈"!他的词.虽然如此他是根本不是一先生. Allegra:是的责骂人们的一先生. Grigg:不每人.你知识,仅仅爱玛,仅仅他爱的妇女. Prudie:C'est vrai.C'est typique.一个男人能做不管他对他爱的妇女喜欢什么. 乔斯琳:我不认为那是奥斯丁正说.事实上,当她喜欢Knightley先生的时候,爱玛停止是疯狂.它是书的事件.爱是一个心志正常的行动. Grigg:我关于爱玛注意到的东西是威胁的感觉的个.吉卜赛人,简Fairfax的划船事故,Woodhouse先生的担心. Prudie:奥斯丁的整个论文是这些东西的没有一点儿是真正Grigg.我用意爱玛她基于她幻想曲行动.Allegra:同意 ,Grigg恐怕你刚刚完全没听清要点. 乔斯琳:你知道我已经朗声地说爱玛扑通倒下使的谦逊漂亮,know-it-all女孩是中最最的受的欢迎的小块所有的时间.伯纳黛特:是的,全体地使人满意的. Allegra:同意.好,受打扰的自我是爱玛让什么继续强使Elton先生接受她朋友哈丽特的方法.然后她发现哈丽特的父亲是谁和突然"Ew"!她是幸运找来农民.Prudie:我认为简正是嘲讽在那里.我认为一些读者可以错过那个. Allegra:爱玛的一势利眼. 乔斯琳:请.人们被对是他们的几乎是相等在朝派外貌的伙伴本能吸引.相当结婚相当丑陋丑陋.有损于据我看来品种.伯纳黛特:上帝,你是这样一爱玛.她不是吗?你想要把从狗到居住在整个世界配对. 西尔维亚:连同丹尼尔放我. 乔斯琳:你有美丽孩子.乔斯琳:你知道我已经朗声地说爱玛扑通倒下使的谦逊漂亮 ,know-it-all女孩是中最最的受的欢迎的小块所有的时间.伯纳黛特:是的,全体地使人满意的.

❹ 翻译a snob of the first water

He's a snob of the first water .

❺ snob alternative是什么

snob alternative

❻ snob牌子 snob不是势利小人的意思吗 衣服上还有only cash ... 这个牌子谁买过 SNOB到底什么含义


❼ 老外说snob什么意思

snob:英 [snɒb] ,美 [snɑ:b]

❽ 英文好的帮我翻译一下

the story doesn't end in a way that i expected, however it's also hard to find a more proper ending. I believe Holden did escape from that degenerate world, because in heart he is a pure and kind young man.

❾ snob什么意思啊


英 [snɒb] 美 [snɑ:b]
n.势利小人,势利眼; 附庸风雅之徒,假内行

复数: snobs
派生词:snobbery snobbism snobby


1. People want to buy designer labels for snob value.

2. She was an intellectual snob.

3. I was a thorough little academic snob.

4. Kenneth is an arrogant, rude, social snob.

5. She's such a snob!

❿ 求欧亨利的《汽车等待的时候》英文+中文



[美] 欧·亨利
















































[translation] cars waiting for a short time

Cars waiting

[beauty] ou Henry

Dusk cent, clothed in grey coat girl came to a small park in a quiet corner. Her on a bench for down and began to read. During the one and half hour, she still can see in the book of word.

Repeat: her clothing is grey. Pretty monotonous, style is elegant, and fit. A big hole surface veil caught her hat and face. She has a tranquil face, a kind of natural beauty in casual reveal. She in yesterday's at the same time just came here, the day before yesterday also came, And someone know these.

He is a young man, was nearby waiting. His patience was rewarded, girl was about to turn over the page, that book from her finger down and fallen from the bench feet have a yard place.

Young people get up the courage and picked up the book, back to its owner, face was covered with courteous and expectation. His adventure with pleasant tone say a sentence with simple words about the weather - this smacks of opening nature topic led to the world many unfortunate - then stood there, waiting for his fate.

Girl casually look at him, he dresses in plain clothes, but very untidy, face is not what special expression.

"If you like, please sit down." She said, that's a full, gentle alto, "I'm glad you do. This light doesn't suit reading. I talk to more willing to."

He well-manneredly sat down beside her.

"You know," he said, this is a park bench gentlemen who meet in a standard routines, "you are my long-cherished has seen the prettiest girl? I'd noticed you yesterday. Someone you pair of beautiful eyes swept him, do you know, cuckoo flower?"

"No matter who you are," the girl said coldly. "shouldn't forget I am a lady. I can forgive you just of the kindness words, no doubt, in your class, it is not a rare mistakes. I ask you to sit down, but if my invitation let I became your little cuckoo flower, so I take my invitation."

"I sincerely ask you to forgive," young man entreaty said, "this is my fault, you know, -- I mean, the park some girls, you know - I mean, of course, you won't understand, but --"

"Okay, please don't mention it. I certainly understand. Now, tell me about these people, they come and go, get together season-a road dowdy. Where they are going? Why are so soon? Are they happy?"

Young people cannot guess he should play the role. "Looking at their very interesting." He replied, "it is wonderful life drama. Some people are rush to dinner, also some people want to - uh -- somewhere else. Everybody wants to clarify their past."

"I don't want to," the girl said, "I'm not so curious. Only come here, sit here, I can feel great and ordinary human heartbeat. But in life, I will never be able to perceive such beating. Do you know why I chat with you? -- sir?"

"I call palmer Ken si tektronix." Said the young man, he looks a eager and full of expectations.

"No, don't ask my name." The girl said, raise the slender finger and smiled, "you'll recognize it immediately. Want their names in newspapers published, impossible, even photos, too. This veil and my maids hat hid my identity. You should see the driver stare's face when he thought I didn't see it. To be honest, have so five or six belongs to prominent family, but unfortunately, I was born in one. I was chatting with you, Steven tektronix Mr. Potter --"

"Paavo Ken si tektronix." Young people correct way, a face of humility.

", Mr Palmer Ken tektronix, because I want to, once, and an ordinary man - a is not money, AIRS and social superiority eroded people - talk. Ooh, don't you know how much I tired -- money, money, money! I authenticity, and those who are a mold to make dance dolls. I thoroughly tired, entertainment, jewelry, social, all costly things."

"I'd often thought," the young man hesitated and whispered, "the money must sample good thing."

"Can satisfy the comfortable life money is very good. But when you have millions --" dozen the gesture of despair, she finished this sentence, "that would be downright tedious." She went on to say, "is really boring. Rides, luncheon, theatre, ball, dinner, everywhere appearing a shares extravagant saame. Sometimes listen ice in my champagne jingled in, I feel I'm going crazy."

Palmer Ken, Mr Tektronix look very interested.

"I've always liked," he said, "go to read, or to hear people say, is how the snazzy rich life. I think I have some real snob, but I like total can master the accurate reliable information. I always thought that the champagne were frozen in the bottle of wine, and not to add ice."

Girl happy. Her laughter is the music general enchanting.

"You should know," she explained, patiently say, "in our the useless class, always wanted the some renewal cycle fun. Put into champagne ice is also recently come up. Which is a tartar prince, he was at the time the waldorf hotel dining. But it soon have to give other new way my way. In this week's banquet on Madison avenue, each dish side a green gloves, is let guests eat olive wear."

"I know," the young man humbly admits, "these circles unique entertainment won't make the public know."

"Sometimes," the girl slightly QianShen is his attitude courteous response, and continued, "I always think, they might be in love with a position is not tall man. He loves to work, rather than naught. But there is no doubt that wealth to level and the demanding than my ideal more strongly. Why should I tell you these? -- padme pato, Ken tektronix sir?"

"Parma Ken si tektronix." Young people with a deep breath and say, "I appreciate your trust. Really. You know that."

The girl looked at him, her face calm and indifferent, it just accord with their status in the disparity.

"What do you do, Mr. Palmer Ken si tektronix?" She asked.

"My job is very humble. But I hope that thrive in society. You just said you will fall in love with a lowly position, is serious?"

"I mean, but I said is' perhaps". There is a big ke, there is also a marquis, in pursuit of me. However, make, as long as I want, status again low also doesn't matter."

"I,", pat Ken tektronix solemnly said, "in a restaurant working."

Girl slightly shrink back a bit.

"Waiter?" She said, almost entreaty tone, "labor is glorious, but serve others, -, you know, squire and --"

"I am not the waiter, is an accountant, in - -" they are facing the street, just in front of the park, and a shining very is shining sign that read "dining-room". "- I'll in you can see that restaurant in do accounting."

The girl left wrist bracelet glanced at the eye on the small table set with, quickly stood up. She put the books into a sparkling handbag plug, but the book is too big for the handbag.

"You now why weren't work?" She asked.

"My ty." Young man said, "leave me to switch with an hour. We can meet again?"

"I don't know. Maybe I should - but there is no longer such a strange idea. I have to rush. There's a dinner to keep, should go to the balcony theatre - then ah! Is not old. Will you come to the park when maybe noticed that car now, in turn, white mouth there."

"Wheel is red?" Young people cryptically frown, asked.

"Yes, I always take that come. He Elmer was waiting for me yet. He thinks I am to square the head shopping. Just think of this life, connect oneself of driver has to cheat. Good night.

"But now it had already become dark," pat Ken si tektronix said, "in the park, there are many rude de. Can I --"

"If you to my wish retain any respect," the girl said resolutely, "please in after I left ten minutes to walk again. I don't like to blame you, but you probably know, the car have commonly master initials. Once again, I wish you good evening."

Her grave to stand up and away quickly, entered the night in. The young man looked at her graceful figure walked to the park outside the sidewalk, and turned to listen to the corner of the car started. Then he stood up, secretive, but without hesitation, walking along the trees and bushes with her a parallel course, side firmly her locks within sight.

When she reached the corner over there, she looked eye that car, then walk it, has been through streets. Young people hid in a parked a taxi, were fixed on her whereabouts. Along the park across the street pavements, she walked into the house with flashing placard restaurant. This is the most prominent building one of white, is a glass makes decoration, here can eat very cheap. Girl entered the restaurant, ran inside somewhere soon coming out again, this time didn't wear a hat and veil.

Accounting table in front of the shop just. A girl with red hair from the bench, also referred to climb down at the peculiar eye clock. Wear gray dresses girl had climbed up the table.

Young hands inserted into his pockets, gliding slowly back to the pavement. In the corner, with his feet with a compact paperback. The pretty cover let him to recognize him just the girl by reading the book. He optionally will it picks up, Chou Chou title, "new aribian night", the author is Stevenson. He threw it on the grass, standing hesitate for a while, and then walked into the car and went to cushion a depend, for drivers vomitted two words:

"The club, Henry."



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