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发布时间:2021-08-18 00:11:10

Ⅰ 微时代里面的华又希最后和梅宝在一起了吗

那欧辉去哪里了 我看的结局薇薇不是陪他出国治病了么 他俩最后才应该在一起 梅宝和又希是肯定的咯

Ⅱ 梅宝的内容简介


Ⅲ CF梅宝是什么


Camfrog是世界上最大的聊天软件,全称为CF国外视频,CF视频,是一款一对多的完美聊天软件功能如下 1对1聊天,也可以加入多人视频聊天室没有视频也能看到对方m,

Ⅳ 求劳伦斯的短篇小说《马贩子的女儿》全文,中英不限

The Horse Dealer's Daughter



By DH Lawrence

'Well, Mabel, and what are you going to do with yourself?' asked Joe, with foolish flippancy. He felt quite safe himself. Without listening for an answer, he turned aside, worked a grain of tobacco to the tip of his tongue, and spat it out. He did not care about anything, since he felt safe himself.


The three brothers and the sister sat round the desolate breakfast table, attempting some sort of desultory consultation. The morning's post had given the final tap to the family fortunes, and all was over. The dreary dining-room itself, with its heavy mahogany furniture, looked as if it were waiting to be done away with.


But the consultation amounted to nothing. There was a strange air of ineffectuality about the three men, as they sprawled at table, smoking and reflecting vaguely on their own condition. The girl was alone, a rather short, sullen-looking young woman of twenty-seven. She did not share the same life as her brothers. She would have been good-looking, save for the impassive fixity of her face, 'bull-dog', as her brothers called it.


There was a confused tramping of horses' feet outside. The three men all sprawled round in their chairs to watch. Beyond the dark holly-bushes that separated the strip of lawn from the highroad, they could see a cavalcade of shire horses swinging out of their own yard, being taken for exercise. This was the last time. These were the last horses that would go through their hands. The young men watched with critical, callous look. They were all frightened at the collapse of their lives, and the sense of disaster in which they were involved left them no inner freedom.


Yet they were three fine, well-set fellows enough. Joe, the eldest, was a man of thirty-three, broad and handsome in a hot, flushed way. His face was red, he twisted his black moustache over a thick finger, his eyes were shallow and restless. He had a sensual way of uncovering his teeth when he laughed, and his bearing was stupid. Now he watched the horses with a glazed look of helplessness in his eyes, a certain stupor of downfall.


The great draught-horses swung past. They were tied head to tail, four of them, and they heaved along to where a lane branched off from the highroad, planting their great hoofs floutingly in the fine black mud, swinging their great rounded haunches sumptuously, and trotting a few sudden steps as they were led into the lane, round the corner. Every movement showed a massive, slumbrous strength, and a stupidity which held them in subjection. The groom at the head looked back, jerking the leading rope. And the cavalcade moved out of sight up the lane, the tail of the last horse, bobbed up tight and stiff, held out taut from the swinging great haunches as they rocked behind the hedges in a motionlike sleep.


Joe watched with glazed hopeless eyes. The horses were almost like his own body to him. He felt he was done for now. Luckily he was engaged to a woman as old as himself, and therefore her father, who was steward of a neighbouring estate, would provide him with a job. He would marry and go into harness. His life was over, he would be a subject animal now.


He turned uneasily aside, the retreating steps of the horses echoing in his ears. Then, with foolish restlessness, he reached for the scraps of bacon-rind from the plates, and making a faint whistling sound, flung them to the terrier that lay against the fender. He watched the dog swallow them, and waited till the creature looked into his eyes. Then a faint grin came on his face, and in a high, foolish voice he said:

'You won't get much more bacon, shall you, you little b----?'

The dog faintly and dismally wagged its tail, then lowered his haunches, circled round, and lay down again.



The Horse Dealer's Daughter(two)(2008-09-09 17:41:54)标签:杂谈

There was another helpless silence at the table. Joe sprawled uneasily in his seat, not willing to go till the family conclave was dissolved. Fred Henry, the second brother, was erect, clean-limbed, alert. He had watched the passing of the horses with more sang-froid. If he was an animal, like Joe, he was an animal which controls, not one which is controlled. He was master of any horse, and he carried himself with a well-tempered air of mastery. But he was not master of the situations of life. He pushed his coarse brown moustache upwards, off his lip, and glanced irritably at his sister, who sat impassive and inscrutable.


'You'll go and stop with Lucy for a bit, shan't you?' he asked. The girl did not answer.

'I don't see what else you can do,' persisted Fred Henry.

'Go as a skivvy,' Joe interpolated laconically.

The girl did not move a muscle.

'If I was her, I should go in for training for a nurse,' said Malcolm, the youngest of them all. He was the baby of the family, a young man of twenty-two, with a fresh, jaunty museau.





But Mabel did not take any notice of him. They had talked at her and round her for so many years, that she hardly heard them at all.


The marble clock on the mantel-piece softly chimed the half-hour, the dog rose uneasily from the hearthrug and looked at the party at the breakfast table. But still they sat on in ineffectual conclave.

'Oh, all right,' said Joe suddenly, a propos of nothing. 'I'll get a move on.'


“噢,好吧,”乔突然说道,a propos of nothing “我活动活动。”

He pushed back his chair, straddled his knees with a downward jerk, to get them free, in horsy fashion, and went to the fire. Still he did not go out of the room; he was curious to know what the others would do or say. He began to charge his pipe, looking down at the dog and saying, in a high, affected voice:

'Going wi' me? Going wi' me are ter? Tha'rt goin' further than tha counts on just now, dost hear?'


The Horse Dealer's Daughter(three)(2008-09-09 17:49:04)标签:杂谈

The dog faintly wagged its tail, the man stuck out his jaw and covered his pipe with his hands, and puffed intently, losing himself in the tobacco, looking down all the while at the dog with an absent brown eye. The dog looked up at him in mournful distrust. Joe stood with his knees stuck out, in real horsy fashion.


'Have you had a letter from Lucy?' Fred Henry asked of his sister.


'Last week,' came the neutral reply.


'And what does she say?'


There was no answer.


'Does she ask you to go and stop there?' persisted Fred Henry.


'She says I can if I like.'


'Well, then, you'd better. Tell her you'll come on Monday.'


This was received in silence.


'That's what you'll do then, is it?' said Fred Henry, in some exasperation.


But she made no answer. There was a silence of futility and irritation in the room. Malcolm grinned fatuously.


'You'll have to make up your mind between now and next Wednesday,' said Joe loudly, 'or else find yourself lodgings on the kerbstone.'


The face of the young woman darkened, but she sat on immutable.


'Here's Jack Fergusson!' exclaimed Malcolm, who was looking aimlessly out of the window.


'Where?' exclaimed Joe, loudly.


The Horse Dealer's Daughter(four)(2008-09-09 17:51:32)标签:杂谈

'Just gone past.'


'Coming in?'


Malcolm craned his neck to see the gate.


'Yes,' he said.


There was a silence. Mabel sat on like one condemned, at the head of the table. Then a whistle was heard from the kitchen. The dog got up and barked sharply. Joe opened the door and shouted:

'Come on.'



After a moment a young man entered. He was muffled up in overcoat and a purple woollen scarf, and his tweed cap, which he did not remove, was pulled down on his head. He was of medium height, his face was rather long and pale, his eyes looked tired.


'Hello, Jack! Well, Jack!' exclaimed Malcolm and Joe. Fred Henry merely said, 'Jack.'


'What's doing?' asked the newcomer, evidently addressing Fred Henry.


'Same. We've got to be out by Wednesday.--Got a cold?'


'I have--got it bad, too.'


'Why don't you stop in?'


'Me stop in? When I can't stand on my legs, perhaps I shall have a chance.' The young man spoke huskily. He had a slight Scotch accent.


'It's a knock-out, isn't it,' said Joe, boisterously, 'if a doctor goes round croaking with a cold. Looks bad for the patients, doesn't it?'


The young doctor looked at him slowly.


'Anything the matter with you, then?' he asked sarcastically.


'Not as I know of. Damn your eyes, I hope not. Why?'


'I thought you were very concerned about the patients, wondered if you might be one yourself.'


'Damn it, no, I've never been patient to no flaming doctor, and hope I never shall be,' returned Joe.


At this point Mabel rose from the table, and they all seemed to become aware of her existence. She began putting the dishes together. The young doctor looked at her, but did not address her. He had not greeted her. She went out of the room with the tray, her face impassive and unchanged.


'When are you off then, all of you?' asked the doctor.


Ⅳ 微时代华又希叶飞飞最后是在一起了么那梅宝呢


Ⅵ 黑龙江梅宝是谁



Ⅶ 梅宝的作者简介


Ⅷ 有部小说的女主角叫梅宝是哪部小说


Ⅸ 请问能在电子书上阅读到小说梅宝,仉焕之等作品吗




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