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发布时间:2022-01-03 15:49:30

A. 有一本小说女主角叫夏晴天,在演艺圈里的艺名叫summer


B. exo小说中女主叫summer的,是EXO帮助在校校长找女儿的,是那本小说


C. summer的小说角色

Charity Royall- 出生在一个贫困的山区环境,在五岁的时候被Royall律师先生“从山上带下来”。她的生母是个妓女。当Charity18岁的时候,喝醉酒的Royall律师先生闯进她的卧室,想要她嫁给他。但她拒绝了。随后,尽管她的文化水平不高,但是Royall律师先生还是帮她在镇里的图书馆谋得一个图书管理员的职位。这也是Charity后来遇到令她着迷的Lucius Harney的地方。
Charity Royall – Born in an impoverished mountain community, Charity was “brought down from the mountain” at age five by Lawyer Royall. Her mother had been a prostitute. When she is 18, a drunken Mr. Royall intrudes into her bedroom, prompting her to marry him. Mr. Royall helps her procure the position of town librarian, in spite of her lack of ecation. It is in the library where she meets the learned Lucius Harney.
Lawyer Royall – 作为North Dormer最伟大的人物,Royall律师先生在Charity五岁的时候成为了她的监护人。他曾经两次向她求婚。当他发现Charity和Lucius Harney的恋情时,强迫Lucius Harney要娶她。
Lawyer Royall – Known as the biggest man in North Dormer, Lawyer Royall became Charity’s guardian at age five. He twice proposes to marry her, and offers to force Harney into marrying her after discovering their affair.
Lucius Harney –最初是为了来North Dormer描绘老房子的他,遇上了Charity并和她开始了恋情,并成功地欺骗了Charity他已和交际花Annabel Balch订婚的消息。
Lucius Harney – He came to North Dormer to sketch some old houses and starts an affair with Charity Royall, the entire time successfully hiding the fact that he is engaged to society girl Annabel Balch.

D. 我想写一部校园小说,男主名叫誓恒,女主名叫Summer.我想以第一人称写,


E. 哪部言情小说里的女主角做个歌手叫summer


F. 女主角叫夏天的小说


G. 求一本小说,好像是花火那一类型的作者,叫什么桑,小说女主叫summer,和男主都是娱乐圈的,破镜重圆,


H. 有一本小说女主角叫夏晴天,在演艺圈里的艺名叫summer_




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