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① 求爱伦坡各种小说和诗歌英文版


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② 爱伦坡作品英文赏析


③ 爱伦坡短篇小说集怎么样

如果你手头读的也是人民文学出版社名著名译这一版,来我们翻开目录页一个一个掰扯,看看这位仅仅活了四十年的坡先森到底发明了多少梗: 《瓶中手稿》:鬼船(灰翔的河南人默默飘过) 《出名》《生意人》《辛格姆61鲍勃先生的文学生涯》:讽刺小说(极其刻薄,极其辛辣,极其夸张,看了最后一篇就会知道为什么坡先生死后一堆编辑出来黑他喷他) 《丽姬娅》《鄂榭府崩溃记》:死尸复活,女鬼(后者在哥特小说界的大名不必多说了) 《钟楼里的魔鬼》:多出来的时间(喂这个主意多棒啊我就不说安房直子《谁也不知道的时间》我当初是有多爱了) 《威廉61威尔逊》:人格分裂(致命ID搏击俱乐部精神病患者什么的你们都给跪了吧) 《大漩涡底余生记》:海上历险 《艾蕾奥瑙拉》:善良的女鬼负心汉(蒲松龄老师你好) 《一星期有三个星期天》《眼镜》《斯芬克斯》:恶作剧小把戏,逆转结局(但绝对让人捧腹,尤其眼镜,尼玛神逆转) 《椭圆形画像》:真人和画像互替(是的,你想到的就是《道连格雷》。我自己写的《画魂》也抄的是这个创意啊不过当时我以为我抄的是王尔德是芥川的地狱变结果某天我读到了坡于是虎躯一震……) 《红死魔的面具》:中世纪哥特风恐怖小说 《陷坑与钟摆》:酷刑+心理折磨(我发誓我真没想到《风声》) 《泄密的心》《黑猫》:心理恐怖(我懒得说了这俩太有名了,韩露画了个漫画连名字都直接照抄了黑猫……) 《骗术》:类攥罗列式小说? 《长方形的盒子》:悬疑推理 《凹凸山的传说》:灵魂转世 前世今生 《提前埋葬》:活埋(这个梗现在恐怖片都用烂了吧==) 《焦油博士与羽毛教授的疗法》:精神病人反扮医生(我和达里奥福一起中枪了) 《气球骗局》:科幻 《离奇天使》:“黄粱一梦”模式 《同木乃伊的对话》:穿越(呵呵)古今之争 《一桶白葡萄酒》《跳蛙》:惊险复仇故事 《毛格街血案》《玛丽罗热疑案》《金甲虫》《窃信案》《就是你》:侦探推理(以后出现的诸如“安乐椅神探”“密码破译”“利用心理误区”“最不可能的人就是凶手”之类的梗,没错他们都学的是坡先森!没借鉴过坡先森的怎么好意思自称推理作家!) 综上所述,世间小说之梗,坡君一人占六七矣。

④ 爱伦坡用哪五个短篇小说确立了侦探小说的所有模式


⑤ 爱伦坡小说黑猫的读后感,要英文版的。。

I really like this a little suspense thriller, enjoying the story, suddenly thought of a story "a long time ago saw the monkey's paw", reason is that these two stories will leave a deep impression on me is their "terrorist reality", many horror stories of mystify, strange exaggeration, but will not make me feel afraid. Even a little terror also joined the sound, light, electricity rendering and kick up a cloud of st.

"The black cat" and "the monkey's paw" feel there is so natural, so real, and the source of the terror or indeed people the ironic inner demons. The real story as if it can happen around us, plot and so full of suspense attracts us to see what, after reading that had to admire the author have great originality, the writer tells us such a strange story to tell us a truth.

This is my most love theme, hope to be able to read more of such works.

⑥ 爱伦坡the mask of the red death的英文版



⑦ 爱伦坡 英文论文

"The Black Cat" is a short story by Edgar Allan Poe. It was first published in the August 19, 1843, edition of The Saturday Evening Post. It is a study of the psychology of guilt, often paired in analysis with Poe's "The Tell-Tale Heart".[1] In both, a murderer carefully conceals his crime and believes himself unassailable, but eventually breaks down and reveals himself, impelled by a nagging reminder of his guilt. The story is presented as a first-person narrative using an unreliable narrator. The narrator tells us that from an early age he has loved animals. He and his wife have many pets, including a large black cat named Pluto. This cat is especially fond of the narrator and vice versa. Their mutual friendship lasts for several years, until the narrator becomes an alcoholic. One night, after coming home intoxicated, he believes the cat is avoiding him. When he tries to seize it, the panicked cat bites the narrator, and in a fit of rage, he seizes the animal, pulls a pen-knife from his pocket, and deliberately gouges out the cat's eye.From that moment onward, the cat flees in terror at his master's approach. At first, the narrator is remorseful and regrets his cruelty. "But this feeling soon gave place to irritation. And then came, as if to my final and irrevocable overthrow, the spirit of PERVERSENESS." He takes the cat out in the garden one morning and hangs it from a tree, where it dies. That very night, his house mysteriously catches on fire forcing the narrator, his wife and their servant to flee.The next day, the narrator returns to the ruins of his home to find, imprinted on the single wall that survived the fire, the figure of a gigantic cat, hanging by its neck from a rope.At first, this image terrifies the narrator, but graally he determines a logical explanation for it, that someone outside had thrown the dead cat into the bedroom to wake him up ring the fire, and begins to miss Pluto. Some time later, he finds a similar cat in a tavern. It is the same size and color as the original and is even missing an eye. The only difference is a large white patch on the animal's chest. The narrator takes it home, but soon begins to loathe, even fear the creature. After a time, the white patch of fur begins to take shape and, to the narrator, forms the shape of the gallows.Then, one day when the narrator and his wife are visiting the cellar in their new home, the cat gets under its master's feet and nearly trips him down the stairs. In a fury, the man grabs an axe and tries to kill the cat but is stopped by his wife. Enraged, he kills her with the axe instead. To conceal her body he removes bricks from a protrusion in the wall, places her body there, and repairs the hole. When the police came to investigate, they find nothing and the narrator goes free. The cat, which he intended to kill as well, has gone missing.On the last day of the investigation, the narrator accompanies the police into the cellar. There, completely confident in his own safety, the narrator comments on the sturdiness of the building and raps upon the wall he had built around his wife's body. A wailing sound fills the room. The alarmed police tear down the wall and find the wife's corpse, and on her head, to the horror of the narrator, is the screeching black cat. As he words it: "I had walled the monster up within the tomb!" Like the narrator in Poe's "The Tell-Tale Heart", the narrator of "The Black Cat" has questionable sanity. Near the beginning of the tale, the narrator says he would be "mad indeed" if he should expect a reader to believe the story, implying that he has already been accused of madness.[2]One of Poe's darkest tales, "The Black Cat" includes his strongest denouncement of alcohol. The narrator's perverse actions are brought on by his alcoholism, a "disease" and "fiend" which also destroys his personality.[3] The use of the black cat evokes various superstitions, including the idea voiced by the narrator's wife that they are all witches in disguise. The titular cat is named Pluto after the Roman god of the Underworld. Publication history"The Black Cat" was first published in the August 19, 1843 issue of The Saturday Evening Post. At the time, the publication was using the temporary title United States Saturday Post.[4] Readers immediately responded favorably to the story, spawning parodies including Thomas Dunn English's "The Ghost of the Grey Tadpole".[5][edit] Adaptations [edit] In film "The Black Cat" was adapted into a film starring Bela Lugosi and Boris Karloff in 1934 and another with Lugosi and Basil Rathbone in 1941, although neither version bears much resemblance to the original story.[5] Many other adaptations exist but the most faithful to the original is the middle segment of Roger Corman's trilogy film Tales of Terror in 1962.[5] Although the overall film was cast with Vincent Price as the lead, in this segment, he was in a supporting role with Peter Lorre as the main character. The 1934 film Maniac also loosely adapts the story. This version follows a former vaudeville actor who kills a doctor and takes the doctor's place to hide his crime. "The Black Cat" was also adapted into a film of the same name by Italian horror director Lucio Fulci in 1981. Film director Dario Argento presented his own loose adaptation of the story in the 1990 anthology film Two Evil Eyes.[edit] In television "The Black Cat" is the eleventh episode of the second season of Masters of Horror. The plot essentially retells the short story in a semi-autobiographical manner, with Poe himself undergoing a series of events involving a black cat which he used to inspire the story of the same name.[edit] Recordings In 1997, a compilation of Poe's work was released on a double CD entitled Closed on Account of Rabies, with various celebrities lending their voices to the tales. The Black Cat was read by avant-garde performer Diamanda Galás.[edit] References in literary works In 1970, Czech writer Ludvík Vaculík made many references to "A Descent into the Maelstr�0�2m" as well as "The Black Cat" in his novel The Guinea Pigs.[edit] References in art In 1910-11 Futurist artist Gino Severini painted "The Black Cat" in direct reference to Poe's short story. An illustration and description can be found at this site

⑧ 有谁知道爱伦坡的小说<<Ligeia>>的英文内容简介


"Ligeia" is a short story written by Edgar Allan Poe. It was first published in the September 18, 1838 edition of American Museum Magazine, and was edited by two of Poe's friends, Dr. N.C. Brooks and Dr. J. E. Snodgrass. The magazine paid Poe $10 for "Ligeia" and another of his stories, "The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym."

Ligeia was extensively verbally revised throughout its publication history. It was reprinted in Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque (1840), the one volume of Phantasy Pieces (1842), and Tales by Edgar Allan Poe (1845), and it appeare alongside the poem "The Conqueror Worm" in the New York New World (February 15, 1845), and the Broadway Journal (after July, 1845)

The unnamed narrator describes the qualities of Ligeia, a beautiful, passionate and intellectual woman, raven-haired and dark-eyed, that he met "in a decaying city near the Rhine". They marry, but after a few years Ligeia dies; the narrator, grief-stricken, moves to England where he buys and refurbishes an abbey. He soon enters into a loveless marriage with "the fair-haired and blue-eyed Lady Rowena Trevanion, of Tremaine".

In the second month of the marriage, Rowena begins to suffer from worsening fever and anxiety. One night, when she is about to faint, the narrator pours her a goblet of wine. Drugged with opium, he sees (or thinks he sees) drops of "a brilliant and ruby colored fluid" fall into the goblet. Her condition rapidly worsens, and a few days later she dies and her body is wrapped for burial.

As the narrator keeps vigil overnight, he notices a brief return of colour to Rowena's cheeks. She repeatedly shows signs of reviving, before relapsing into apparent death. As he attempts resuscitation, the revivals become progressively stronger, but the relapses more final. As dawn breaks, and the narrator is sitting emotionally exhausted from the night's struggle, the shrouded body stands and walks into the middle of the room. When he touches the figure, its head bandages fall away to reveal masses of raven hair and dark eyes: Rowena has transformed into Ligeia.

⑨ 爱伦坡短篇小说理论的英文出处


⑩ 拜托大神们帮帮我!!!爱伦坡的 The Man of the Crowd 这个短篇小说的简介和爱伦

the jingle man的意思是叮当诗人,可译成写打油诗的人。爱伦坡是专业的文学评论家,因为坚内持自己的观点得罪了很多容大师级人物,比如爱默生。在爱伦坡去世后,Rugus Griswold 肆意修改爱伦坡的作品,外界怎么误解,他怎么改(因为爱伦坡曾在他的作品集里批驳过Rugus Griswold的作品 )。 从此爱默生被越抹越黑。
‘Emerson认为——爱伦坡是jingle man , Mark Twain 认为—— Poe's unreadable
Henry james 认为——"enthusiasm for poe is the mark of a decidedly primitive state of development" (若你对爱伦坡的作品有极大的兴趣,这标志着你的思想绝对停留在初级水平)



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